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Золотой теленок (Złote cielę)

Илья Арнольдович Ильф, Евгений Петров, Ilja Arnoldowicz Ilf, Jewgienij Pietrow

Роман «Золотой теленок» 2013 продолжение изумительного произведения Ильфа и Петрова «Двенадцать стульев». В нем вас ждут новые яркие герои, великолепный виртуозный язык и, конечно же, тонкий и искрометный юмор! Это уникальный роман в своем роде. В этой книге авторыв своем фирменном стилепродолжают рассказ о приключениях великого комбинатора и гения Остапа Бендера.Здесь появляются еще более неординарные и запоминающиеся герои, бывший слепой Паниковский, сын лейтенанта Шмидта, подпольный миллионер Корейко и другие не менее яркие личности. Ну а главный герой, как и прежде, не желая зарабатывать тяжелым трудом, комбинируя событияи придерживаясь Уголовного Кодекса составляет планы по выманиваю денежных знаков из бывших и настоящий обладателей состояния.


Antonina. or the Fall of Rome

Wilkie Collins

A romance of the fifth century, in which many of the scenes described in the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire are reset to suit the purpose of the author. Only two historical personages are introduced into the story, the Emperor Honorius, and Alaric the Goth; and these attain only a secondary importance. Among the historical incidents used are the arrival of the Goths at the gates of Rome, the Famine, the last efforts of the besieged, the Treaty of Peace, the introduction of the Dragon of Brass, and the collection of the ransom. Our heroine Antonina, a very young Roman maiden, flees her father and an amorous patrician neighbor, into the arms of a young, handsome, gentle, sympathetic Goth. This book does not show the intricacy of plot and clever construction of the authors modern society stories; but it is full of action, vivid in color, and sufficiently close to history to convey a dramatic sense of the Rome of Honorius and the closing-in of the barbarians.


Gelimer. A.D. 535

Felix Dahn

Gelimer historischer Roman aus der Völkerwanderung (a. 534 n. Chr.). Rom erzittert vor den wilden kriegen der Vandalen, König Gelimer steht auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht. Währenddessen rüstet im Osten Byzanz zum großen Angriff. Glanz und Triumph am kaiserlichen Hof zu Aachen, der Ruhm Karls des Großen strahlt über ganz Europa. Blutige Schlachten mit germanischen Stammesfürsten und den heidnischen Mauren drohen. Aber der Stern des Frankenkönigs steigt unaufhaltsam.


The Piazza Tales

Herman Melville

Melville has a fairly wide range of styles and approaches. Piazza is a Tolkien excursion into a fairyland, but she asks where the real fairyland is actually located. Piazza, a descriptive and sensitively told pastoral story.


The Sign of the Black Ace

Edgar Wallace

The Companions of the Ace High are a group of aviators, each of whom has his own reason to hate Germans. The groups founder, Dexter, whose wife was driven mad when a German submarine attacked a liner on which she was travelling, dedicates himself to the destruction of Germany. He uses his wealth to establish a base of operations in the small republic of San Romino on the northern border of Italy. From this base the Companions of the Ace High pursue and kill Germans, their spies and sympathizers. Another breathtaking work by the master of mystery Edgar Wallace. As the novel is rather short and quite fast-paced with a lot of scenery-changes and adventures, this nice.


Poezje. Wybór

Jan Kasprowicz

Wybór wierszy zawiera około stu najpopularniejszych utworów lirycznych polskiego poety, dramaturga i krytyka literackiego okresu Młodej Polski. Twórczość Jana Kasprowicza podlegała licznym przemianom estetycznym i światopoglądowym. Poeta był związany ze wszystkimi głównymi nurtami ówczesnej liryki, przede wszystkim z naturalizmem, symbolizmem oraz ekspresjonizmem. Był również prekursorem nowoczesnego wiersza wolnego, katastrofizmu oraz szeregu tendencji prymitywistycznych we współczesnej sztuce. Różnorodność wątków i tematów, jakie podejmował w swych utworach Kasprowicz, stanowiła odbicie bezpośrednich doświadczeń życiowych autora. Był przy tym osobowością głęboko religijną. W każdej ze swoich stylistycznych odsłon poeta zachował właściwą sobie indywidualność stylu, której nie sposób porównywać ze stylem innych twórcy tego okresu.


Wierna rzeka

Stefan Żeromski

Wierna rzeka opisuje okres powstania styczniowego. Po przegranej bitwie pod Małogoszczem do zrujnowanego majątku Niezdoły dociera ciężko ranny powstaniec, książę Józef Odrowąż. Tam zajmuje się nim córka zarządcy majątku Salomea Brynicka, która wraz ze swym wiernym sługą, starym Szczepanem, opatruje jego rany. Musi także przygotować bezpieczną kryjówkę na wypadek, gdyby do dworu przyszli Rosjanie. Salomea długo ukrywa powstańca i pielęgnuje go podczas choroby. Z czasem obdarza Odrowąża uczuciem wbrew przestrogom starego opiekuna Szczepana.


O poprawie Rzeczypospolitej

Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski

O naprawie Rzeczypospolitej to doniosłe dzieło Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, obrazujące stan Rzeczpospolitej doby renesansu i postulujące zmiany w duchu idealizmu politycznego, oparte na sprawiedliwych prawach i silnej władzy królewskiej. Traktat obejmował pięć ksiąg: O obyczajach, O prawie, O wojnie, O Kościele i O szkole, a tym samym stanowił rozległe kompendium wiedzy o działalności państwa.


La Comédie humaine. Volume VI. Scenes de la vie de Province. Tome II

Honoré de Balzac

Lhistoire dramatique de Lucien de Rübampre, un gentil jeune provincial qui fait ses premiers pas Paris. Dans une ville o tout est vendu et tout est acheté carriere et succes, position dans la société, patronage, confiance, amour et amitié. Et une sorte de symbole de ce Paris joyeux, cruel, trompeur et corrompu, sont les déesses de la demi lumiere de belles courtisanes, des dompteurs et des hommes ruineux...


The Amazing Judgment

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is a very early novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim from 1897. The wealthy and bored Lord Hildyard, Marquis of Esholt, is on a yachting tour with a group of friends, including his kept lover, Pauline Owston. When Hildyard spies an apparently uninhabited island, he slips off the ship in search of adventure. In the middle of the night, he hears wonderful violin music and finds a young and beautiful girl, Bertha, playing in the forest. She is accompanied by a cruel and misshapen dwarf. Enchanted, Hildyard stays on the island, where he finds an old college chum, Stanley Owston, the estranged husband of the actress, who is the guardian of the girl, and the owner of the island. The adventures are continuing...


Sam Steeles Adventures in Panama

L. Frank Baum

Sam Steele is now captain of a ship an old and battered craft, but his own command. He is sailing it around South America to California. A storm forces Sams ship to the Panamanian coast. There, the travelers encounter the Techla Indians, descendants of the Aztecs. The Techlas are hostile to outsiders; Sam and his crew are tempted by the Indians abundant gold and gems. Traveling ashore in Moits amphibious auto, the Americans attempt to manipulate the Techla, without success. Sam Steeles Adventures in Panama is a boys adventure novel written by L. Frank Baum, and published in 1907 under the pseudonym Capt. Hugh Fitzgerald. The book was a sequel to the first Sam Steele novel, Sam Steeles Adventures on Land and Sea. The book was reprinted two years later, in 1908, with the alternative title The Boy Fortune Hunters in Alaska.


The Sundial

Fred M. White

John Charlock had found out that all he had longed and hoped for since the early days was nothing more than vexation of spirit. Charlock made his way upwards. He had known what it was to starve. He often slept in parks. And now everything has changed, and he has become almost unsurpassed as a portrait painter. Glory and happiness came to him thanks to his brush and pencil. And at the same time, he seems to have found the only woman who could make him happy.


The Gracie Allen Murder Case

S.S. Van Dine

Gracie Allen in this case is not a famous artist, but a worker in a perfume factory. She involuntarily gives the enchanted Philo Vance all the important clues in this murder of a gangster, in those days when Riverdale in the Bronx was a rural paradise. Vance meets her when she interacts with nature, and then again in a trendy restaurant where her brother plays an important role. For a moment, her mother appears, a gentle, faded lady who turns out to be as sharp as Gracie.


La Derniere Aldini

George Sand

Venise, au début du 19e siecle, le ténor Lelio parle de ses deux grands sentiments amoureux devant un tableau des éclats de rire des artistes. Le premier, quand il sappelle toujours Nello et quil est un petit gondolier de Chioggia, montre quel point il était fasciné par la riche pratiquante de Venise, la douce et belle Bianca Aldini. Cette histoire montre linégalité sociale.


The Dancing Floor

John Buchan

Vernon Milbourne, orphaned since childhood and haunted by a recurring dream, is friends with the protective lawyer and MP Sir Edward Leithen. An Aegean cruise takes them to the mysterious island of Plakos, where Vernon is fascinated by the islands myths. Local superstitions turn to menace as Vernons encounter with a beautiful woman results in obsession and adventure. The Dancing Floor centres on a young English woman, Kore Arabin, who inherits a house on a remote Greek island. Sadly for Kore the locals regard her as a witch, responsible for the failure of their crops, and become convinced she must be sacrificed in order to ensure better harvests in the coming years. Sir Edward Leithen and Vernon Milburne must save her before the islanders sacrifice her. Sir Edward Leithen is a character that features prominently in several other John Buchan novels, including The Power-House, The Gap in the Curtain and others.


A Midsummer Nights Dream

William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Nights Dream is a comedy where all the characters find themselves in a situation that completely changes their lives. In the play several plot lines that are closely intertwined with each other and affect each other. The main conflict of the play is a quarrel between the king of the elves of Oberon and his wife, Queen Titania. Because of this quarrel, all the madness of the summer night is happening. After all, Oberon decided to punish the spouse and play a little joke on her: he asks little Pac during sleep to rub Titanias eyes with a love potion so that the queen fell in love upon waking at the first comer.


The Isle of Pirates Doom

Robert E. Howard

The long low craft which rode off-shore had an unsavory look, and lying close in my covert, I was glad that I had not hailed her. Caution had prompted me to conceal myself and observe her crew before making my presence known, and now I thanked my guardian spirit; for these were troublous times and strange craft haunted the Caribees.


Tom Sawyer, Detective

Mark Twain

Its an exciting adventures of Tom Sawyer and his friend Huckleberry Finn meeting with a ghost, finding a corpse, etc. Tom unexpectedly became a detective the boy showed amazing observation and outstanding deduction, which helped not only expose the diamond thief and solve the insidious murder, but also save the innocent man from prison.


Payable To Bearer

Talbot Mundy

Ikey Hole began to engage in his own business at the age of sixteen as an industrial climber, and when he was twenty, he was already a serious master of his profession. But since at that time in New York signboards began to go out of fashion, he began to master the specialty in the manufacture of firearms, because he was far-sighted and moved with time and progress.


The Sowers of the Thunder

Robert E. Howard

The Sowers of the Thunder is a short story by Robert E. Howard (published in Oriental Stories, Winter 1932) that takes place in Outremer (the Crusader states) in the time of General Baibars and deals with the Generals friendly/adversarial relationship with Cahal Ruadh ODonnell, an Irish Crusader with a troubled past cut in the Howardian mold. Both the Siege of Jerusalem (1244) and the Battle of La Forbie feature in the plot.


The India-Rubber Men

Edgar Wallace

The India-Rubber Men is a gripping thriller of Londons River Police, whose swift launches patrol the Thames and guard the ships that lie in port. Inspector John Wade is given the toughest job of his life when he is assigned the task of running to earth a gang of gunmen in rubber gas-masks, rubber gloves and crepe rubber shoes, who rob banks and jewelers, and even commit murder under the very eyes of the police, and get away with it. Through it all runs the Thames, and there is even time for a little excursion out of London to its upper reaches in Oxfordshire. A classic Wallace, stitching together his favorite themes with enough humor and vigor to keep the reader intrigued till the very end.


Tekla. A Romance of Love and War

Robert Barr

Written in 1893, Tekla: A Romance of Love and War is a novel by Robert Barr. Great fun if you like a bit of chivalry and men in tights. Strongly recommended this book for every teenager who wants to discover the exciting world of reading medieval stories and for their parents! Robert Barr (1849-1912) was a British-Canadian short story writer and novelist, who published the first Holmes parody, The Adventures of Sherlaw Kombs in 1892. He relocated to London in 1881 where he founded the magazine The Idler in 1892 in collaboration with Jerome K Jerome. In 1895 he retired from its co-editorship and became a prolific novelist. Some of his works include: In the Midst of Alarms, a story of the attempted Fenian invasion of Canada in 1866; A Woman Intervenes, a story of love, finance, and American journalism and others.


The Shadow of the Wolf

R. Austin Freeman

This novel is an excellent example of the inverted detective story, a modern form that R. Austin Freeman is credited with inventing. You know from the beginning who the guilty party is, but watching Dr. Thorndyke figure it out is amazing. And watching the perpetrator think that he is getting away with his crime, while watching Dr. Thorndyke close in on him is well-done literary irony. The fun comes not from being baffled, but from watching Thorndykes mind at work and observing his scientific methods which include, in this case, geology, petrology, psychology, marine biology, handwriting analysis, and chemical analysis. The crime takes place in a yacht off the coast of Penzance in Cornwall, where a circle of friends are vacationing. The victim is a boorish, overbearing, dishonest brute with money. The murderer is a likable, gentlemanly, talented artist of modest means. Every one likes the murderer, including Dr. Thorndyke.


Knights of the Range

Zane Grey

A true legend, Zane Grey has thrilled a generation of readers with his great stories of the American West. Holly Ripple, a young, headstrong woman, brought up in the upscale boarding schools of the east, has inherited her familys cattle ranch in 1870s New Mexico, after the sudden death of her father. With the help of the ranch foreman and Renn Frayne, a newly hired hand; a outlaw seeking redemption, they organize a assorted group of cowboys to protect the herd, and the safety of their ranch, from rustlers, competing cattle barons, and other assorted villains. In the spirit and glory of a classic Western, and published exactly as the author originally intended, Knights of the Range, is one of Zane Greys swiftest and most exciting novels.