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A Tale of Two Cities. A Story of the French Revolution

Charles Dickens

A Tale of Two Cities is the second historical novel by Charles Dickens and it is one of his most tragic works. The plot centers on the years leading up to the French Revolution and culminates in the Jacobin Reign of Terror. The novel, first and foremost, follows several characters including Charles Darnay, a French once-aristocrat who falls victim to the indiscriminate wrath of the revolution despite his virtuous nature, and Sydney Carton, a dissipated British barrister who endeavors to redeem his ill-spent life out of his unrequited love for Darnays wife Lucie Manette. Other major characters include Dr. Manette (Lucies father), who was unjustly imprisoned in the infamous Bastille for many years under a lettre de cachet, and Madame Defarge, a female revolutionary with an implacable grudge against the aristocratic Evremonde dynasty. Here we see how general people can overthrow a government if they are tormented continuously. At the same time, this novel tells a love story too with special emphasis on the sacrificial attribute of Sydney Cartons character.


The Rocks of Valpré

Ethel M. Dell

First published in 1913, The Rocks of Valpré is a novel by the British writer Ethel M. Dell. While readers adored Ethel M. Dells novels, critics hated them with a passion; but she did not care what the critics thought. She considered herself a good storyteller nothing more and nothing less. Ethel M. Dell continued to write novels for a number of years. The Rocks of Valpré novel is set in the mid-nineteenth century when an officer wrongly imprisoned on Devils Island escapes and heads to Europe to rescue the love of his life from the villain. Like many of Dells stories and novels this harkens back to the day when marriage was a binding promise and considered both morally and legally until death. It is a touching love story that shows true love as selfless love.


Pieśń przerwana

Eliza Orzeszkowa

Dziewiętnastoletnia Klara Wygrycz zostaje uwiedziona przez młodego, przystojnego Juliusza, który sprawia wrażenie zakochanego i troskliwego mężczyzny. Na początku ich przygody dba o nią, przysyła prezenty, spełnia jej marzenia. Wrażenie jednak okazuje się złudne, a młodzieniec pokazuje swoją prawdziwą twarz.


Tells Ten Stories

Earl Derr Biggers

Contents of the collection: Moonlight at the crossroads Selling Miss Minerva The heart of the loaf Possessions The dollar chasers Idle hands The girl who paid dividends A letter to Australia Nina and the blemish Broadway Brocade. Earl Biggers was a master of stories that highlighted the madness of human nature, both good and bad. The reader wants to see the roots for disadvantages and feel guilty for the villain. These stories are the last epoch when the romantic flourished. They also show the fact that the system of classes and caste always existed and will always exist, while there are rich and poor, different shades of skin, or scholars and illiterates. Of course, you can compare forever, but the fact that Count Derry Biggers knew different people and wrote a strong statement about humanity with all the history that is in the collection.Earl Biggers was a master in stories that highlighted the madness of human nature, both good and bad. The reader wants to see the roots for disadvantages and feel guilty for the villain. These stories are the last epoch when the romantic flourished. They also show the fact that the system of classes and castes has always existed and will always exist, while there are rich and poor, different shades of skin, or verified and illiterate. Of course, the comparison can last forever, but the fact is that Count Derry Biggers knew different people and wrote a powerful statement about humanity with every history that is in the collection.


The Bedford Row Mystery

J.S. Fletcher

The main character in the story is a detective story. He is investigating a mysterious murder. Detective and young Richard Marchmont soon discover that there is a triangle of financial intrigue that needs to be unraveled before the truth can be found out, and that in the hour of crime, not one suspicious person was hiding near the Marchmont house, but several.


El Dorado. An Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel

Emmuska Orczy

An Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel is a sequel to The Scarlet Pimpernel. In Eldorado, Sir Percy becomes involved in one of the most famous plots of the French Revolution, the attempt to rescue the child heir (son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette) to the French throne from imprisonment in Paris and spirits him away to Holland. He willingly walks into an ambush in an attempt to rescue his brother-in-law. When a certain member of the League (who also happens to be related to our hero) falls in love with a French actress, Percy is caught by archenemy hauvelin. His ultimate fate is one of the unknowns of history, though it is almost certain that he died in prison. The main character in reality in the various plots which centred around him was the Austrian-financed agitator, the Baron de Batz.


Buffalo Bills Spy Trailer. Or The Stranger in Camp

Prentiss Ingraham

By the author of the celebrated Buffalo Bill stories. Colonel Prentiss Ingraham was a Colonel in the Confederate Army, a professional military officer throughout the 1860s and a fiction writer. As well as writing under his own name, he published under pseudonyms including Dr. Noel Dunbar, Dangerfield Burr, Major Henry B. Stoddard, Colonel Leon Lafitte, Frank Powell, Harry Dennies Perry, Midshipman Tom W. Hall, and Lieut. Preston Graham. Buffalo Bills Spy Trailer: The Stranger in Camp was first published in 1908. In it, a legendary figure of the Wild West who was canny enough to capitalize off of his own notoriety, William Cody was a renowned soldier and hunter. This action-packed tale parlays some of the historical facts surrounding Buffalo Bills life into a larger-than-life, thrill-a-minute Western.


The Night Horseman

Max Brand

For all his untamed ways, Whistling Dan Barry has won the love of Kate Cumberland, who struggles to lure him from the call of the wind and the night in the desert country. But Dans mysterious personality leads him into one difficult situation after another, for the path he takes with his wild companions - the stallion Satan and the wolf dog Black Bart - is strewn with desperate enemies and fierce encounters. "The Night Horseman" is part of a trilogy about a mysterious gunslinger who appears to be a Casper Milquetoaste but, in concert with a powerful wolf-dog, and a murderous stallion; is able to overpower seemingly any opposing force.


Old Surehand. Band IIII

Karl May

Die Trilogie Old Surehand ist ein paradigmatisches Werk des Übergangs und der Wandlung Karl Mays. Mit der Hilfe von Old Wabble, dem König der Cowboys, will Old Shatterhand den geheimnisvollen Westmann Old Surehand aus den Händen feindlicher Indianer befreien. Später gesellt sich Winnetou zu ihnen. Im Llano Estacado kommt es dann zu einer schicksalhaften Begegnung. Nach Überwindung vieler Gefahren lichtet sich nun das Dunkel um Old Surehands Vergangenheit. Old Shatterhand und Winnetou ziehen mit ihren Begleitern, unter ihnen die Verkehrten Toasts Dick Hammerdull und Pitt Holbers, hinauf ins Felsengebirge, wo alle Fäden zusammenlaufen. Der ruhelose Held des Wilden Westens, Old Surehand, erlebt zahlreiche Abenteuer, wie einen Indianeraufstand und die Verfolgung einer verfeindeten Bande. Ein ereignisreicher Wild-West-Epos voller Spannung und Abenteuer.


Pustynia zagłady

Karol May

Pustynia zagłady to cykl opowiadań, których głównym bohaterem jest Old Shatterhand, czyli Kara Ben Nemzi. Tym razem jego przygody rozgrywają się w Afryce Północnej. Czytelnicy mogą obserwować współistnienie kultury chrześcijańskiej oraz islamu, a także podziwiać pięknie wykreowane, bajeczne afrykańskie krajobrazy: pustyni, puszczy, rozrzuconych wśród pustkowi ludzkich osad...


Short Stories. 18961922

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Lucy Maud Montgomery, called Maud by family and friends and publicly known as L.M. Montgomery, was a Canadian author best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908. Anne of Green Gables was an immediate success. Montgomery published some 20 novels as well as 500 short stories and poems before her death in 1942. Because many of the novels were set on Prince Edward Island, Canada and the Canadian province became literary landmarks. She was awarded Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 1935. This book contains Lucy Maud Montgomerys short stories from the year 1896 to 1922. This great collection is full of her usual assortment of quirky, down-home, loyal, and loveable characters with honest and heart-warming stories.


Pójdźmy za Nim

Henryk Sienkiewicz

Akcja utworu Pójdźmy za Nim toczy się w starożytnym Rzymie. Patrycjusz Kajus Septimus Cinna prowadzi życie pełne zabaw. Ma jednak poczucie pustki i nie czuje się szczęśliwy. Pewnego dnia poznaje piękną Anteję. Szybko się w niej zakochuje. Wkrótce biorą ślub. Szczęście nie trwa jednak długo. Anteja zdradza objawy choroby psychicznej. Każdego dnia nawiedzają ją przerażające wizje. Wynajęci lekarze są bezradni. Cinna z żoną udają się do Jerozolimy. Liczą na to, że zdrowsze powietrze przyniesie poprawę. Wizje jednak nie ustają. Pewnego dnia oboje stają się świadkami egzekucji Jezusa Chrystusa...


The Planetary Series

Stanley G. Weinbaum

If youre going to launch a series dedicated to the very best science fiction and fantasy writers of the century, it makes sense to start with Stanley G. Weinbaum. The Planetary Series includes ten stories set on worlds of Earths solar system following several centuries of human exploration and settlement. It features a host of fascinating alien creatures, including birdlike Martians (features in A Martian Odyssey and its sequel Valley of Dreams) and The Red Peri and the Venusian trioptes (in Parasite Planet, The Lotus Eaters). Written in the 1930s, the planetary stories were consistent with scientific understanding of the solar system at that time, as well as consistent with science fiction ideas of the planets, most notably a warm and wet jungle-like Venus. Even today, the collection remains a highly readable and enjoyable, a great example of early science fiction that exhibits the finest pulp virtues: fast action, colorful settings and characters, and terrific storytelling.


The Great Court Scandal

William Le Queux

The Ladybird will refuse to have anything to do with the affair, my dear fellow. It touches a womans honour, and I know her too well. Bah! Well compel her to help us. She must. She wouldnt risk it, declared Harry Kinder, shaking his head. Risk it! Well, well have to risk something! Were in a nice hole just now! Our traps at the Grand, with a bill of two thousand seven hundred francs to pay, and the Ladybird coolly sends us from London a postal order for twenty-seven shillings and sixpenceall she has!


Pan Geldhab. Komedia w trzech aktach wierszem

Aleksander Fredro

Geldhab próbuje wydać swoją córkę za zbankrutowanego księcia. Chce w ten sposób zdobyć tytuł i awans do elit społecznych. Typowa komiedia z nietypowym zakończeniem. Lektura warta polecenia.


Bulldog Drummond at Bay

H.C. McNeile

Bulldog Drummond At Bay is another story from the famous series of Herman Cyril McNeile. This story is full of mysteries for the reader. Drummond hears cries near his yard, then notices traces of blood there. He meets two guys who claim to be after a madman. The main character is determined to explore in his unique style, but discovers a mysterious message.


The Square Emerald

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace, The Square Emerald, originally published in 1926 and made in England. The plot involves a young gentleman, secretary to a notable politician, convicted wrongly of forging a check, now released after serving his term in prison, a group of rather sinister society ladies with their sinister butler Druze, who were involved in the check and other activities, and a beautiful young woman detective from Scotland Yard, also from a stylish society background. A female sleuth is one step ahead of everyone, including the reader, and generally has jolly good fun solving the case. A mysteriously complicated plot make this Edgar Wallace book great fun with the twists coming thick and fast.



Jules Verne

Le roman La famille sans nom emmene le lecteur européen létranger, dans les étendues du continent nord-américain, jusqu la partie du continent appelée le Canada, et raconte le soulevement des colons français au Québec. Les Canadiens cherchent se libérer du contrôle de la couronne britannique. Lavocat Morgaz a trahi les rebelles et a d errer avec sa famille sans rester longtemps au mme endroit. Installé la frontiere avec les Etats-Unis, Morgaz ne résiste plus au stress et se tire.


Wiersze. Wybór

Daniel Naborowski

Tom zawiera wybór utworów poetyckich Daniela Naborowskiego, polskiego poety barokowego, dyplomaty i tłumacza. Tworzył w nurcie poezji metafizycznej. W swoich utworach godził wartości sprzeczne. Renesansowej pochwale rozsądku i życia statecznego towarzyszy przekonanie o marności świata i nieuchronnym przemijaniu wszelkich zjawisk.


The Honourable Algernon Knox, Detective

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This is a very clever collection of linked stories by E. Phillips Oppenheim written in 1913. Algernon Knox, pretty young, dapper, seemingly silly, has failed at everything. Although wealthy, he fails when he stands for parliament. By chance he becomes involved in a blackmail against his uncle, who is a diplomat. Knox foils the plot, and a new career is born, the gentleman detective. In some ways, the young man carries out increasingly dangerous and cleaver missions against criminals and foreign spies. Haunted by the beautiful but foreign Adele de Hagon, Knox finds his career and fortunes on the rise. An enjoyable read!


Outlaws of Palouse

Zane Grey

Kidnapping Collie Younger: When Rod Brecken stole the most beautiful and outrageous flirting mistress who ever made the cowboy crazy, this is just the lesson she needs; but Rod may have tasted more than he can chew on. Palaces persecutors: Dale Brittenham follow the footsteps of the horse thieves to bring to justice before angry runners overtake them.


Le Chancellor

Jules Verne

Le roman parle du navire, dans les cales o commence brler la charge de coton. Au début, lincendie nest pas détecté explicitement, mais au fil du temps, la flamme se déclare. Un groupe de passagers est sauvé sur un radeau construit la hâte construit partir des restes dun navire, et le radeau commence dériver travers les immenses étendues de locéan. Dans la situation de manque de nourriture et deau douce, les qualités des personnes se manifestent, qui sont profondément cachées pendant leur existence paisible.


Soldiers Three

Rudyard Kipling

Soldiers Three is a series of fascinating stories by the great English writer and poet Joseph Rudyard Kipling. A collection of short stories written in 1888 provides a glimpse into the life of tommies, as the English soldiers called it, in Afghanistan. They fool around, complain and talk about their daily lives - against the backdrop of the war and sunset of colonial England.


Major Haynes of the Secret Service

Edgar Wallace

Major Haynes of the Secret Service is a fine series of Wallace stories about wartime espionage. During the First World War Edgar Wallace wrote a number of morale-boosting tales about the skill and derring-do of the British military and intelligence services, mostly in the form of series published under such titles as Tam o the Scoots, Companions of the Ace High, and Clarence-Private. Several series were published in the form of dramatic pseudo-documentary accounts of what he claimed to be true stories. Three espionage series in this category are known to have been published in British newspapers. Two of these featured an intelligence agent by the name of Major Haynes and made their first appearance in the Dundee paper Thomsons Weekly News.