Autor: Robert W. Chambers

Król w Żółci. Zbiór opowiadań

Robert W. Chambers

"Modlę się, by Bóg przeklął autora, który na świat cały rzucił klątwę swym dziełem niezwykłej urody i znakomitości, strasznym w swej prostocie, nieodpartym w swej prawdziwości - rzucił klątwę na świat, który drży teraz przed Królem w Żółci". Rok 1920. Na całym świecie, jak zaraza, rozprzestrzenia się znajomość osobliwej książki. Jej hipnotyzująca treść przyciąga kolejnych nieszczęśników i doprowadza ich do... przemiany. Kolejne nowele zbioru prezentują bohaterów, którzy pod wpływem przebiegłego utworu zaczynają pogrążać się w świecie fantazji, urojeń i podejrzeń. Mistrzowskie studium psychozy, w którym emocje sięgają zenitu. Główny motyw zbioru został zapożyczony i rozwinięty przez Lovecrafta. Pewne wątki literackiego horroru zostały wykorzystane przez twórców serialu True Detective". Lektura obowiązkowa dla miłośników Lovecrafta i Poe.


Lorraine. A Romance

Robert W. Chambers

Lorraine is a story about a young woman and her country. Lorraine comes of age during the dramatic war years in France. Its growth, conflicts and possible renewal are reflected in the countrys struggle for its independence against Germany.



Robert W. Chambers

This story continues the fantastic stories of Dr. Percy, forever searching the world for zoological discoveries and love, and doomed to never find either. Our narrator, Dr. Percy, works at the Bronx Zoo. He is one of those brave adventurers who seek to dive into the depths of uncharted lakes and discover the remains of a tribe of cave dwellers or the existence of people with three eyes.


Quick Action

Robert W. Chambers

This is a collection of short stories by Robert W. Chambers. Green challenges his friend, the adventure novelist, to show him what can happen to him, that indeed romance is all around us, just waiting for us to notice it. This is the only story that dives into fantasy when Green discovers a girl trying to avoid a fortune tellers prediction.


Special Messenger

Robert W. Chambers

This story revolves around the recognizable Miss Boyd. She is a famous Confederate spy and spy. This story keeps you in suspense until the very end.


The Adventures of a Modest Man

Robert W. Chambers

The narrator is a widower with two daughters, living happily into a rather troubling middle age and pushing away his daughters suitors so that his daughters would live with him a little longer. A younger neighbor persuades him to buy a pig and then bets that the boredom of life has so eclipsed his intelligence that he wont be smart enough to stop someone from stealing it. If the narrator loses the bet, he will jump out of his rut by going to Paris.


The Barbarians

Robert W. Chambers

This is the story of what happened to a dozen malcontents who could no longer tolerate dirty business in Europe and politicians at home. This is an exciting story that will keep you in suspense until the end of the story.


The Common Law

Robert W. Chambers

This book is one of the most popular novels by Robert William Chambers and has been translated into several other languages around the world. A casual conversation with a model for his new project forces him to test his theories about creativity, society, and love, and he discovers that other people have their own ideas about how it should all work.