
Księżniczka Tarakanowa. Romans historyczny

Grigorij P. Danilewski

Powieść częściowo oparta na faktach historycznych. Tytułowa księżniczka to rzekoma córka carycy Elżbiety. Miała ona pretendować do rosyjskiego tronu po śmierci matki. Autor szczegółowo opisuje sytuację polityczną Rosji, dokładnie przedstawia historyczne postacie powieści. Wplata też w fabułę wątek miłosny, który nie jest poparty źródłem historycznym. Powieść Danilewskiego zalicza się do gatunku dramatu historycznego.


Белые ночи (Białe noce)

Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский, Fiodor Michajłowicz Dostojewski

Повесть Федора Достоевского 201eБелые ночи» 2013 это лирическая исповедь героя-мечтателя, вдохновенно переживающего свою влюбленность. Санкт-Петербург. Лето. Белые ночи. Однажды на прогулке главный герой неожиданно встречает милую девушку Настеньку. Молодые люди сближаются. Они встречаются белыми ночами, беседуют, затрагивая историю своей жизни. В одной из таких бесед Настенька рассказывает о бывшем постояльце, что квартировал в их с бабушкой доме. Тогда-то девушка и влюбилась в него. Любви не суждено было вылиться во что-то большее, ибо постоялец съехал, обещав вернуться через год. Прошёл год, бывший постоялец в городе, но с Настенькой так и не связался. И вот, молодой человек, сам изнывая от любви к девушке, вызывается помочь ей, дабы разрешить сложившуюся ситуацию...


Brandon of the Engineers

Harold Bindloss

Our hero is one hundred percent faithful to work. His goal was to build high-quality bridges and move up the career ladder. Brandon was already close to his goal. However, on his way there is Claire Kenwardin, who changes the course of his life. Secrets lay the foundation for their relationship.


Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Fingal O Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854-1900) war ein irischer Schriftsteller. Bekannt ist Wilde neben seinen hervorragenden Werken auch für seinen schwarzen Humor, den er nie verlor, auch in schweren Zeiten nicht. Oscar Wildes Dorian Gray ist eine der berühmtesten Figuren der Weltliteratur. Der elegant-zynische Dandy Dorian Gray hat sich ganz der Ästhetisierung seines Lebens verschrieben, ohne sich von moralischen Vorbehalten behindern zu lassen. Dorian stürzt sich haltlos ins lüsterne Londoner Nachtleben. Ausschweifung und Genuss wecken in ihm den innigen Wunsch nach unvergänglicher Jugend und auf wundersame Weise altert fortan nicht mehr er selbst, sondern ein Porträt von ihm. Schließlich zeigt das Gemälde die verzerrte Fratze eines alten Wüstlings ein Spiegelbild seines Inneren, dem der von Gewissensbissen gequälte Dorian nicht länger standzuhalten vermag.


Annes House of Dreams

Lucy Maud Montgomery

A chronicle of Annes early married life, as she and her childhood sweetheart Gilbert Blythe begin to build their life together in the little house of dreams in the picturesque, lonely and sometimes wild seascapes of Four Winds Harbour. A tale uniting the much-loved characters also brings a farewell to Anne Shirley and officially welcomes Anne Blythe. It also introduces intriguing and entertaining new characters Captain Jim, the tragic Lesley, the outspoken and warmhearted Miss Cornelia and homely Susan. While Annes days are filled with triumphs and tragedies, her imagination, spirit, and sense of humor guide her as she navigates this next chapter in her extraordinary life. Montgomerys fifth installment changes its perception of Anne adding a new tone of sadness to the series which differs from that of the previous books.


The Woman of Mystery

Maurice Leblanc

A chance encounter irrevocably alters the course of one mans life, and the tensions between France and Germany boil over... In The Woman of Mystery, Leblanc paints a wonderful tale of WWI in France, twined together with the mystery surrounding the murder of main character Pauls father. Maurice Leblanc became famous for the creation of Arsene Lupin, a gentleman thief and master of disguise. Leblanc was born to a wealthy family, studied law, worked as a police reporter for a time, then found his career as a fiction writer. While LeBlanc wrote much other fiction, it was the Lupin series which made him internationally famous, the French equivalent of Arthur Conan Doyle.


For the Queen

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A novel written in 1912. These are good Victorian or Edward tales about representatives of the English upper class who are engaged in uncovering crimes, espionage, good deeds and shrouded by secrets. Some of these stories Oppenheim continued to develop in full novels. Others are short master classes with sketches, character and description. Unlike many of his stories, the ending for a couple of them is more acute or sad than usual.


Józef Balsamo

Aleksander Dumas ojciec

Powieść historyczna opowiadająca dzieje masona Józefa Balsamo i jego ucznia Honoriusza Gilberta oraz rodziny Taverney. Tłem historycznym powieści są romanse królów francuskich Ludwika XV i Ludwika XVI. Inspiracją do kreacji głównego bohatera była sylwetka hrabiego Cagliostro.



Zofia Żurakowska

Skarby stanowią pierwszą część planowanej trylogii autobiograficznej Zofii Żurakowskiej. Kolejno powstał tom Pożegnanie domu, jednak ze względu na zawieruchy dziejowe pisarce nie udało się dokończyć cyklu. Skarby utożsamiane są z domem rodzinnym, szacunkiem, miłością, krainą dzieciństwa, które pozwalają budować dorosłą tożsamość bohaterów powieści.


Le pilote du Danube

Jules Verne

Le pilote du Danube fait partie dune série de romans de voyage. Le personnage principal du livre descend le long du grand fleuve international du Danube en bateau, de la partie supérieure la bouche, et traverse des aventures dangereuses. Cest lune des rares uvres de Jules Verne dans le genre policier, mais mme ici, lécrivain a pu montrer la grande habileté du romancier.


Quo Vadis. A Narrative of the Time of Nero

Henryk Sienkiewicz

During the reign of Nero, Rome was famous for great holidays, tournaments for poets, as well as exciting games and circus performances that lasted day and night. Petronius of Rome, was generous and noble, a faithful man at the court of Nero. Intrigued by an interesting story about his nephew Mark Winnie, who met with a mysterious young woman, who was called Ligia and whom he loved, is now a foster child of noble Roman economy. She is a Christian. The author wrote a narrative with the utmost caution and his vision of Ancient Rome and early Christianity. He won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1905.


A Prince of Sinners

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Elegantly written novel, which tells about a young man who can not forgive his newly found father, because he left him and his mother. But after many living trials in many ways teach them both, they realize that there are other more important priorities and forces. A pleasant, easy-to-read, and thought-out essay.



Talbot Mundy

Author Hulbert Footner (1879-1944) brought the excitement of the 1920s and 1930s to Madame Storeys cosmopolitan adventures, moving away from Edwardian and Victorian flavors of the mystery genre. Beautiful and aloof. Her secretary/narrator/companion is Bella Brickley. Rosika lives near Gramercy Park in NYC and has a pet monkey. She seems to solve cases by use of good guesswork, practical psychology and fortuitous prior knowledge of certain facts or people. So we are introduced to the fascinating Madame Rosika Storey, fearless and intelligent, who plays cat-and-mouse with killers, goes undercover to break up criminal gangs, and unravels deadly mysteries.


The Two-Gun Man

Charles Alden Seltzer

Along with Zane Grey and William MacLeod Raine, Charles Alden Seltzer is remembered today as an originator of whats often called the formula western. In it, a cowboy hero, who is fast with a gun, meets and subdues a vicious villain and who also wins the heart and hand of a pretty sweetheart. The Two-Gun Man has all these elements firmly in place. It is set at an unspecified time in the open ranges of the Southwest, somewhere in the neighborhood of Raton and Cimarron, New Mexico. Rustlers are stealing Two Diamond cattle, and the manager is fit to be tied. The range boss claims its the neighbor, but theres no proof. Everyone finds the neighbors sister desirable, but she finds everyone tedious. Will lies, jealousy, double dealing, and maybe even a cold-blooded killing keep Ned Ferguson from uncovering the truth?


Seven Footprints to Satan

A. Merritt

A jungle explorer back home in New York gets kidnapped by a part-Chinese man claiming to be Satan. Satan has set up a complicated game of chance, which is played by some of the most wealthy and powerful people in the world. Some have come to suspect that the game might be rigged. Seven Footprint to Satan is A. Merritts most famous mystery novel and Merritts Satan remains one of the most memorable super-villains in pulp literature, and the complexity which the author endows his creation raises him, and the book, far above the standards of ordinary escapist literature. A masterpiece of colorful drama, a tour-de-force of crime and cunning, a fantasy of great power, it has received the acclaim of that vast audience who made the of the author of The Moon Pool, The Metal Monster and others, world famous.


The Mutiny of the Elsinore

Jack London

The main character tells about his stay on the ship Elsinore, in which from the very beginning there are not the most rainbow events. With each chapter of the event more and more go beyond the framework of the rational and the main character is aware of this. Traveling by ship is a long coexistence of many people in a limited space, where they have nowhere to go from each other, and they are forced to constantly contact. Latent antipathy there develops into a demonstrative hostility, and discontent and bitterness into fierce hatred. All these feelings vividly expose the wild essence of man, hidden under the tinge of civilization.