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Blender 3D Basics Beginner's Guide. A quick and easy-to-use guide to create 3D modeling and animation using Blender 2.7

Blender 3D Basics Beginner's Guide. A quick and easy-to-use guide to create 3D modeling and animation using Blender 2.7

Gordon Fisher

This book teaches you how to model a nautical scene, complete with boats and water, and then add materials, lighting, and animation. It demystifies the Blender interface and explains what each tool does so that you will be left with a thorough understanding of 3D. This book starts with an introduction to Blender and some background on the principles of animation, how they are applied to computer animation, and how these principles make animation better. Furthermore, the book helps you advance through various aspects of animation design such as modeling, lighting, camera work, and animation through the Blender interface with the help of several simple projects. Each project will help you practice what you have learned and do more advanced work in all areas.
  • 0. Preface
  • 1. Introducing Blender and Animation
  • 2. Getting Comfortable using the 3D View
  • 3. Controlling the Lamp, the Camera, and Animating Objects
  • 4. Modeling with Vertices, Edges, and Faces
  • 5. Building a Simple Boat
  • 6. Making and Moving the Oars
  • 7. Planning your Work, Working your Plan
  • 8. Making the Sloop
  • 9. Naming and finishing your Sloop
  • 10. Modeling Organic Forms, Sea, and Terrain
  • 11. Improving your Lighting and Camera Work
  • 12. Rendering and Compositing
  • 13. Appendix: Appendix
  • Titel: Blender 3D Basics Beginner's Guide. A quick and easy-to-use guide to create 3D modeling and animation using Blender 2.7
  • Autor: Gordon Fisher
  • Originaler Titel: Blender 3D Basics Beginner's Guide. A quick and easy-to-use guide to create 3D modeling and animation using Blender 2.7
  • ISBN: 9781783984916, 9781783984916
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2014-08-26
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_30pz
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing