
Czy chciałbyś głębiej wniknąć w świat cyberbezpieczeństwa oraz nowoczesnych technologii? Na pewno zainteresuje Cię w takim razie nasza biblioteka online. Znajdziesz tutaj książki, dzięki którym poznasz metody wykorzystywane przez hakerów. Dowiesz się także, jak skutecznie chronić dane oraz testować programy i wykrywać w nich błędy.

Windows Forensics Cookbook. Over 60 practical recipes to acquire memory data and analyze systems with the latest Windows forensic tools

Scar de Courcier, Oleg Skulkin

Windows Malware Analysis Essentials. Master the fundamentals of malware analysis for the Windows platform and enhance your anti-malware skill set

Victor Marak

Windows Ransomware Detection and Protection. Securing Windows endpoints, the cloud, and infrastructure using Microsoft Intune, Sentinel, and Defender

Marius Sandbu

Windows Server 2016 Security, Certificates, and Remote Access Cookbook. Recipe-based guide for security, networking and PKI in Windows Server 2016

Jordan Krause

Windows Server 2022 Administration Fundamentals. A beginner's guide to managing and administering Windows Server environments - Third Edition

Bekim Dauti

Wireshark 2 Quick Start Guide. Secure your network through protocol analysis

Charit Mishra

Wireshark Essentials. Get up and running with Wireshark to analyze network packets and protocols effectively

James H. Baxter, James H Baxter

Wireshark Network Security. A succinct guide to securely administer your network using Wireshark

Piyush Verma