
Czy chciałbyś głębiej wniknąć w świat cyberbezpieczeństwa oraz nowoczesnych technologii? Na pewno zainteresuje Cię w takim razie nasza biblioteka online. Znajdziesz tutaj książki, dzięki którym poznasz metody wykorzystywane przez hakerów. Dowiesz się także, jak skutecznie chronić dane oraz testować programy i wykrywać w nich błędy.


Mobile Forensics - Advanced Investigative Strategies. Click here to enter text

Oleg Afonin, Vladimir Katalov

Investigating digital media is impossible without forensic tools. Dealing with complex forensic problems requires the use of dedicated tools, and even more importantly, the right strategies. In this book, you’ll learn strategies and methods to deal with information stored on smartphones and tablets and see how to put the right tools to work.We begin by helping you understand the concept of mobile devices as a source of valuable evidence. Throughout this book, you will explore strategies and plays and decide when to use each technique. We cover important techniques such as seizing techniques to shield the device, and acquisition techniques including physical acquisition (via a USB connection), logical acquisition via data backups, over-the-air acquisition. We also explore cloud analysis, evidence discovery and data analysis, tools for mobile forensics, and tools to help you discover and analyze evidence.By the end of the book, you will have a better understanding of the tools and methods used to deal with the challenges of acquiring, preserving, and extracting evidence stored on smartphones, tablets, and the cloud.


Mobile Forensics Cookbook. Data acquisition, extraction, recovery techniques, and investigations using modern forensic tools

Igor Mikhaylov

Considering the emerging use of mobile phones, there is a growing need for mobile forensics. Mobile forensics focuses specifically on performing forensic examinations of mobile devices, which involves extracting, recovering and analyzing data for the purposes of information security, criminal and civil investigations, and internal investigations.Mobile Forensics Cookbook starts by explaining SIM cards acquisition and analysis using modern forensics tools. You will discover the different software solutions that enable digital forensic examiners to quickly and easily acquire forensic images. You will also learn about forensics analysis and acquisition on Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry devices. Next, you will understand the importance of cloud computing in the world of mobile forensics and understand different techniques available to extract data from the cloud. Going through the fundamentals of SQLite and Plists Forensics, you will learn how to extract forensic artifacts from these sources with appropriate tools. By the end of this book, you will be well versed with the advanced mobile forensics techniques that will help you perform the complete forensic acquisition and analysis of user data stored in different devices.


Mobile Security: How to Secure, Privatize, and Recover Your Devices. Mobile phones and tablets enhance our lives, but they also make you and your family vulnerable to cyber-attacks or theft. This clever guide will help you secure your devices and know what to do if the worst happens

Darla Nykamp, Joseph Anderson, Jayasree Nampalli, Mari Heiser, ...

The threat of hacking may be the most damaging on the internet. Mobile technology is changing the way we live, work, and play, but it can leave your personal information dangerously exposed. Your online safety is at risk and the threat of information being stolen from your device is at an all- time high. Your identity is yours, yet it can be compromised if you don't manage your phone or mobile device correctly.Gain the power to manage all your mobile devices safely. With the help of this guide you can ensure that your data and that of your family is safe. The threat to your mobile security is growing on a daily basis and this guide may just be the help you need.Mobile Security: How to Secure, Privatize, and Recover Your Devices will teach you how to recognize, protect against, and recover from hacking attempts and outline the clear and present threats to your online identity posed by the use of a mobile device.In this guide you will discover just how vulnerable unsecured devices can be, and explore effective methods of mobile device management and identity protection to ensure your data's security. There will be special sections detailing extra precautions to ensure the safety of family members and how to secure your device for use at work.


Modele rozwiązań prawnych w systemie cyberbepiczeństwa RP. Rekomendacje

red. Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, Agnieszka Brzostek

Przedmiotem zainteresowania Autorów stało się interdyscyplinarnie postrzegane cyberbezpieczeństwo, zaś badaniom poddano prawne i organizacyjne rozwiązania na rzecz efektywnego przeciwdziałania oraz zwalczania niebezpiecznych zachowań w cyberprzestrzeni. Wyzwaniem badawczym stały się także relacje pomiędzy systemem cyberbezpieczeństwa a systemem prawa i związanym z tym działaniem organów władzy publicznej. Ważne zagadnienie stanowiła również analiza prawno-administracyjnych uregulowań w zakresie ochrony danych osobowych oraz ochrony informacji w cyberprzestrzeni, a także odpowiedzialności karnej za naruszenie dóbr podlegających przedmiotowej ochronie. Prof. dr hab. Waldemar KITLER, ASZWOJ Publikacja wpisuje się w aktualny nurt nauk o cyberbezpieczeństwie i jest interdyscyplinarna, tak samo jak pojęcie i system cyberbezpieczeństwa, obejmując swoim zakresem prawo publiczne i prywatne. Istotą i tym co odróżnia ją o innych dostępnych na rynku opracowań w zakresie systemu cyberbezpieczeństwa jest wskazanie przez każdego z Autorów rekomendacji w zakresie rozwoju określonych dziedzin prawa w systemie cyberbezpieczeństwa. dr hab. Jarosław Kostrubiec, prof. UMCS


Modern Cryptography for Cybersecurity Professionals. Learn how you can leverage encryption to better secure your organization's data

Lisa Bock

In today's world, it is important to have confidence in your data storage and transmission strategy. Cryptography can provide you with this confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. But are you aware of just what exactly is involved in using cryptographic techniques? Modern Cryptography for Cybersecurity Professionals helps you to gain a better understanding of the cryptographic elements necessary to secure your data.The book begins by helping you to understand why we need to secure data and how encryption can provide protection, whether it be in motion or at rest. You'll then delve into symmetric and asymmetric encryption and discover how a hash is used. As you advance, you'll see how the public key infrastructure (PKI) and certificates build trust between parties, so that we can confidently encrypt and exchange data. Finally, you'll explore the practical applications of cryptographic techniques, including passwords, email, and blockchain technology, along with securely transmitting data using a virtual private network (VPN).By the end of this cryptography book, you'll have gained a solid understanding of cryptographic techniques and terms, learned how symmetric and asymmetric encryption and hashed are used, and recognized the importance of key management and the PKI.


Modern Network Observability. A hands-on approach using open source tools such as Telegraf, Prometheus, and Grafana

David Flores, Christian Adell, Josh VanDeraa, Eric Chou, ...

As modern IT services and software architectures such as microservices rely increasingly on network performance, the relevance of networks has never been greater. Network observability has emerged as a critical evolution of traditional monitoring, providing the deep visibility needed to manage today’s complex, dynamic environments. In Modern Network Observability, authors David Flores, Christian Adell, and Josh VanDeraa share their extensive experience to guide you through building and deploying a flexible observability stack using open-source tools.This book begins by addressing the limitations of monolithic monitoring solutions, showing you how to transform them into a composable, flexible observability stack. Through practical implementations, you’ll learn how to collect, normalize, and analyze network data from diverse sources, build intuitive dashboards, and set up actionable alerts that help you stay ahead of potential issues. Later, you’ll cover advanced topics, such as integrating observability data into your network automation strategy, ensuring your network operations align with business objectives.By the end of this book, you'll be able to proactively manage your network, minimize downtime, and ensure resilient, efficient, and future-proof operations.


Monitoring i bezpieczeństwo sieci

Chris Fry, Martin Nystrom

Poznaj najskuteczniejsze metody obrony sieci korporacyjnych Jak stworzyć profesjonalny system kontroli zabezpieczeń? Jak utrzymać solidne źródła danych? Jak określić rodzaje zdarzeń niezbędne do wykrywania naruszeń reguł? Wszędobylskość i niesamowite możliwości współczesnych złośliwych programów sprawiają, że nikt dziś nie może polegać wyłącznie na oprogramowaniu antywirusowym — nawet jeśli jest ono wciąż aktualizowane. Z powodu ciągle zmieniającego się zagrożenia dla systemu informatycznego organizacji niezbędne stało się aktywne monitorowanie sieci. Autorzy tej książki proponują Ci taki właśnie nowoczesny, skuteczny system zabezpieczeń. Jeśli spróbujesz wdrożyć u siebie kilka z ich zaleceń, w znacznym stopniu podniesiesz bezpieczeństwo sieci korporacyjnej. Jeśli natomiast zrealizujesz wszystkie zalecenia, masz szansę stworzyć jeden z najlepszych na świecie systemów monitorujących! Zatem do dzieła! Książka "Monitoring i bezpieczeństwo sieci" zawiera zestaw wyjątkowych metod, służących do wykrywania incydentów w sieciach globalnych. Autorzy — eksperci do spraw bezpieczeństwa — najpierw podają elementy niezbędne do prowadzenia skutecznego monitorowania sieci, a następnie pokazują, jak stworzyć ukierunkowane strategie oraz wdrożyć pragmatyczne techniki ochrony. Z tego podręcznika dowiesz się, w jaki sposób definiować reguły dotyczące bezpieczeństwa, regulacji i kryteriów monitorowania. Nauczysz się zbierać informacje o infrastrukturze poddawanej obserwacji, wybierać cele i źródła monitorowania. Dzięki temu samodzielnie stworzysz niezawodny system kontroli zabezpieczeń! Implementowanie reguł monitorowania Rodzaje reguł Taksonomia sieci Wybieranie celów monitorowania Wybieranie źródeł zdarzeń Automatyczne monitorowanie systemów Telemetria sieci Zarządzanie adresami IP Zabezpiecz sieć — wykorzystaj najskuteczniejsze, nowoczesne metody monitorowania systemów informatycznych!


Monitoring with Opsview. Once you've learnt Opsview monitoring, you can keep watch over your whole IT environment, whether physical, virtual, or private cloud. This book is the perfect introduction, featuring lots of screenshots and examples for fast learning

Alan S Wijntje

Monitoring increasingly complex IT environments can pose quite a challenge. Virtualization and cloud-based applications are finding their way into many IT estates over the world. Keeping a watchful eye out for your infrastructure is now more important than ever, and Opsview allows you to do just that.Monitoring with Opsview is a practical guide to the entire Opsview product range, consisting of various examples and screenshots to help you get up and running with Opsview. This book will show you the powerful features and modules available in Opsview, and will help you create an Opsview-based monitoring system suited for your needs.Starting with the installation of your own Opsview Core system, we will then go through the basic configuration followed by the various special features of the system, using practical examples to show how we can make use of these features. After covering the Core system, we will later look at the Pro and Enterprise offerings and how their additional features can benefit you.You will learn about the unique features of Opsview like viewing (and interacting with) your IT estate from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, creating special views with keywords, and using templates for fast configurations. From there, we will move on to the Pro and Enterprise systems, looking at the powerful modules available like distributed monitoring and reporting, and finishing it all off with a discussion of the eye-catching dashboards.Monitoring with Opsview will show you the power of the Opsview system, keywords, attributes, dashboards, and all the tools you need to get that single view into your entire IT estate.