
Queen of Hearts

Fred M. White

Loving woman possesses charms. And not every man can resist them. So our hero, Tom Gilchrist, was fascinated by the beauty of the girl. His uncle, Sir Walter Vanguard warns that this is a bad idea. Perhaps he is right.


Wodna Lilia. Opowieść dla młodzieży z czasów najkrwawszych walk Indian z amerykanskimi kolonistami

Bolesław Zieliński

Wodna Lilia Bolesława Zielińskiego to kontynuacja Orlego Szponu. Akcja rozgrywa się w Ameryce, po śmierci Marka Zebrzydowskiego i skupia się na jego żonie, Indiance Wodnej Lilii, oraz ich synach. Na wyraziście zarysowanym tle, prezentującym konflikt pomiędzy osadnikami francuskimi i angielskimi, rozgrywają się wciągające wydarzenia, w które uwikłani są młodzi potomkowie Polaka i Indianki.


Pattys Motor Car

Carolyn Wells

Patty enters a contest and wins an electric car, which she names The Swift Camilla. Then she and her family decide to buy a summer home on the beach. All of Pattys friends come up for a visit. Patty turns 19 in this book. Shes still not socially considered an adult, but her relationships are starting to get slightly more complicated. First appearance of Mona Galbraith. Pattys Motor Car is the ninth novel in the series of Patty Fairfield for young readers by the famous author Carolyn Wells. Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American poet and writer of detective and mystery novels, as well as childrens books, best known for her Fleming Stone Detective Stories. After 1910, she devoted herself to the mystery genre.


Szatan i Judasz (Tom 9). Szatan i Judasz. Jasna Skała

Karol May

Szatan i Judasz. Jasna Skała to dziewiąta część z 11-tomowego cyklu przygodowego autorstwa Karola Maya. Grupa dzielnych bohaterów odbywa wspólnie szalone podróże, aby mierzyć się z wszelkiej maści niegodziwcami, walczyć o sprawiedliwość i odnajdywać zaginione skarby. Dzięki pracy zespołowej, zaufaniu i wzajemnej pomocy udaje im się wyjść obronną ręką z najgorszych opresji.


Pfarre und Schule. Eine Dorfgeschichte. Band III

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Der Weltenbummler Gerstäcker, dessen ausgedehnte Reisen ihn durch Nord- und Südamerika führten, gehört zusammen mit Karl Mai zu den populärsten Autoren von Abenteuerromanen seiner Zeit. Gerstäcker veröffentlichte eine Vielzahl von Erzählungen, Romanen und vor allem Berichte über seine verschiedenen Reisen. Pfarre und Schule ist eine Dorfgeschichte, eine klassische deutsche literarische Arbeit. Aufregendes Detail machen das zu einem außergewöhnlichen Interesse.




Poemat o wojnie Greków z Trojanami. Obok Odysei drugi z eposów, których autorstwo tradycja przypisuje Homerowi. Dziesiąty rok wojny trojańskiej. Największy grecki wojownik Achilles w gniewie porzuca walkę z Trojańczykami, po tym gdy Agamemnon odbiera mu brankę Bryzejdę. Trojanie w ten sposób uzyskują przewagę. Patroklos, chcąc dodać otuchy Grekom, wkłada zbroję Achillesa i rusza na czele wojsk greckich przeciwko Trojanom. Sam widok zbroi Achillesa wystarczył, by Trojanie cofnęli się. Jedynie Hektor stawił czoła rzekomemu Achillesowi i zabił Patroklosa. Zrozpaczony po stracie przyjaciela Achilles zapomina o obrazie i po wykuciu przez Hefajstosa nowej zbroi, pragnąc zemsty, rusza w bój pod mury Troi, pod którymi oczekuje go Hektor. Strukturę Iliady cechuje stałe przenikanie się i korespondencja dwóch płaszczyzn fabularnych świata ludzi i świata bogów.


The Three Just Men

Edgar Wallace

If you like a villain to be a proper villain then Oberzhon is the genuine article. What a villain! What an adventure! There are crimes for which no punishment is adequate, offences that the written law cannot efface. When conventional justice fails The Three Just Men employ their great intellect and cunning. They use their own methods, carry out their own verdicts which the police were unable or unwilling to carry out. There can be no compromise. Each of the ten chapters in this book recounts a separate episode in the careers of two of the trio who call themselves the Three Just Men. The third member of the trio remains in the background. The mission that the Three Just Men have undertaken is to mete out punishment to evil-doers whom the law has failed to reach.


Frank Merriwells Alarm

Burt L. Standish

Burt L.Standish is best known as author of the Frank Merriwell stories. Frank Merriwells Alarm is one of these stories. The main characters, continuing their adventures, were in the desert. Now the obstacle is harder. After all, they were left without water. What will they do?


Die Gräfin von Ascot. Roman

Edgar Wallace

Neugier breitet sich in der kleinen Ortschaft Ascot aus, als sich eine wohlhabende Gräfin dort niederlässt. Eine Gräfin taucht in Ascot auf, und bezieht dort eine Villa. Ein Einbrecher sucht die Villen in Ascot heim. Immer wieder erbeutet er Schmuck. Die Gräfin engagiert als Beschützer den Privatdetektiv John Morlay und stellt ihn vor eine äußerst schwierige Aufgabe.


The Firm of Girdlestone

Arthur Conan Doyle

John and Ezra Girdlestone, father and son, run a British merchant company trading to the African coast with several sailing ships, all dangerously ill-maintained. Their small office is in London, their business is quite personally run, and the firm and its owners are well respected in the City by the 1870s. John Girdlestone is deeply and ostentatiously religious, to the cynical amazement of his son. The senior Girdlestone also is the tightly-controlling guardian of an heiress not quite of age, Kate Harston. This young lady is a cousin of Tom Dimsdale, college-age son of a physician. The story is filled with a fun, varied cast. Besides John, Ezra, and Kate, theres Captain Miggs, Major Tobias Clutterbuck, and the Dimsdale family. These families and their impingement are at the center of A. Conan Doyles psychological-adventure novel The Firm of Girdlestone.


Szatan i Judasz (Tom 2). Szatan i Judasz. Pogromca Yuma

Karol May

Szatan i Judasz. Pogromca Yuma to drugi tom z 11-tomowego cyklu przygodowego autorstwa Karola Maya. Grupa dzielnych bohaterów odbywa wspólnie szalone podróże, aby mierzyć się z wszelkiej maści niegodziwcami, walczyć o sprawiedliwość i odnajdywać zaginione skarby. Dzięki pracy zespołowej, zaufaniu i wzajemnej pomocy udaje im się wyjść obronną ręką z najgorszych opresji.


A Modern Cinderella. Or, The Little Old Show and Other Stories

Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott created some fascinating short stories here. A Modern Cinderella: or The Little Old Shoe And Other Stories contains four short stories by Louisa May Alcott, the author of Little Women: A Modern Cinderella, Debbys Debut, The Brothers, and Nellys Hospital. Like her more famous novels, Alcott tells stories of young women interacting with people and events from the late 1800s. Louisa May Alcott bestows a truly amusing and thoroughly modern retelling of The Brothers Grimms Cinderella. Little Women is certainly Louisa May Alcotts best known book, but dont miss her refreshing version of this classic fairy tale, A Modern Cinderella. Alcott pokes fun throughout, describing a cool blonde as having many cares those happy little housewives never know. What modern gal doesnt appreciate that those old, worn out shoes are dependable and will take you far forget impractical glass slipper or stilettos! A great addition to the Alcott library of stories.


Анна Каренина (Anna Karenina)

Lew Tołstoj

«Все счастливые семьи похожи друг на друга, каждая несчастливая семья несчастлива по-своему». Именно с этих слов начинается один из самых знаменитых романов Л. Толстого, «Анна Каренина», повествующий о любви, женской душе и женской трагедии. Величайшая история невозможной любви, разрушающей привычные представления об отношениях мужчины и женщины, о трагичной любви замужней дамы высшего света к офицеру Вронскому, о счастливой семейной жизни Константина Левина и Кити Щербацкой. Этокнига овечных ценностях: олюбви, овере, осемье, очеловеческом достоинстве.


The Secret of Father Brown

G.K. Chesterton

Have you wondered how the great detectives solved their cases? In The Secret of Father Brown, while visiting Flambeaus house Father Brown meets a curious American who has to know as some of his countrymen think Father Brown is using mystical powers. The fourth of the Father Brown detective story collections has something the first three did not: a framing sequence at the beginning and end, in which Father Brown explains to a curious person his method for solving crimes he becomes the criminal. In this collection he becomes several jewel thieves and murderers, all of whom carry out their crimes in bizarre circumstances. Father Brown, or rather Chesterton, takes opportunity on occasion to indulge in a bit of Catholic apologetic or homiletic, but it never takes over the story: it makes Father Brown that much more a priest and not just a mystery-solving machine.


Jimmie Dale and the Phantom Clue

Frank L. Packard

The third book Jimmie Dale and the Phantom Clue in the Gray Seal series is quite fantastic! Jimmie Dale, alias The Gray Seal, alias Smarlinghue, the gentleman adventurer, is back on the scent with the King of crim and quarry. Over the head of the woman he loves hangs a menace from the gang, she and Jimmie have often thwarted, and through the previous volume saw the leader disposed of, and they free to marry and live their own lives. But Marie knows that there is still one, The Phantom, who menaces her. She again disappears to work out her own salvation... Jimmie too resumes his underworld work. A fast-paced, adventurous story riddled with aliases, disguises, gunfire and opium dens.


The Story of Doctor Dolittle

Hugh Lofting

The small, plump and shy Dr. Doolittle is a wonderful doctor whose love of animals deprives his patients. But after his parrot Polynesia teaches him to speak in animal languages, the Doctor becomes famous in the animal world, and travels around the world and even to the Moon! The doctor and his pets go to Africa to save the kingdom of monkeys from the plague. This book is for various age. Even an adult like it.


The War in the Air

Herbert George Wells

Bert Smallways is the unlikely protagonist, a kind of Edwardian Mod, not interested in a steady career, always looking for a good time, riding his proto-scooter down to Brighton at the weekends. When Bert is accidentally scooped up by a German fleet, on its way to launch a surprise attack on the United States, he finds himself with a front row seat to the greatest war that has ever been the war in the air! This new war is to be a different sort of war than all the wars that came before it, unprecedented in its ferocity and destructiveness. The art of war has completely changed with the coming of airplanes, which the author very eloquently brings out. The War in the Air is a story of the awful devastation following a conflict between two first-class powers with the resources of the air at their command. It is one of the most brilliant and successful of Mr. Wellss studies in futurity.


Over the Border. A Romance

Robert Barr

Over The Border: A Romance written by Robert Barr who was a Scottish-Canadian short story writer and novelist. This book was published in 1903. Robert Barr (16 September 1849 21 October 1912) wrote more than 20 novels. Among the more estimable are The victors (New York, 1901), about metropolitan politics, and The mutable many (New York and London, 1896), which focused on an industrial strike. Both had a distinctively realistic basis, and both were written more objectively and less floridly than was Barrs habit. A number of novels also had a Canadian setting. In the midst of alarms (Philadelphia, 1893) was a comic treatment of the 1866 Fenian invasion; as a teenager Barr had joined volunteers in St. Thomas in anticipation of such a disturbance. The measure of the rule (London, 1907) was a satiric romance about his experiences at the Toronto Normal School.


Firebrand Trevison

Charles Alden Seltzer, Charles Alden Seltzer

Charles Alden Seltzer was one of 20th century Americas most prolific authors, and his specialty was Westerns that were so popular in the country in the decades after the frontier had been completely settled. In addition to the books he wrote, Seltzer would have a role in dozens of films as well, making him one of the most instrumental figures in the genre. "Firebrand Trevison is a story about a ranch owner who runs afoul of a land grabber, both of whom are in love with the same girl, the daughter of a railroad owner. Firebrand Trevison is a different kind of cowboy. He stands up for what he believes in despite the law. When Corrigan tries to swindle all the local homesteaders from their land its Treviston who saves the day. Twists and turns in the plot keeps the reader guessing.


The Ear in the Wall

Arthur B. Reeve

The scientific detective known as the American Sherlock Holmes pursues a ruthless arch villain in this high-stakes suspense novel. The Exploits of Elaine is a collection of short stories about a beautiful young woman Elaine, whos father was murdered by the mysterious gang leader The Clutching Hand, and who is subsequently terrorized by him and his gang. Using the latest advances in forensic science, the professor Craig Kennedy and his loyal sidekick, newspaper reporter Walter Jameson, uncover the exotic and deadly scheme behind the murders. But when the Clutching Hand and his band of evildoers kidnap Elaine, Kennedy must shed his lab coat and leap into action before its too late.


The Admirable Carfew

Edgar Wallace

Carfew was an erratic genius, with a horror of anything that had the appearance of discipline, order, or conventional method. So it was with some luck that there was a train disaster while he was working in the newspaper office of The Megaphone. He was dispatched to the scene and came back triumphant: The Spaniard is a fake! shouted Carfew. He had forgotten all about the railway accident. Shortly thereafter, so would his editor. The Admirable Carfew is a collection of loosely linked short stories. The slowly developing fortunes of a young entrepreneur, trying his hand at various deals, from stock dealing to theatre ownership and just managing to scrap through.


Ferragus. Chief of the Devorants

Honoré de Balzac

Ferragus is an 1833 novel by French author Honoré de Balzac and included in the Scenes de la vie parisienne section of his novel sequence La Comédie humaine. It is part of his trilogy Histoire des treize: Ferragus is the first part, the second is La Duchesse de Langeais and the third is The Girl with the Golden Eyes. A captivating story about human emotions and relations, set in the year 1820. Balzac narrates the tale of a man who suspects his wife of infidelity. He shows how relationships can suffer through miscommunication. Balzac proves himself as an author above par by his insightful exploration of the fear of social failure and the way it defines and governs the pattern of human life. A classic tale loved by many for generations, a great addition to the collection.



Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Chekhov extracts from his everyday life the themes of frustration that apply to all of us the difficulty of creating a happy existence, problems of love, the extinction of hope. His pyems are full of tragedy. The theme of the suffering of the current generation. While he hopes the next generation will have a better life. In almost all the plays there is an alcoholic, unrequited love, unhappy marriage, people are irresponsible financially.


Found Dead

Fred M. White

Found Dead is the story of Sir John Mortmain, who was a bum. He was a rich man, owning one of the best estates in North Devon. He was also one of the best novlist in his early years and almost made a name for himself. In a sense, he was quite popular, and yet there was a strange sensation of the abyss between him and the locals.