Autor: Homer

The Iliad


One of the greatest stories ever told, "The Iliad" has survived for thousands of years because of its insightful portrayal of man and its epic story of war, duty, honor, and revenge. The poem itself centers on the figure of Achilles the Greek warrior, his quarrel with King Agamemnon the Greek leader, the death of Achilles friend Patroclus, and Achilles ultimate defeat of the Trojan warrior Hector. In the course of relating this core story, the main events of the whole war are covered. Revenge and meddling gods weave through this epic of a seemingly endless war. Seven Greek cities claim the honor of being the birthplace of Homer, the poet to whom the composition of "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" are attributed. "The Iliad" is one of the foremost achievements in Western literature, but the identity or even the existence of Homer himself is a complete mystery, with no reliable biographical information having survived.


The Odyssey


A classic for the ages, The Odyssey recounts Odysseus (Ulysses) journey home after the Trojan War. After the end of the war, Ulysses and his companions decide to return home, but in the middle of the path a horrible storm deviates them from the original route. Just one more difficulty, they have to face monsters like Cyclops and Mermaids, always overcoming them with cleverness astuteness. During one of these confrontations, all his companions are murdered and Ulysses has to continue his journey alone, but a generous king and the goddess Athena helps him. He withstands the lure of the Sirens song and a trip to the Underworld, only to find his most difficult challenge at home, where treacherous suitors seek to steal his kingdom and his loyal wife, Penelope.