Details zum E-Book

Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook. Turn your digital data into dynamic graphics with this exciting, leading-edge cookbook. Packed with recipes and practical guidance it will quickly make you a proficient user of the D3 JavaScript library

Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook. Turn your digital data into dynamic graphics with this exciting, leading-edge cookbook. Packed with recipes and practical guidance it will quickly make you a proficient user of the D3 JavaScript library

Nick Zhu

D3.js is a JavaScript library designed to display digital data in dynamic graphical form. It helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3 allows great control over the final visual result, and it is the hottest and most powerful web-based data visualization technology on the market today.

Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook is packed with practical recipes to help you learn every aspect of data visualization with D3.

Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook is designed to provide you with all the guidance you need to get to grips with data visualization with D3. With this book, you will create breathtaking data visualization with professional efficiency and precision with the help of practical recipes, illustrations, and code samples.

Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook starts off by touching upon data visualization and D3 basics before gradually taking you through a number of practical recipes covering a wide range of topics you need to know about D3.

You will learn the fundamental concepts of data visualization, functional JavaScript, and D3 fundamentals including element selection, data binding, animation, and SVG generation. You will also learn how to leverage more advanced techniques such as custom interpolators, custom tweening, timers, the layout manager, force manipulation, and so on. This book also provides a number of pre-built chart recipes with ready-to-go sample code to help you bootstrap quickly.
  • 1. Getting Started
  • 2. Be Selective
  • 3. Dealing With Data
  • 4. Tipping the Scales
  • 5. Play with Axes
  • 6. Transition with Style
  • 7. Getting into Shape
  • 8. Chart Them Up
  • 9. Lay them out some more
  • 10. Well Behaved Visualization
  • 11. Feel the force
  • 12. Test Drive Your Visualization
  • 13. Appendix A
  • Titel: Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook. Turn your digital data into dynamic graphics with this exciting, leading-edge cookbook. Packed with recipes and practical guidance it will quickly make you a proficient user of the D3 JavaScript library
  • Autor: Nick Zhu
  • Originaler Titel: Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook. Turn your digital data into dynamic graphics with this exciting, leading-edge cookbook. Packed with recipes and practical guidance it will quickly make you a proficient user of the D3 JavaScript library.
  • ISBN: 9781782162179, 9781782162179
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2013-10-24
  • Format: E-book
  • Artikelkennung: e_3baz
  • Verleger: Packt Publishing