
Ansible 2 w praktyce. Automatyzacja infrastruktury, zarządzanie konfiguracją i wdrażanie aplikacji

Daniel Oh, James Freeman, Fabio Alessandro Locati

Ansible w praktyce. Automatyzacja konfiguracji i proste instalowanie systemów. Wydanie II

Lorin Hochstein, Rene Moser

Ansible w praktyce. Automatyzacja konfiguracji i proste instalowanie systemów. Wydanie III

Bas Meijer, Lorin Hochstein, René Moser

Architecting High-Performance Embedded Systems. Design and build high-performance real-time digital systems based on FPGAs and custom circuits

Jim Ledin

Archiwizacja i odzyskiwanie danych

W. Curtis Preston

Arduino Data Communications. Learn how to configure databases, MQTT, REST APIs, and store data over LoRaWAN, HC-12, and GSM

Robert Thas John

BeagleBone for Secret Agents. Browse anonymously, communicate secretly, and create custom security solutions with open source software, the BeagleBone Black, and cryptographic hardware

Joshua Datko

Building CI/CD Systems Using Tekton. Develop flexible and powerful CI/CD pipelines using Tekton Pipelines and Triggers

Joel Lord

Building Networks and Servers Using BeagleBone. Set up and configure a local area network and file server by building your own home-based multimedia server

Glenn V Veer, William Pretty, Glenn Vander Veer

Embedded Linux Development with Yocto Project. Develop fascinating Linux-based projects using the groundbreaking Yocto Project tools

Otavio Salvador, Otavio R Salvador, Daiane Angolini

Embedded Linux Projects Using Yocto Project Cookbook. Over 70 hands-on recipes for professional embedded Linux developers to optimize and boost their Yocto know-how

Alex Gonzalez

Getting Started with Electronic Projects. Build thrilling and intricate electronic projects using LM555, ZigBee, and BeagleBone

William Pretty, Kevin Dunglas

Getting Started with UDOO. Become an efficient maker by designing and building amazing prototypes with the UDOO platform and Android

Maurizio Caporali, Emanuele Palazzetti

Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering for Beginners. Analyze, identify, and avoid malicious code and potential threats in your networks and systems

A. P. David

Instant Citrix Security How-to. A guide to bulletproofing your enterprise environment with the excellent security features in Citrix

Carmel Jacob

Klastry pracy awaryjnej w środowisku Windows. Instalacja, konfiguracja i zarządzanie

Andrzej Szeląg