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Learning Ansible 2.7. Automate your organization's infrastructure using Ansible 2.7 - Third Edition
Ansible is an open source automation platform that assists organizations with tasks such as application deployment, orchestration, and task automation. With the release of Ansible 2.7, even complex tasks can be handled much more easily than before.Learning Ansible 2.7 will help you take your first steps toward understanding the fundamentals and practical aspects of Ansible by introducing you to topics such as playbooks, modules, and the installation of Linux, Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), and Windows support. In addition to this, you will focus on various testing strategies, deployment, and orchestration to build on your knowledge. The book will then help you get accustomed to features including cleaner architecture, task blocks, and playbook parsing, which can help you to streamline automation processes. Next, you will learn how to integrate Ansible with cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) before gaining insights into the enterprise versions of Ansible, Ansible Tower and Ansible Galaxy. This will help you to use Ansible to interact with different operating systems and improve your working efficiency. By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the Ansible skills you need to automate complex tasks for your organization.
The React Native framework offers a range of powerful features that make it possible to efficiently build high-quality, easy-to-maintain frontend applications across multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and the web, helping you save both time and money. And this book is your key to unlocking its capabilities.Professional React Native provides the ultimate coverage of essential concepts, best practices, advanced processes, and tips for everyday developer problems. The book makes it easy to understand how React Native works under the hood using step-by-step explanations and practical examples so you can use this knowledge to develop highly performant apps. As you follow along, you'll learn the difference between React and React Native, navigate the React Native ecosystem, and revisit the basics of JavaScript and TypeScript needed to create a React Native application. What’s more, you’ll work with animations and even control your app with gestures. Finally, you'll be able to structure larger apps and improve developer efficiency through automated processes, testing, and continuous integration.By the end of this React native app development book, you'll have gained the confidence to build high-performance apps for multiple platforms, even on a bigger scale.
Giovanni Toraldo, Ignacio Martin Llorente
OpenNebula is one of the most advanced and highly-scalable open source cloud computing toolkits. If you ever wanted to understand what Cloud Computing is and how to realize it, or if you need a handy way to manage your messy infrastructure in a simple and coherent manner, this is your way. OpenNebula 3 Cloud Computing guides you along the building and maintenance of your cloud infrastructure, providing real-world examples, step-by-step configuration and other critical information. The book keeps you a step ahead in dealing with the demanding nature of cloud computing and virtual infrastructure management using one of the most advanced cloud computing toolkitsñ OpenNebula. The book takes you from a basic knowledge of OpenNebula to expert understanding of the most advanced features.The book starts with a basic planning of hardware resources and presents the unique benefits of the supported hypervisors; you will go in deep with day-to-day management of virtual instances, infrastructure monitoring and integration with Public Clouds like Amazon EC2.With this book you will be able to get started with fast and cheap configuration recipes, but also go deeper for a correct integration with your existing infrastructure.You will deal with well-know virtualization technologies like Xen and VMware, but also with the promising KVM technology integrated in the Linux kernel. After the basic infrastructure set-up, you will learn how to create and manage virtual instance via both command-line and web interfaces, and how to monitor your existing resources.At the end, the book acquaints you with integrating your local infrastructure with external Cloud resources but also publishing your resources to others via common API interfaces.
Lewis Coulson, Brett Jephson, Rob Larsen, Matt Park, ...
With knowledge of CSS and HTML, you can build visually appealing, interactive websites without relying on website-building tools that come with lots of pre-packaged restrictions. The HTML and CSS Workshop takes you on a journey to learning how to create beautiful websites using your own content, understanding how they work, and how to manage them long-term.The book begins by introducing you to HTML5 and CSS3, and takes you through the process of website development with easy-to-follow steps. Exploring how the browser renders websites from code to display, you'll advance to adding a cinematic experience to your website by incorporating video and audio elements into your code. You'll also use JavaScript to add interactivity to your site, integrate HTML forms for capturing user data, incorporate animations to create slick transitions, and build stunning themes using advanced CSS. You'll also get to grips with mobile-first development using responsive design and media queries, to ensure your sites perform well on any device.Throughout the book, you'll work on engaging projects, including a video store home page that you will iteratively add functionality to as you learn new skills.By the end of this Workshop, you'll have gained the confidence to creatively tackle your own ambitious web development projects.
Are you a UI/UX designer eager to learn the art of creating compelling interfaces using Figma? Look no further! The highly anticipated new edition is here to transform your creative journey.Explore Figma's latest features and delve into the power of variables and conditional Prototyping. Get ready to transform your static designs into dynamic, interactive prototypes, offering users and stakeholders an immersive experience. Stay at the forefront of design innovation with insights into integrating AI capabilities and optimizing your workflow with the latest Figma plugins. With user-centric design at its core, this book guides you through mastering design thinking, enabling you to tackle complex design challenges with ease. One unique aspect of this edition is its focus on effective communication. Learn how to convey your design vision clearly to both technical and non-technical audiences. In the rapidly changing world of UI/UX design, iteration is key. This book will teach you how to gather user feedback and iterate on your designs by creating interactive prototypes.Whether you're new to Figma or a seasoned pro, this comprehensive guide equips you with the skills to create captivating interfaces, fosters creativity and problem-solving, and makes you an indispensable, forward-thinking designer.
iOS Application Development with OpenCV 3 enables you to turn your smartphone camera into an advanced tool for photography and computer vision. Using the highly optimized OpenCV library, you will process high-resolution images in real time. You will locate and classify objects, and create models of their geometry. As you develop photo and augmented reality apps, you will gain a general understanding of iOS frameworks and developer tools, plus a deeper understanding of the camera and image APIs. After completing the book's four projects, you will be a well-rounded iOS developer with valuable experience in OpenCV.
High Availability is something that all web sites hope to achieve, especially those that are linked to big companies.MySQL, an open source relational database management system (RDBMS), can be made highly available to protect from corruption, hardware failure, software crashes, and user error. Running a MySQL setup is quite simple. Things start getting complex when you start thinking about the best way to provide redundancy. There are a large number of techniques available to add 'redundancy' and 'high availability' to MySQL, but most are both poorly understood and documented.This book will provide you with recipes showing how to design, implement, and manage a MySQL Cluster and achieve high availability using MySQL replication, block level replication, shared storage, and the open source Global File System (GFS).This book covers all the major techniques available for increasing availability of your MySQL databases. It demonstrates how to design, implement, troubleshoot and manage a highly available MySQL setup using any one of several techniques, which are shown in different recipes. It is based on MySQL Cluster 7.0, MySQL (for non clustered recipes) 5.0.77, and CentOS / RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.3.The book starts by introducing MySQL Cluster as a technology and explaining how to set up a simple cluster. It will help you to master the options available for backing up and restoring a file in the MySQL Cluster. By following the practical examples in this book, you will learn how to manage the MySQL Cluster. Further, we will discuss some troubleshooting aspects of the MySQL Cluster.We also have a look at achieving high availability for MySQL databases with the techniques of MySQL Replication, block level replication, shared storage (a SAN or NAS), and DRBD.Finally, you will learn the principles of Performance tuning and tune MySQL database for optimal performance.
Adobe Captivate is the industry-leading solution for authoring E-learning content. With adobe Captivate one can capture the on-screen action, enhance e-Learning projects, insert SCORM and AICC-compliant quizzes and then, publish your work in various formats for easy deployment on virtually any desktop and mobile device. Mastering Adobe Captivate 6 is a comprehensive guide to creating SCORM-compliant demonstrations, simulations and quizzes with Adobe Captivate. The sample projects demonstrate each and every feature of Adobe Captivate giving you the expertise you need to create and deploy your own professionalquality e-learning courses. Mastering Adobe Captivate 6 will guide you through the creation of three e-learning projects including a demonstration, a simulation and a SCORM-compliant quiz. The first part of the book will drive you through the main three steps of the Captivate production process. In the first step, we will use the powerful capture engine of Captivate to generate the needed slides and screenshots. In the second step, we will enhance our slides and screenshots using the objects provided by Captivate. These objects include animations, interactions, videos and more. In the third step, we will make our project available to the outside world by publishing it in various formats including Adobe Flash PDF, video, and even HTML 5. The second part of the book will focus on the advanced tools of Captivate. These tools include the questions slides that make up a quiz, SCORM and AICC compliance, localization of your e-Learning content and widgets among others. In the last chapter, you we will unleash the true power of Captivate by using the variables and the advanced actions to create a unique e-Learning experience.
Cloud technologies have made building a defense-in-depth security strategy of paramount importance. Without proper planning and discipline in deploying the security posture across Microsoft 365 and Azure, you are compromising your infrastructure and data. Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals is a comprehensive guide that covers all of the exam objectives for the SC-900 exam while walking you through the core security services available for Microsoft 365 and Azure.This book starts by simplifying the concepts of security, compliance, and identity before helping you get to grips with Azure Active Directory, covering the capabilities of Microsoft’s identity and access management (IAM) solutions. You'll then advance to compliance center, information protection, and governance in Microsoft 365. You'll find out all you need to know about the services available within Azure and Microsoft 365 for building a defense-in-depth security posture, and finally become familiar with Microsoft's compliance monitoring capabilities.By the end of the book, you'll have gained the knowledge you need to take the SC-900 certification exam and implement solutions in real-life scenarios.
Learning Jupyter. Select, Share, Interact and Integrate with Jupyter Not
Jupyter Notebook is a web-based environment that enables interactive computing in notebook documents. It allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text. The Jupyter Notebook system is extensively used in domains such as data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning, and much more.This book starts with a detailed overview of the Jupyter Notebook system and its installation in different environments. Next we’ll help you will learn to integrate Jupyter system with different programming languages such as R, Python, JavaScript, and Julia and explore the various versions and packages that are compatible with the Notebook system. Moving ahead, you master interactive widgets, namespaces, and working with Jupyter in a multiuser mode.Towards the end, you will use Jupyter with a big data set and will apply all the functionalities learned throughout the book.
WordPress is an incredibly popular blogging platform. Few people realize that the software behind WordPress.com, which is a standalone WordPress with multisite enabled, is available for free, for anyone to make use of. WordPress Multisite is a special “mode” built into WordPress, which allows you to create a network of multiple websites, all running on a single installation of WordPress.WordPress Multisite Administration is an easy-to-understand book filled with information, tips, and best practices to help you create and manage a blog network similar to https://wordpress.com/, by using WordPress Multisite.WordPress Multisite Administration will take you through all the steps necessary to get WordPress Multisite installed and configured on your server. It covers everything from installation and initial configuration to customizations and some helpful troubleshooting tips.You will also learn how to build your own blog directory that features the authors in your WordPress Multisite network. The blog directory is built by making use of WordPress child themes, an incredibly useful thing to know how to do.You'll learn everything you need to know about running and maintaining a WordPress Multisite installation.
App Volumes provides a virtualized, real-time application delivery engine for virtual desktop infrastructure and is designed to enable VDI deployments to ensure greater flexibility, agility, and cost reduction.This book starts with an in-depth overview of the architecture and components used to design an optimized solution. We then show you how to install and configure App Volumes for different use cases such as VMware View integration, using VMware ThinApp, Citrix XenApp, and more. Throughout the chapters, we provide hints, tips, and tricks as well as best practices. By the end of the book, you will have built a working App Volumes environment and acquired the skills to build and run a production environment.
IT service management (ITSM) refers to the implementation and management of quality IT services that meet the needs of your business. ServiceDesk Plus is an integrated web-based helpdesk tool that assists you in planning, setting up, and achieving the timely execution of IT services efficiently.ServiceDesk Plus 8.x Essentials is a practical, hands-on guide that walks you through the features of ServiceDesk Plus 8.x to help you set up and manage day-to-day IT services. The book also helps you to understand and practice the ITIL methodologies while using the tool for daily operations.ServiceDesk Plus 8.x Essentials conceptualizes the ITIL framework and takes you through the core processes and their implementation in ServiceDesk Plus 8.x in an easy and practical manner.The book will also help you to learn the process flows and manage incidents, problems, assets, and configurations while understanding the scope and responsibilities of the helpdesk. It also takes you through controlling changes and releases and highlights the features of the tools. If you need a concise handbook for a complete understanding of the metrics, challenges and risks of ITSM, then you have found the right book.With ServiceDesk Plus 8.x Essentials, you will learn everything you need to know to administer and manage IT services using ServiceDesk Plus, while making ITIL concepts practical and fun.