Autor: Krishna Sankar

Fast Data Processing with Spark 2. Accelerate your data for rapid insight - Third Edition

Krishna Sankar, Holden Karau

When people want a way to process big data at speed, Spark is invariably the solution. With its ease of development (in comparison to the relative complexity of Hadoop), it’s unsurprising that it’s becoming popular with data analysts and engineers everywhere. Beginning with the fundamentals, we’ll show you how to get set up with Spark with minimum fuss. You’ll then get to grips with some simple APIs before investigating machine learning and graph processing – throughout we’ll make sure you know exactly how to apply your knowledge. You will also learn how to use the Spark shell, how to load data before finding out how to build and run your own Spark applications. Discover how to manipulate your RDD and get stuck into a range of DataFrame APIs. As if that’s not enough, you’ll also learn some useful Machine Learning algorithms with the help of Spark MLlib and integrating Spark with R. We’ll also make sure you’re confident and prepared for graph processing, as you learn more about the GraphX API.


The Applied AI and Natural Language Processing Workshop. Explore practical ways to transform your simple projects into powerful intelligent applications

Krishna Sankar, Jeffrey Jackovich, Ruze Richards

Are you fascinated with applications like Alexa and Siri and how they accurately process information within seconds before returning accurate results? Are you looking for a practical guide that will teach you how to build intelligent applications that can revolutionize the world of artificial intelligence? The Applied AI and NLP Workshop will take you on a practical journey where you will learn how to build artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) applications with Amazon Web services (AWS).Starting with an introduction to AI and machine learning, this book will explain how Amazon S3, or Amazon Simple Storage Service, works. You’ll then integrate AI with AWS to build serverless services and use Amazon’s NLP service Comprehend to perform text analysis on a document. As you advance, the book will help you get to grips with topic modeling to extract and analyze common themes on a set of documents with unknown topics. You’ll also work with Amazon Lex to create and customize a chatbot for task automation and use Amazon Rekognition for detecting objects, scenes, and text in images.By the end of The Applied AI and NLP Workshop, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to build scalable intelligent applications with AWS.