Autor: Andrew Jones

Data Quality in the Age of AI. Building a foundation for AI strategy and data culture

Andrew Jones

As organizations worldwide seek to revamp their data strategies to leverage AI advancements and benefit from newfound capabilities, data quality emerges as the cornerstone for success. Without high-quality data, even the most advanced AI models falter. Enter Data Quality in the Age of AI, a detailed report that illuminates the crucial role of data quality in shaping effective data strategies.Packed with actionable insights, this report highlights the critical role of data quality in your overall data strategy. It equips teams and organizations with the knowledge and tools to thrive in the evolving AI landscape, serving as a roadmap for harnessing the power of data quality, enabling them to unlock their data's full potential, leading to improved performance, reduced costs, increased revenue, and informed strategic decisions.


Driving Data Quality with Data Contracts. A comprehensive guide to building reliable, trusted, and effective data platforms

Andrew Jones, Kevin Hu

Despite the passage of time and the evolution of technology and architecture, the challenges we face in building data platforms persist. Our data often remains unreliable, lacks trust, and fails to deliver the promised value.With Driving Data Quality with Data Contracts, you’ll discover the potential of data contracts to transform how you build your data platforms, finally overcoming these enduring problems. You’ll learn how establishing contracts as the interface allows you to explicitly assign responsibility and accountability of the data to those who know it best—the data generators—and give them the autonomy to generate and manage data as required. The book will show you how data contracts ensure that consumers get quality data with clearly defined expectations, enabling them to build on that data with confidence to deliver valuable analytics, performant ML models, and trusted data-driven products.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a comprehensive understanding of how data contracts can revolutionize your organization’s data culture and provide a competitive advantage by unlocking the real value within your data.