Szczegóły ebooka

Joomla! 2.5 Beginner's Guide. Joomla! is the free and easy way to create websites, and this book is written for absolute beginners who want to learn the basics and go beyond. Packed with helpful screenshots and crystal clear instructions

Joomla! 2.5 Beginner's Guide. Joomla! is the free and easy way to create websites, and this book is written for absolute beginners who want to learn the basics and go beyond. Packed with helpful screenshots and crystal clear instructions

Eric Tiggeler

Joomla! is one of the most popular open-source Content Management Systems, actively developed and supported by a world-wide user community. Although it's a fun and feature-rich tool, it can be challenging to get beyond the basics and build a site that meets your needs perfectly. Using this book you can create dynamic, interactive web- sites that perfectly fit your needs.
Completely updated for Joomla! 2.5, this practical guide teaches you how to create professional, appealing and extendable websites, whether you want to create a full-featured company or club website or build a personal blog site.
The Joomla! Beginner's Guide helps beginners to get started quickly and to get beyond the basics to take full advantage of Joomla!'s powerful features. Completely updated from the first book, real-life examples and tutorials will spark your imagination and show you what kind of professional, contemporary, feature-rich websites any developer can achieve with Joomla!. This book thoroughly covers the concepts behind the software and creates a coherent picture of how the software works. This book is not about what Joomla! can do ñ it's about what you can do using Joomla!.
  • Joomla! 2.5 Beginners Guide
    • Table of Contents
    • Joomla! 2.5 Beginner's Guide
    • Credits
    • About the Author
    • About the Reviewers
      • Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
        • Why Subscribe?
        • Free Access for Packt account holders
    • Preface
      • What this book covers
      • What you need for this book
      • Who this book is for
      • Conventions
      • Time for action heading
        • What just happened?
        • Pop quiz heading
        • Have a go hero heading
      • Reader feedback
      • Customer support
        • Downloading the color images of this book
        • Errata
        • Piracy
        • Questions
    • 1. Introduction: A New and Easy Way to Build Websites
      • Join the CMS revolution
        • Why would you choose Joomla?
        • What kind of sites can you build with Joomla?
      • Learning to use Joomla
        • What you'll learn using this book
        • About the example site
      • Summary
    • 2. Installation: Getting Joomla Up and Running
      • What do you need to start?
        • Hosting space
        • FTP software
        • A great browser (think Firefox)
      • Installing Joomla in four steps
      • Time for action downloading the Joomla files
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action placing the files on the web server
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action creating a database
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action running the Joomla installation wizard
        • What just happened?
      • Got stuck? Get help!
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of installing Joomla
      • Summary
    • 3. First Step: Getting to Know Joomla
      • Making the switchbuilding websites the Joomla way
        • Sorry, web pages have ceased to exist
        • Why is this a good thing?
        • A website built of blocks
      • Introducing frontend and backend: the Joomla interface
        • Your workspace: the backend
        • And what's the frontend?
      • The frontend: the website as the user sees it
      • Time for action tour the example site
        • What just happened?
        • Exploring the example content
        • Have a go hero get familiar with other example sites
      • Taking control: administering your site in the backend
      • Time for action log in to the backend
        • What just happened?
        • Taking a closer look at the Control Panel
          • Top menu
          • Shortcut buttons
          • Preview and Info Bar
          • Information panels
        • Understanding backend tools and controls
      • Getting your feet wet: start administering your site
        • Three types of backend tasks
          • Content management example: let's create some content!
      • Time for action publish your first article
        • What just happened?
          • Extension management example: adding a module
      • Time for action add a module to the site
        • What just happened?
          • Site management example: configuring basic site settings
      • Time for action set Joomla preferences
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero explore the configuration options
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of Joomla basics
      • Summary
    • 4. Web Building Basics: Creating a Site in an Hour
      • What you will be making
        • Meet your client
      • Cleaning up: removing the sample data
        • Step 1: remove sample content
      • Time for action deleting articles and categories
        • Step 2: delete menus and other modules
      • Time for action deleting menus
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero clean out the list of modules
      • Building your new site in three steps
      • Step 1: customize the layout
      • Time for action preparing a new logo image
        • Replacing the header image
      • Time for action replace the header image
      • Time for action tweak the design details
        • What just happened?
          • CSS stylesheets? Come again?
      • Have a go hero explore layout settings
      • Step 2: add content
        • Create a foundation first: make categories
      • Time for action create a News category
        • What just happened?
        • Add articles to the category
      • Time for action create an article
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero add your own images to articles
        • Making content visible on the site: create a menu link
      • Time for action add a menu link
        • What just happened?
          • Now that's the all-important power of menus
        • Have a go hero create more categories and articles
        • Create menu links to the new content
        • Add individual content pages: uncategorized articles
      • Time for action add uncategorized articles
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero clean up the Main Menu
        • Put some content on the home pageat last!
          • Add items to the home page
      • Time for action adding items to the home page
        • What just happened?
      • Step 3: add extras through extensions
        • Components and Extensions, what's the difference?
        • Add a contact form
      • Time for action create a contact
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action create a Contact Form menu link
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero clean up the Top menu
        • Add a special message block
      • Time for action create a message block
        • What just happened?
      • Wrapping up: change site settings
      • Time for action change site configuration
        • What just happened?
        • Pop quiz test your basic Joomla knowledge
      • Summary
    • 5. Small Sites, Big Sites: Organizing your Content Effectively
      • Building on the example site
      • Grouping content: a crash course in site organization
        • Designing a site map
      • Time for action create a future proof site map
        • What just happened?
        • Transferring your site map to Joomla
        • How do you turn a site map into a website?
      • Creating categories and subcategories
      • Time for action create a category and subcategories
        • What just happened?
        • In what case do you need more subcategory levels?
        • Have a go hero rearrange existing categories
        • Adding content to new categories
      • Displaying main categories and subcategories on your site
      • Time for action create a link to point to a main category
        • Have a go hero explore the possibilities of category pages
      • Refining your site structure
      • Time for action move content from one category to another
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go heromoving entire categories
        • Renaming categories
      • Time for action rename a category
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero name and rename!
        • Changing category settings
      • Building a site without using categories
        • How do you go about building a small site?
        • Have a go hero organize a site!
        • Pop quiz test your site organization knowledge
      • Summary
    • 6. Creating Killer Content: Adding and Editing Articles
      • Articles, content pages, what's the difference?
      • Creating and editing articles: beyond the basics
      • Making your words look good: formatting article text
      • Time for action add styling to article text
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero change the formatting
      • Adding images to articles
      • Time for action upload images
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action inserting and aligning images
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero adjust the image settings
        • Extending the possibilities of the Media Manager
      • Time for action enabling the Flash image uploader
      • Changing the way the article displays
        • One lump or two? Split the article in an intro text and main text
      • Time for action creating an intro text
        • What just happened?
        • Creating multi-page articles
      • Time for action using page breaks to split up an article
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero use sliders and tabs
      • Tweaking the details: changing article settings
        • Article Permissions
        • Setting general preferences for all articles
          • Articles tab
          • Category tab
          • Categories, Blog/Featured Layouts, List Layouts, and Shared Options tabs
          • Integration tab
          • Text Filters tab
          • Permissions tab
      • Archiving articles
      • Time for action creating a news archive
        • What just happened?
        • Pop quiz test your article expertise
      • Summary
    • 7. Welcoming your Visitors: Creating Attractive Home Pages and Overview Pages
      • Why do you need overview pages, anyway?
      • Creating the perfect home: mastering home page layout
        • Changing the way the home page is arranged
      • Time for action rearrange the layout of articles on the home page
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero tweak home page layout options
        • Adding items to the home page
        • Controlling the order of home page items manually
        • Setting criteria to automatically order home page items
      • Time for action show the most recent items first
        • What just happened?
          • The Featured Articles menu item type an overview of all options
            • Layout Options
            • Article Options
            • Integration Options
            • Link Type Options
            • Page Display Options
            • Metadata Options
            • Module assignment for this Menu Item
        • Creating more than one page containing Featured Articles
        • Another type of home page: using a single article
      • Time for action creating a different home page
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero undo!
      • Creating category overview pages
        • Two main choices: Blog layout and List layout
      • The first type of overview page: creating Category Blog layouts
      • Time for action create a facebook using the Blog layout
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero add a category description
          • Showing full articles on a category overview page
        • Have a go hero experiment with Category Blog layout settings
          • Blog Layout Options, Article Options, Integration Options, Link Type Options, Page Display Options, and Metadata Options
          • Category Options
      • The second type of overview page: Lists
      • Time for action add a link to a Category List layout
        • What just happened?
        • Customizing lists: exploring Category List options
          • Required Settings
          • Category Options
          • List Layouts
          • Article Options, Integration Options, Link Type Options, Page Display Options, and Metadata Options
      • How are multi-level categories displayed in Lists?
        • Pop Quiz test your knowledge of home pages and overview pages
      • Summary
    • 8. Helping your Visitors Find What they Want: Managing Menus
      • How many menus can you have?
      • Creating user-friendly navigationcleaning up the Main Menu
        • Option 1: Change the order of menu items
      • Time for action changing menu item order
        • What just happened?
        • Option 2: Create submenu items
      • Time for action creating a secondary menu item
        • What just happened?
        • Option 3: Add a separate new menu
      • Time for action creating a new, empty menu
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action moving hyperlinks to the new menu
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action telling Joomla where to display the menu
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero changing menu settings
        • Creating split submenus
        • Have a go hero arrange menus any way you like
      • Exploring menu module settings
        • Two ways to switch to the menu module screen
          • Details
          • Menu Assignment
          • Basic Options
          • Advanced Options
        • Have a go hero try out the menu settings
      • What types of menu links are available?
        • Have a go hero try out Menu Item Types
      • Creating plain text links
      • Time for action creating text links
        • What just happened?
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge on menus
      • Summary
    • 9. Opening up the Site: Enabling Users to Log in and Contribute
      • What are the default user groups and their permissions?
        • Publicthe guest group
        • Registered usersthe user group that can log in
        • Author, Editor, and Publisherthe frontend content contributors
        • Manager, Administrator, and Super Userthe backend content contributors and administrators
        • Shop Suppliers and Customerstwo example user groups
      • Enabling users to log in and contribute content
      • Time for action adding a user with frontend authoring permissions
        • What just happened?
        • Enabling content contributors to log in to the frontend
      • Time for action put a Login Form on the home page
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action logging in as a frontend content contributor
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero create a frontend User Menu
        • Reviewing and publishing team content submissions
      • Time for action reviewing and publishing submitted content
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero explore different User Group permissions
          • Find out what editors and publishers can do
          • Find out what backend users can do
      • Enabling self-registrationallowing visitors to register
        • How do you enable users to create their own account?
          • Displaying a Login menu link
      • Time for action register yourself and log in
        • What just happened?
        • Hiding content for non-registered users
      • Time for action hiding content for non-registered users
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero change access level settings
        • Getting your visitors to 'register to read more'
      • Time for action partially hiding content from non-registered users
        • What just happened?
      • Creating custom-made user groups
        • What are the permissions you can assign to user groups?
        • What Viewing Access Levels are available?
        • Creating a custom user group to manage contacts
      • Time for action create a user group
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action tell Joomla what the group can see
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action tell Joomla what the group can do
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action add users to the new group
        • What just happened?
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of Joomla user management
      • Summary
    • 10. Getting the Most out of your Site: Extending Joomla
      • Extensions in all shapes and sizes
        • The big onesComponents
        • The medium onesModules
        • The tiny onesPlugins
        • Where do you get extensions from?
      • Enhancing your site using core extensions
        • Highlighting articles using the Newsflash module
      • Time for action adding a Newsflash to the home page
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero change the Newsflash settings
        • Creating a list of contacts using the Contacts component
      • Time for action add a series of contacts
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero try out contact component settings
        • What extensions are part of the Joomla core?
      • Enhancing your site using third-party extensions
        • Trying out an alternative Newsflash module
      • Time for action downloading and installing an extension
      • Time for action putting the extension to work
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero explore module options
        • Showing images in a lightbox gallery
      • Time for action create an image gallery
        • What just happened?
          • Do you want more from your photo gallery?
          • Using extensions to enhance your work space
      • Time for action replace Joomla's default text editor
        • What just happened?
        • So much more to explore
        • Updating extensions
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of Joomla extensions
      • Summary
    • 11. Creating an Attractive Design: Working with Templates
      • This is what templates do
      • And this is why templates are so much fun
        • Where can you get a new template for your site?
      • Changing the settings of the current template
        • What are Template Styles?
        • Customizing the current template using built-in options
      • Time for action changing the site color and layout options
        • What just happened?
      • Changing to a different template
        • Previewing available templates
        • Setting a different template as the default
      • Time for action activating a different template
      • Time for action changing the logo and header image
        • What just happened?
      • Applying Template Styles to individual pages
      • Time for action creating a Template Style for one specific page
      • Downloading and installing a new template
      • Time for action downloading and activating a new template
      • Time for action place modules in new template positions
        • What just happened?
      • Time for action replace the logo file
      • Time for action adding a banner module
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero change template settings
      • Customizing a template: tweaking CSS styles
        • Understanding the very basics of CSS
        • Tweaking the banner image CSS
        • Diving deeper into Joomla CSS: using Firebug
      • Time for action editing CSS on the fly using Firebug
        • What just happened?
          • Expanding your CSS toolkit
          • Expanding your CSS knowledge
        • Editing the template HTML
      • Time for action removing the fixed footer text
        • What just happened?
      • Backing up and restoring a customized template
      • Creating your own template
        • Template building resources
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of Joomla templates
      • Summary
    • 12. Attracting Search Engine Traffic: Tips and Techniques
      • Why do you need to accommodate for search engines?
      • Optimizing articles for findability
        • The article title: Make it meaningful
        • The article structure: Use clear formatting
          • Adding H3 through H6 headings
          • Adding an second H1 page heading
      • Time for action adding a page heading to an article
        • What just happened?
          • Page Heading and Page Titlewhat's the difference?
        • The article body text: Use relevant keywords
          • Update articles regularly
        • The images: Explain what they're about
      • Configuring HTML page titles
      • Time for action setting the HTML page title
        • What just happened?
        • Adding the Site Name to the page title
      • Adding meaningful metadata
      • Time for action personalize the site metadata
        • What just happened?
        • Choosing what metadata to set
        • Have a go hero find metadata to fit your site
      • Use search engine friendly URLS
      • Adding extra links to site content
        • Creating an automatically generated list of hyperlinks
      • Time for action add a list of links to popular articles
        • What just happened?
        • Have a go hero add link lists
      • Redirecting visitors to pages that have been moved
      • Time for action creating page redirects
        • Redirecting multiple old URLs in one go
      • Getting to know more about your site traffic
      • More SEO resources
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of Joomla search engine optimization
      • Summary
    • A. Keeping the Site Secure
      • Update regularly
      • Choose a safe Administrator Username
      • Choose a strong password
      • Protect files and directories
        • Setting File Permissions
      • Using extensions to secure your site
      • Have a backup ready
        • Creating a Backup with Akeeba Backup
        • Restoring a backup
      • Stay informed!
    • B. Pop Quiz Answers
      • Chapter 2, Installation: Getting Joomla Up and Running
        • Pop quiz test Your Knowledge of Installing Joomla
      • Chapter 3, First Step: Getting to Know Joomla
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of Joomla basics
      • Chapter 4, Web Building Basics: Creating a Site in an Hour
        • Pop quiz test your basic Joomla knowledge
      • Chapter 5, Small Sites, Big Sites: Organizing your Content Effectively
        • Pop quiz test your site organization knowledge
      • Chapter 6, Creating Killer Content: Adding and Editing Articles
        • Pop quiz test your article expertise
      • Chapter 7, Welcoming your Visitors: Creating Attractive Home Pages and Overview Pages
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of home pages and overview pages
      • Chapter 8, Helping your Visitors Find What they Want: Managing Menus
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge on menus
      • Chapter 9, Opening up the Site: Enabling Users to Log in and Contribute
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of Joomla user management
      • Chapter 10, Getting the Most out of your Site: Extending Joomla
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of Joomla extensions
      • Chapter 11, Creating an Attractive Design: Working with Templates
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of Joomla templates
      • Chapter 12, Attracting Search Engine Traffic: Tips and Techniques
        • Pop quiz test your knowledge of Joomla search engine optimization
    • Index
  • Tytuł: Joomla! 2.5 Beginner's Guide. Joomla! is the free and easy way to create websites, and this book is written for absolute beginners who want to learn the basics and go beyond. Packed with helpful screenshots and crystal clear instructions
  • Autor: Eric Tiggeler
  • Tytuł oryginału: Joomla! 2.5 Beginner's Guide. Joomla! is the free and easy way to create websites, and this book is written for absolute beginners who want to learn the basics and go beyond. Packed with helpful screenshots and crystal clear instructions.
  • ISBN: 9781849517911, 9781849517911
  • Data wydania: 2012-03-26
  • Format: Ebook
  • Identyfikator pozycji: e_3ckd
  • Wydawca: Packt Publishing