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TYPO3 4.3 Multimedia Cookbook. Over 50 great recipes for effectively managing multimedia content to create an organized web site in TYPO3

TYPO3 4.3 Multimedia Cookbook. Over 50 great recipes for effectively managing multimedia content to create an organized web site in TYPO3

Dan Osipov, Adrian Zimmerman

TYPO3 is one of the world's leading open source content management systems, written in PHP, which can be used to create and customize your web site. Along with text content, you can display high quality images, audio, and video to your site's visitors by using TYPO3. It is essential to manage various types of multimedia files in content management systems for both editors and the users on the frontend of the site.The book gives you a step-by-step process for organizing an effective multimedia system. It also gives solutions to commonly encountered problems, and offers a variety of tools for dealing with multimedia content. The author's experience in large-scale systems enables him to share his effective solutions to these problems.If you choose to work through all the recipes from the beginning, you will start by setting up a basic web site set up, aimed at future expansion and scalability. Next, you will cover the basics of digital asset management—a major topic important in all enterprises. You can organize user groups because next you will be creating accounts for users and assigning permissions. Then you will jump into metadata—text information describing the multimedia objects—and learn how it can be manipulated in TYPO3. You will embed multimedia on your site when you have read the various methods for embedding mentioned in this book. Before you finish the book you will learn about some advanced topics, such as external API integrations and process automation.
  • TYPO3 4.3 Multimedia Cookbook
    • Table of Contents
    • TYPO3 4.3 Multimedia Cookbook
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Getting Started
      • Introduction
        • Expectations and prerequisites
        • Note on IDE
      • Setting up a web server on Debian
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • Theres more...
          • ImageMagick
          • Apache commands
        • See also
      • Setting up a multithreaded environment
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • See also
      • Setting up a web server on Windows
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
          • Installing MySQL database on Windows
        • See also
      • Creating a scalable architecture
        • How to do it...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Setting up an NFS share
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
          • Mounting an NFS
        • See also
      • Setting up TYPO3
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Installing needed extensions
        • How to do it...
        • There's more...
          • Importing T3X files
          • Checking out unstable extensions
      • Creating a template for a site
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
          • How it works...
          • There's more...
            • Markers vs. Subparts
            • Including JavaScript
    • 2. Managing Digital Assets
      • Setting up a file structure
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • There's more...
          • Uploading multiple files
          • Uploading through traditional file module
        • See also
      • Setting up a filemount
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Setting up rights for backend users
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • There's more...
          • Backend user groups
      • Setting up FTP access
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
          • Debugging
          • Different hosts
          • More options
        • See also
      • Setting up a category tree
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • There's more...
          • Associations
          • Photo galleries
          • More options
        • See also
      • Creating a frontend upload form
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
          • main()
          • getForm()
          • uploadFile()
          • indexFile()
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Debugging code
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
          • There's more...
        • Creating frontend user groups
          • How to do it...
          • See also
        • Creating frontend users
          • How to do it...
          • There's more...
          • See also
    • 3. Operating with Metadata in Media Files
      • Inserting metadata into images
        • How to do it...
          • In Windows
          • In Photoshop
      • Extracting metadata from images
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
          • Service priority
          • Exiftags
        • See also
      • Inserting metadata into audio
        • How to do it...
      • Extracting metadata from audio
        • How to do it...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Extracting metadata from PDF
        • How to do it...
    • 4. Rendering Images
      • Rendering images using content elements
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
      • Embedding images in RTE
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
          • Other modes of inclusion
            • New Plain Image
            • Drag 'n' Drop
            • Upload
            • Current Image
          • Resizing images
          • Setting maximum dimensions of images
          • Using TinyMCE for embedding images
      • Rendering images using TypoScript
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
          • Adding alternative text to images
          • Wrapping the image in a link
          • Executing from an extension
        • See also
      • Rendering links to files using <media> tags
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
      • Creating a gallery using ce_gallery
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
          • Using Slimbox for displaying images
          • Utilizing batch processing
        • See also
      • Rendering metadata from a DAM object
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
        • See also
    • 5. Rendering Video and Audio
      • Rendering video using media content object
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • There's more...
          • Embedding external videos
        • See also
      • Rendering audio using media content object
        • How to do it...
        • See also
      • Rendering audio and video using media TypoScript object
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
      • Rendering audio and video using content elements and rgmediaimages extension
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • There's more...
          • Customizing FLV and MP3 output
          • Embedding YouTube videos
        • See also
      • Extending the media content object for more rendering options
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
          • ext_localconf.php
          • class. tx_soundmanager2.php
            • customMediaRenderTypes()
            • customMediaRender()
        • See also
      • Using custom media player to play video
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
          • ext_localconf.php
          • class.tx_webflvplayer.php
            • customMediaRenderTypes()
            • customMediaParams()
            • customMediaRender()
        • There's more...
          • Utilizing templates
          • Commercial players
        • See also
      • Connecting to Flash Media Server to play video
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
          • Embedding Flash in RTE
        • See also
    • 6. Connecting to External APIs
      • Introduction
      • Getting files from Amazon S3
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
          • How it works...
          • There's more...
            • Searching for objects
            • Finding common prefixes
            • Working with large object lists
          • See also
        • Uploading files to S3
          • Getting ready
          • How to do it...
            • How it works...
            • There's more...
              • Sending additional information in file headers
              • Assigning object permissions
              • Deleting an object
            • See also
          • Creating a bucket in S3
            • Getting ready
            • How to do it...
              • How it works...
              • There's more...
                • Creating buckets in different locations
                • Setting permissions for a bucket
                • Deleting a bucket
              • See also
            • Uploading DAM files to S3
              • Getting ready
              • How to do it...
              • How it works...
              • There's more...
                • Setting unique flexform options for each plugin instance
              • See also
            • Getting recent Flickr photos
              • Getting ready
              • How to do it...
                • How it works...
                • There's more...
                  • Error reporting and debugging
                  • Downloading a list of recent photos
                • See also
              • Uploading files to Flickr
                • Getting ready
                • How to do it...
                • How it works...
                • There's more...
                  • Gaining permissions
                  • Choosing between synchronous and asynchronous upload
                • See also
              • Uploading DAM files to Flickr
                • Getting ready
                • How to do it...
                • How it works...
                  • ext_conf_template.txt
                  • ext_tables.php
                  • class.tx_dam_flickr_upload_action.php
                    • var $typesAvailable = array('control', 'context');
                    • function isPossiblyValid($type, $itemInfo = NULL, $env = NULL)
                    • function isValid($type, $itemInfo = NULL, $env = NULL)
                    • function getIcon($addAttribute = '')
                    • function getLabel()
                    • function _getCommand()
                  • mod1/index.php
                    • init()
                    • auth()
                    • main()
                • See also
              • Reading list of movies from YouTube API
                • Getting ready
                • How to do it...
                  • How it works...
                  • There's more...
                    • Filters
                  • See also
                • Authenticating requests to YouTube API
                  • Getting ready
                  • How to do it...
                    • How it works...
                    • There's more...
                    • See also
                  • Showing video list with frontend plugin
                    • Getting ready
                    • How to do it...
                    • How it works...
                      • main()
                      • init()
                      • renderContent()
                      • renderFeed()
                    • There's more...
                      • Displaying video
                      • Sending parameters to plugins
                    • See also
    • 7. Creating Services
      • Extracting metadata from OpenOffice documents
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
          • init()
          • process()
          • parseMetaData()
        • See also
      • Processing audio using a service
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
          • Include a getid3 class
          • init()
          • process()
          • processMetaData()
        • See also
      • Converting a video to FLV upon import
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
          • ext_localconf.php
          • class.tx_flvConverter.php
            • filePostTrigger
            • compileExec
            • processOutput
        • There's more...
          • Debugging the extension
          • More on file conversions
          • Clearing cache
        • See also
      • Converting audio using services
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
          • Using service subtypes
        • See also
      • Building an audioConversion service
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
          • How it works...
            • getTypes()
            • checkConversion()
            • process()
          • See also
    • 8. Automating Processes
      • Adding FTP access to the media repository
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more....
          • Throwing exceptions
          • Downloading by date
          • Using scheduler for scheduled tasks
          • Checking out other FTP functions
        • See also
      • Indexing downloaded files
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
          • Using dam_cron
        • See also
      • Setting up indexing rules
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
        • How it works...
        • There's more...
          • Setting more options in Step 2
            • Index sub folders
            • Categorize files from folder names
            • Reindexing
            • Force to make a title from file name
            • Dry run
            • Delete all index data
          • Setting indexing field predefinition in Step 3
          • Indexing setup summary in Step 4
          • Setting more TSconfig options
            • tx_dam.indexing.skipFileTypes
            • tx_dam.indexing.auto
            • tx_dam.indexing.autoMaxInteractive
            • tx_dam.indexing.replaceFile.reindexingMode
            • tx_dam.indexing.editFile.reindexingMode
            • tx_dam.indexing.useInternalMimeList
            • tx_dam.indexing.useMimeContentType
            • tx_dam.indexing.useFileCommand
        • See also
      • Categorizing files by geolocation
        • Getting ready
        • How to do it...
          • How it works...
          • There's more...
            • Post processing
            • Creating new categories
          • See also
    • Index
  • Title: TYPO3 4.3 Multimedia Cookbook. Over 50 great recipes for effectively managing multimedia content to create an organized web site in TYPO3
  • Author: Dan Osipov, Adrian Zimmerman
  • Original title: TYPO3 4.3 Multimedia Cookbook. Over 50 great recipes for effectively managing multimedia content to create an organized web site in TYPO3
  • ISBN: 9781847198495, 9781847198495
  • Date of issue: 2010-02-03
  • Format: Ebook
  • Item ID: e_3ayl
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing