Autor: Chintan Mehta

Hands-On High Performance with Spring 5. Techniques for scaling and optimizing Spring and Spring Boot applications

Chintan Mehta, Subhash Shah, Pritesh Shah, Prashant Goswami, ...

While writing an application, performance is paramount. Performance tuning for real-world applications often involves activities geared toward detecting bottlenecks. The recent release of Spring 5.0 brings major advancements in the rich API provided by the Spring framework, which means developers need to master its tools and techniques to achieve high performance applications.Hands-On High Performance with Spring 5 begins with the Spring framework's core features, exploring the integration of different Spring projects. It proceeds to evaluate various Spring specifications to identify those adversely affecting performance. You will learn about bean wiring configurations, aspect-oriented programming, database interaction, and Hibernate to focus on the metrics that help identify performance bottlenecks. You will also look at application monitoring, performance optimization, JVM internals, and garbage collection optimization. Lastly, the book will show you how to leverage the microservice architecture to build a high performance and resilient application.By the end of the book, you will have gained an insight into various techniques and solutions to build and troubleshoot high performance Spring-based applications.


Mastering Apache Solr 7.x. An expert guide to advancing, optimizing, and scaling your enterprise search

Sandeep Nair, Chintan Mehta, Dharmesh Vasoya

Apache Solr is the only standalone enterprise search server with a REST-like application interface. providing highly scalable, distributed search and index replication for many of the world's largest internet sites.To begin with, you would be introduced to how you perform full text search, multiple filter search, perform dynamic clustering and so on helping you to brush up the basics of Apache Solr. You will also explore the new features and advanced options released in Apache Solr 7.x which will get you numerous performance aspects and making data investigation simpler, easier and powerful. You will learn to build complex queries, extensive filters and how are they compiled in your system to bring relevance in your search tools. You will learn to carry out Solr scoring, elements affecting the document score and how you can optimize or tune the score for the application at hand. You will learn to extract features of documents, writing complex queries in re-ranking the documents. You will also learn advanced options helping you to know what content is indexed and how the extracted content is indexed. Throughout the book, you would go through complex problems with solutions along with varied approaches to tackle your business needs. By the end of this book, you will gain advanced proficiency to build out-of-box smart search solutions for your enterprise demands.


MySQL 8 Administrator's Guide. Effective guide to administering high-performance MySQL 8 solutions

Chintan Mehta, Ankit K Bhavsar, Hetal Oza, Subhash Shah

MySQL is one of the most popular and widely used relational databases in the world today. The recently released version 8.0 brings along some major advancements in the way your MySQL solution can be administered. This handbook will be your companion to understand the newly introduced features in MySQL and show you how you can leverage them to design a high-performance MySQL solution for your organization.This book starts with a brief introduction to the new features in MySQL 8, and then quickly jumping onto the crucial administration topics that you will find useful in your day-to-day work. Topics such as migrating to MySQL 8, MySQL benchmarking, achieving high performance by implementing the indexing techniques, and optimizing your queries are covered in this book. You will also learn how to perform replication, scale your MySQL solution and implement effective security techniques. There is also a special section on the common and not so common troubleshooting techniques for effective MySQL administration is also covered in this book. By the end of this highly practical book, you will have all the knowledge you need to tackle any problem you might encounter while administering your MySQL solution.


MySQL 8 for Big Data. Effective data processing with MySQL 8, Hadoop, NoSQL APIs, and other Big Data tools

Shabbir Challawala, Chintan Mehta, Kandarp Patel, Jaydip Lakhatariya

With organizations handling large amounts of data on a regular basis, MySQL has become a popular solution to handle this structured Big Data. In this book, you will see how DBAs can use MySQL 8 to handle billions of records, and load and retrieve data with performance comparable or superior to commercial DB solutions with higher costs.Many organizations today depend on MySQL for their websites and a Big Data solution for their data archiving, storage, and analysis needs. However, integrating them can be challenging. This book will show you how to implement a successful Big Data strategy with Apache Hadoop and MySQL 8. It will cover real-time use case scenario to explain integration and achieve Big Data solutions using technologies such as Apache Hadoop, Apache Sqoop, and MySQL Applier. Also, the book includes case studies on Apache Sqoop and real-time event processing.By the end of this book, you will know how to efficiently use MySQL 8 to manage data for your Big Data applications.