Автор: E. Phillips Oppenheim
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The Yellow Crayon

E. Phillips Oppenheim

E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was an internationally renowned author of mystery and espionage thrillers. His novels and short stories have all the elements of blood-racing adventure and intrigue and are precursors of modern-day spy fictions. 1924s The Wrath to Come is one of his novels that are fascinating extrapolations of the political dangers that faced Europe and America in the first half of the twentieth century. This novel is very occasionally mentioned as being the weird book that seems to predict WWII. Written in the lull between the two great wars it postulates a German/Japanese alliance and the main plot revolves around Britain trying to shanghai America into foreign intrigue. The novel is extremely exciting reading and Oppenheim keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did.

Eлектронна книга

The Yellow House

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A detective and very mysterious story. Mr. Sabin is called out of blissful retirement to search for his missing wife. He believes Lucille to be kidnapped by members of a secret society of aristocrats. It is interesting to watch Mr. Sabin control himself and walk with such dignity and aristocratic bearing and tact, even as he plots to save his own life and reunite with his beloved Lucille. The Yellow Crayon presents a fascinating picture of the political mindset of the day to go along with the twists and turns of the story. Readers of Mr. Oppenheims novels may always count on a story of absorbing interest, turning on a complicated plot, worked out with dexterous craftsmanship.

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The Zeppelins Passenger

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A World War I tale of espionage in a fictional backwater area in England with no apparent military value called Dreymarsh. The story begins with Dreymarsh residents discovering an observation car from a German zeppelin along with a Homburg hat near Dreymarsh. This discovery triggers a range of events and introduces a myriad of characters which all make for a rather delightful mystery. Oppenheim was famous for his hundreds of spy and espionage novels. He is considered one of the originators of the thriller genre, his novels also range from spy thrillers to romance, but all have an undertone of intrigue. The Zeppelin Passenger is the most audacious German spy story with a strong hint of romance that Mr. Oppenheim has heretofore written.

Eлектронна книга

This Unique Crime and Mystery Collection of E. Phillips Oppenheim. MultiBook

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Edward Phillips Oppenheim is an English novelist, creator of adventure novels that gained immense popularity in the early 20th century. His espionage novels were widely known, where the writer was a pioneer. His works to a large extent contributed to the fact that the detective acquired not only the will and mental ability of the great detectives, but also iron grip, the ability to dodge and strike at the right time. The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: The Great Impersonation, The Zeppelins Passenger, The Devils Paw, The Avenger, An Amiable Charlatan, Jacobs Ladder, The Yellow Hous, The Cinema Murder, Anna the Adventuress, The Wicked Marquis, The Box with the Broken Seals, The Moving Finger, The Black Box, The Golden Web, The Great Secret, The Double Traitor, The Vanished Messenger, Havoc, The Pawns Count, The Yellow Crayon, The Mischief Maker, Mysterious Mr. Sabin, Jeanne of the Marshes, The Malefactor, A Lost Leader, The Survivor, The Great Prince Shan, Berenice, The Hillman, A Millionaire of Yesterday.

Eлектронна книга

Those Other Days

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A collection of nineteen stories, by Edward Phillips Oppenheim, mostly from the 1890s and early 1900s, published in magazines, and collected in 1913. Ghost stories, bizarre adventures, strange appearances and disappearances, and improbable love are the themes of these very enjoyable stories by the master storyteller. Young men courting women, psychic phenomena, and humorous characters abound. Those Other Days stories are almost Victorian in their diction and flavor, with some of the fascination of the period for supernatural events. If you havent discovered the joys of Oppenheims stories, which are clearly written and literary there is a good place to start. Highly recommended!

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To Win the Love He Sought

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This third novel by Oppenheim was published in 1895. It was originally published under the title A Daughter of the Marionis and was reprinted several times. The story of a vendetta, makes a capital plot for the novelist who takes characters from Southern life for his story, and in Margharita, a daughter of the Marionis, we have a not impossible character. She does not appear till late in the story, but takes up the vendetta of her uncle with a will. Marionis himself is a fine figure, and the scene when, having been let out of prison an old man, he seeks to resume his scheme of vengeance, and visits the degenerate committee of the White Hyacinth Society is full of stern pathos. The struggle Margharita has between love and hatred is also well described, and the interest in the story is never allowed to flag, and it continues absorbing to the end.

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Up the Ladder of Gold

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The secretive financier and Press baron Warren Rand is working to bring about Global Peace and Disarmament, against the plotting of England, France, Germany, and Russia. The story expands to include the chief characters in Rands life: his security chief a British officer Tellesom who falls in love with Rands estranged daughter, the financier John Glynde and a large cast of evil Russian and German spies. His machinations of the gold market and international sabotage bring the major players to the table. The book shows the interesting attitudes of Europeans towards America, the failure of the Revolution in Russia, the plotting of Germany for a second war and how millionaire corners the gold market and tries bribing the most powerful nations to maintain peace for forty years.

Eлектронна книга

What Happened to Forester

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Major Andrew Forester is a retired British Army officer, of no discernible occupation, who wanders about Europe, England and the United States. He is looking for adventure, but not outside the bounds of the acceptable. He is willing to skirt the law, but not break it. His peripatetic life style brings him in contact with scam artists, gold-diggers, art thieves, industrial spies, taxi dancers, and flappers. Sometimes he benefits from these associations, but at other times he is their victim. He does this all with style, impeccable clothing, and a humorous tolerance of human failings. What Happened to Forester is collection of short stories which includes the following ones: Ange Marie, The modern marauder, The shrew of Madrid, An ethical dilemma, The fugitive of Adelphie terrace, The battling pacifist and others.