Деталі електронної книги

Chemistry for Environmental Engineering. Laboratory

Chemistry for Environmental Engineering. Laboratory

Agata Piotrowska, Jan Bogacki, Małgorzata Kucharska

Eлектронна книга

This script was created as an auxiliary material for chemistry laboratory classes conducted at Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering. The intent was to gather and present in the form of a prescript basic information on the principles of preparing and conducting chemical experiments. Script contains descriptions of elementary methods, apparatus and measurement. The script is designed for Environmental Engineering students, as didactic material for @Chemistry laboratory course.

Preface 7


1.1. Safety rules 9

1.2. Basics 10

1.2.1. Standard solution 10

1.2.2. Concentrations 11

1.2.3. Molar concentration 11

1.2.4. Normal concentration 12

1.2.5. Percent concentration 13

1.2.6. Density 14

1.3. Alkacymetry 14

1.4. Argentometry 17

1.5. Complexometry 20

1.6. Manganometry 23

1.7. Iodometry 25

1.8. Colorimetry 28

1.8.1. Colorimetric phosphate(V) determination 31

1.8.2. Colorimetric colloidal silica titration 32

1.9. Spectrometry 32

1.10. Ion exchange 33

1.11. Adsorption 38

1.12. Example of Report 43


2.1. Water analysis 46

2.1.1. pH 46

2.1.2. Conductivity 47

2.1.3. Smell (odour) 47

2.1.4. Colour 48

2.1.5. Turbidity 49

2.1.6. Manganese 49

2.1.7. Iron 51

2.1.8. Alkalinity 51

2.1.9. Total hardness 52

2.1.10. Carbon dioxide: free and aggressive 53

2.1.11. Determination of oxygen 56

2.1.12. Permanganate index  57

2.1.13. Chlorides Cl–  59

2.1.14. Sulfates SO42- 59

2.1.15. Nitrates NO3- 60

2.1.16. Nitrites NO2 -  61

2.1.17. Ammonium NH4 +  62

2.1.18. Phosphates and total phosphorous 63

2.2.  Wastewater analysis 65

2.2.1. Total suspended solids 65

2.2.2. Dry residue 65

2.2.3. Chemical oxidation demand 66

2.2.4. Total nitrogen 68

2.2.5. Biological Oxidation Demand 69

2.2.6. Phenol index 70

2.2.7. Determination of surfactants 71


3.1. Organic pollutants determination in soil using Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) 73

3.1.1. Solid sample extraction with Soxhlet apparatus 76

3.1.2. Liquid sample extraction 78

3.2. Determination of heavy metals using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) 79

3.2.1. Total heavy metal content determination in bottom sediments 83

3.2.2. EDTA speciation of heavy metals in bottom sediments (bio-available and not vail­able fraction) 83

3.2.3. Tessier’s speciation of heavy metals in bottom sediments 84

3.3. Industrial wastewater treatment with Coagulation/Sedimentation (C/S) and Coagulation/ Dissolved Air Flotation (C/DAF) processes 85

3.3.1. Coagulation/Sedimentation (C/S) 88

3.3.2. Coagulation/Dissolved Air Flotation (C/DAF) 89

3.4. Industrial wastewater treatment with Advanced Oxidation Process (AOPs) 90

3.4.1. Phenol removal from industrial wastewater 92

3.5. Photochemical Fe (III) reduction 93

3.5.1. Trivalent Iron photochemical reduction 95

3.6. Self-purification of water 97

3.6.1. Preparation of sample for natural water self-purification ability determination 98

3.7. Carbonate balance disruption – softening water 102

3.7.1. Thermal method for softening water 103

3.8. Fluorides determination 104

3.8.1. Fluorides determination with ion selective electrode 105

Bibliography 156

  • Назва: Chemistry for Environmental Engineering. Laboratory
  • Автор: Agata Piotrowska, Jan Bogacki, Małgorzata Kucharska
  • ISBN: 978-83-8156-341-3, 9788381563413
  • Дата видання: 2022-08-30
  • Формат: Eлектронна книга
  • Ідентифікатор видання: e_2w2v
  • Видавець: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej