
The Top of the World

Ethel M. Dell

This is another Ethel Dell novel. Sylvia Ingleton is left motherless at an early age. Her father remarried a woman who is not happy to share her household with Sylvia. Soon, Sylvia is entangled in webs of deceit to get her married off. Boldly, she announces to her father and would be suitor that she will rejoin her fiancé of five years in South Africa. The backdrop of South Africas wilderness, drought, cloud bursts and love triangles leaves Sylvia in a struggle to survive. In this thrilling adventure, she finds her way like a lost child to her Top of the World. It is an astonishingly melodramatic novel, with a plot that moves with such gusto from one strong emotional situation to another that you only occasionally pause to consider how very exaggerated and improbable it is.


The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit

Charles Dickens

Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens is a story of selfishness, greed, and hypocrisy. The central character is old Martin Chuzzlewit, whose selfishness and cynicism, combined with his great wealth, cause him to mistrust everyone around him. Also a major character in the story is his relative, Mr. Pecksniff, an accomplished hypocrite, who covers his avarice with a mask of smooth piety and humility. Martin Chuzzlewit is a picaresque novel, which follows the genre convention of depicting the humorous adventures of a roguish hero of low social class who lives by his wits and corrupts society. As in most picaresque novels, the primary objective is social satire or criticism.


Up the Ladder of Gold

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The secretive financier and Press baron Warren Rand is working to bring about Global Peace and Disarmament, against the plotting of England, France, Germany, and Russia. The story expands to include the chief characters in Rands life: his security chief a British officer Tellesom who falls in love with Rands estranged daughter, the financier John Glynde and a large cast of evil Russian and German spies. His machinations of the gold market and international sabotage bring the major players to the table. The book shows the interesting attitudes of Europeans towards America, the failure of the Revolution in Russia, the plotting of Germany for a second war and how millionaire corners the gold market and tries bribing the most powerful nations to maintain peace for forty years.


Collected Short Fiction

H.P. Lovecraft

This is a collection of classic Lovecraft stories. What readers like about him is how he can terribly make everything seem, a feeling of fear and foreboding that his thick prose can create. These early works of H.P. Lovecraft were originally published in the first half of the 20th century. The Dunwich Horror and The Call of Cthulhu, which subsequently brought him a place as one of the most influential authors of the horrors of the 20th century.


Mała księżniczka

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Mała księżniczka to niezwykle wzruszająca opowieść o rezolutnej i obdarzonej wielkim sercem Sarze. Dziewczynka wychowuje się na pensji. Z uwagi na majątek ojca początkowo traktowana jest iście po królewsku. Na skutek tragicznych wydarzeń traci wyjątkową pozycję, stając się pospolitą, źle traktowaną służącą. Mimo to zachowuje radość ducha i przyjazne nastawienie. Wkrótce los wynagrodzi jej trudy, które tak dzielnie znosiła.



Gustaw Meyrink

Golem to powieść egzystencjalistyczna autorstwa Gustava Meyrinka, nawiązująca do legendy o Golemie istocie, którą rabin i alchemik utworzyli z gliny na kształt człowieka, ale pozbawioną duszy i mowy. Historia rozgrywa się w Pradze, a zaczyna od znalezienia w zamku na Hradczanach przez pewnego turystę kapelusza z wyszytym na metce imieniem i nazwiskiem. Właścicielem okazuje się rzemieślnik, który utracił wspomnienia.


The Coat of Arms

Edgar Wallace

1931 Edgar Wallace novel. The story begins with following the Arranway family and various people that touch their life. Sketchley, where the Coat of Arms roadhouse stands, is a place of strange happenings. A complicated trail of theft, arson and blackmail culminates in murder at the Coat of Arms roadhouse and T. B. Collett, the crack Scotland Yard detective, must cope with a cast of stock company suspects and an incompetent local detective. Little by little you can see that pretty much everyone had a reason to kill the victim. This is a dandy story with all the Golden Age mystery elements.


A Prince of the Captivity

John Buchan

A classic John Buchan story of espionage during World War I. It contains several familiar Buchan elements: a motley cast of characters, Great War intrigue, the use of disguises and linguistic talents, the concept of gaining inner strength from a beloved spot in nature, man against the forces of nature in less benign settings, a race against time and evil, and sacrifice for a greater good. This is the epic story of one mans courage. Adam Melfort released from jail just before the outbreak of World War I and becomes involved in intelligence work behind enemy lines. After the war he carries on seeking adventure and tries to prevent the assassination of the German Chancellor. A Prince of the Captivity is not a story about external events, but about what happens in Adams mind and soul as he tries to rebuild his life in a new pattern. However, the external events that forge Melforts soul are drawn from the toolbox of a skillful writer of thrillers.


Una of the Garden

Lucy Maud Montgomery

It was pleasant to look at Eric Murray himself, a tall, broad-shouldered young guy that he had stable grayish-blue eyes and thick wavy brown hair. He was the most popular member of his graduation class and the most enviable because his father was a millionaire and Eric was his only son. Mr. Murray was a kind-hearted, old gentleman who loved his boy. This is a good story with its own morality.


Barbara on Her Own

Edgar Wallace

The name, Edgar Wallace, threads through early twentieth century crime fiction like a stream that turns out to be a lot deeper and wider than you thought. This is one of his works. A thrilling tale of commerce and intrigue starring Barbara, god-daughter and Private Secretary to Mr. Maber. Unlike the old-fashioned Maber & Maber department store, the modern Attermans store is a successful, profitable business. At a take-over meeting Barbara gives Messers Atterman and Minkey a piece of her mind. On the evening before the deal is to be finalized something happens to Mr. Maber... the police summon Barbara now she is on her own!


Seven Keys to Baldpate

Earl Derr Biggers

One of the most thrilling novel ever, this is a medley of mystery, farce and intrigue an especially fine example of the American mystery play and one of the outstanding dramatic successes of modern times. A hotel closed for the winter, a snowy night, our hero and a key begin this delightful mystery. As we soon learn, our hero looking only for solitude, isnt the only one with a key. Other colorful characters arrive one by one... men and women with stories of love, loss, and flight... none of them telling the truth. Before the week is out, there will be gunfire, bribery, fights in the snow, and hidden truths unmasked. Biggers descriptions and snappy writing style promises a wonderful read.


Der Weihnachtsabend

Charles Dickens

Der Weihnachtsabend ist das meistgelesene und beliebteste Weihnachtsmärchen. Die Christmas Books gehören zu den meistgelesenen Werken von Charles Dickens. Was wäre Weihnachten ohne Charles Dickens? Die Erzählung über den geizigen alten Ebenezer Scrooge, der in der Weihnachtsnacht Besuch vom Geist seines verstorbenen Teilhabers und von drei weiteren Geistern erhält und danach sein Leben ändert.


Black Canaan

Robert E. Howard

Good collection of stories. Black Canaan is a favorite of mine. I have some doubts that REH would have finished The House with the suicide of John Conrad, but it is a Lovecraftian ending (Augest Derleth finished the REH fragment in this volume).


Les Conteurs la Ronde

Charles Dickens

Le personnage principal a un destin difficile. quinze ans, elle a perdu sa mere. Cest lhistoire dune femme forte qui a traversé de nombreuses difficultés et les a surmontées. cause de cela, elle est devenue une reine respectée et un exemple pour beaucoup.


Севастопольские рассказы (Opowiadania sewastopolskie)

Лев Николаевич Толстой, Lew Nikołajewicz Tołstoj

«Севастопольские рассказы» 2013 цикл ранних рассказов великого русского писателя Льва Николаевича Толстого 2013 повествующих о героической обороне Севастополя в 1854-1855 годах. Л. Н. Толстой 2013 участник обороны Севастополя. Война в «Севастопольских рассказах» предстала перед читателем во всей своей суровой правде, как способ массового убийства ни в чем не повинных людей.


Crime and Punishment

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Is murder is permissible in pursuit of a higher purpose? Meet Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, a destitute and desperate former student in St. Petersburg who formulates and executes a plan to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker for her cash. Raskolnikov convinces himself that his motive for the murder is to benefit mankind. His struggle with himself and those around him becomes a battle of the individual against society, radicalism against tradition, and ultimately the will of man against the mysteries of divine providence. So begins one of the greatest novels ever written, a journey into the criminal mind, a police thriller, and a philosophical meditation on morality and redemption. The best known of Dostoevskys masterpieces, Crime and Punishment can bear any amount of rereading without losing a drop of its power over our imaginations.