

Juliusz Słowacki

Turecki żołnierz w trakcie jednej z wojen przechodzi na stronę kozaków, aby następnie zostać hetmanem na Siczy Zaporoskiej. Kieruje nim żądza zemsty za śmierć ojca i odebranie kochanki. Nie wszystko jednak idzie po jego myśli.


The Clue

Carolyn Wells

On the eve of her wedding day, Madeleine Van Norman, a beautiful young lady who is soon to come into her family fortune is found dead, apparently stabbed with an ominous blood-stained letter opener found nearby. Who killed her the cousin who loved her but had been rejected; her fiancé, who was in love with another woman; her secretary, who loved the fiancé; the eccentric spinster who stood to inherit her property? The Clue, published in 1909, is the first book in the Detective Fleming Stone series. It falls squarely in the tradition of two favorite mystery sub-genres the Big House Mystery and the Locked Room Mystery. Detective Fleming Stone is cool and methodical, not unlike his more famous fictional contemporaries, Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes. The twist is that he doesnt appear until the second half of the story.


Szatan i Judasz (Tom 3). Szatan i Judasz. Gracz

Karol May

Szatan i Judasz. Gracz to trzecia część z 11-tomowego cyklu przygodowego autorstwa Karola Maya. Znani z innych serii bohaterowie przemierzają świat wzdłuż i wszerz są zawsze tam, gdzie coś się dzieje i gdzie potrzebna ich pomoc. Znakomicie radzą sobie w najtrudniejszych sytuacjach, dzięki czemu udaje im się ocalić wiele istnień. Nagrodą często bywają odnalezione skarby.



George Gordon Byron

Giaur Georgea Byrona to poetycka opowieść o wielkiej miłości, przełamującej granice kultur i religii. Młody Wenecjanin Giaur zakochuje się w gruzińskiej niewolnicy Leili, siłą wydanej za mąż za Hassana. Śmierć oskarżonej o zdrady Leili doprowadza Giaura do rozpaczy, budząc w nim nieprzejednane pragnienie zemsty. Niespełniona miłość i tragedia już na zawsze przesądzą o losie Giaura.


The Second Jungle Book

Rudyard Kipling

If you read the stories of The First Jungle Book, you remember how, attaching the skin of Sher Khan to the Council Rock, Mowgli told the surviving wolves of the Zion pack that he would hunt one from now on, and how his brothers - four wolves - announced that they would hunt with him. But its hard to change life in one minute, especially in the jungle. The flock dispersed in disarray; Mowgli went to the cave of his wolves, lay down and slept all day and all night. Then he told Mother and Father Wolves everything that they could understand from his adventures among people, and when the boy made the morning sun play on the blade of his knife, the very one with which he skinned from Sher Khan, they agreed that their son learned something.


Shorty Bill

H.C. McNeile

Sapper stories focus on the individuals than overall strategy. They describe what the things are like for the soldiers in the trenches. The story of an excellent young man, noble and deeply versed in the intricacies of etiquette. Most of the human race was unaware of its existence; but the ladies and gentlemen in the Mogmoth Emporium of Mogg considered him the ultimate arbiter of elegance. There is no direct story about the war, but there is a story about the man who helped many after the war.


The Ringer

Edgar Wallace

Perhaps Edgar Wallaces best-known book, originally published under the title The Gaunt Stranger in 1925. Inspector Wemburys day turns from bad to worse when a legendary assassin who was supposed dead in Australia returns to London seeking vengeance for the murder of his sister. Scotland Yard know the Ringer had left his sister in the care of unscrupulous lawyer Maurice Meister and that she was later found drowned, so they warn Meister that the Ringer is in London. Who is the Ringer? It will be a clever reader who can spot him before the very end of the story. An exiting page tuner full of intrigue and mystery, The Ringer is a must-read for all fans of thrilling crime fiction.


The Adventures of Kirby ODonnell

Robert E. Howard

One of Robert E. Howards lesser known fictional characters, Kirby ODonnell is an American treasure hunter in early-twentieth century Afghanistan disguised as a Kurdish merchant, Ali el Ghazi. Ali el Ghazi is a master of edged weapons, fiercely intelligent, tigerishly quick, and a merciless killer when threatened. Kirby ODonnell is similar to another of Howards characters, El Borak, in many ways. However, ODonnell seeks hidden treasures in all of his stories (Swords of Shahrazar, The Treasures of Tartary, The Curse of the Crimson God) while El Borak is more concerned with his own form of justice and stability in Afghanistan. There are betrayals, vicious swordfights, hot pursuits through brutally harsh Himalayan terrain, a hidden treasure and enough spilled entrails to satisfy the most discerning Howard fan.


The Shape of Things to Come

Herbert George Wells

The Shape of Things to Come is one of the great classics of science fiction. Originally written in 1929, this masterly work of science fiction has already confirmed H G Wells status as a remarkable soothsayer, and provides glimpses of what is perhaps yet to come. The book is written as a sort of historical account. It tells of how a world state could be considered an answer to Earths problems. After a large plague wipes out much of humanity, a dictatorship takes over, taking away all religion and uniting the world. If someone opposes the dictatorship, they are given a choice to commit suicide in an environment of their choice. However, the dictatorship is later overthrown and the world state dissolves. Spanning the years from 1929 to 2105, it describes future generations and predicts the advent of wars, advancing technology and sweeping cultural changes.



Henryk Sienkiewicz

Historia romantycznej miłości. Młody panicz Henryk i jego rówieśnik, syn bogatego ziemianina tatarskiego Selim Mirza, zakochują się w tej samej dziewczynie. Hania jest sierotą, córką wiernego sługi ojca Henryka. Między młodzieńcami dochodzi do ostrej rywalizacji o względy dziewczyny...


The Half-Hearted

John Buchan

Set in the closing years of the nineteenth century, The Half-Hearted tells the story of Lewis Haystoun, a dilettante and coward. Part I of the novel is a story of manners and romance in upper class Scotland. Part II is an adventure story on the North West frontier of India where Lewis saves the British Empire. The novel follows the life of Lewis Haystoun, a young Scottish laird, who finds himself unable to commit wholeheartedly to any course of action. His failure to seize the opportunity results in the woman he loves agreeing to marry a rival. Determined to face up to what he considers to be his cowardice, Haystoun departs for the Empires north west frontier where he dies attempting to hold a narrow mountain pass single-handedly against an invading Cossack army. Beautifully composed, evocative and compelling, this is a love story but not with the conventional happy ending. Our hero and heroine fall in love and meet the usual obstacles, but fail to overcome them.


Mother Goose in Prose

L. Frank Baum

None of us, whether children or adults, needs an introduction to Mother Goose. Those things which are earliest impressed upon our minds cling to them most tenaciously. Published three years before L. Frank Baum achieved fame with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, this engaging volume added an exciting new dimension to old, much-loved verses. The book contains 22 prose fables based on famous nursery rhymes: Old King Cole, Little Miss Muffet, The Cat and the Fiddle and many others. Baum gives the stories English settings and ambience, with mentions of London, the Sussex downs, and the River Dee. His tactic in the book is to take the often-nonsensical nursery rhymes and weave coherent, or at least self-consistent, stories from them. This wonderful collection of short stories is another delightful addition to anyone who is a fan of Baums work. Based on famous Mother Goose rhymes, all stories are fascinating background tales of the various characters involved.


The Call of the Canyon

Zane Grey

From the master of the western novel comes a tale full of romance and adventure. This is the story of Carley Burch, a young wealthy socialite living in New York City. As the story begins soldiers are coming home from the trenches of WWI, many of them damaged physically and emotionally. Among them is Carleys fiancé, Glenn Kilbourne. He goes West to find his health and himself, with the idea that hell return when all is well. They correspond until she eventually heads West to find and woo him, in the process realizing that she too has changed. How can she reconcile the love for this man and her love for this place he has gone so far away from? Their fate together remains in doubt until the end.


Anna the Adventuress

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Annabelle Pelissier, for his own reasons, allows Sir John Ferringhall to believe that she is his sister Hannah. Anna continues to cheat and bear the burden of her sisters reputation, which in any case in Paris is a coquette. Infinite complications occur when both sisters return to London. This is one of the most intriguing stories of E. Philips Oppenheim.


Michael Strogoff. Or, The Courier of the Czar

Jules Verne

The hero of the novel, courier Mikhail Strogov, on behalf of the emperor sets off on a long journey from Moscow to Irkutsk through Siberia, captured by the Tatars uprising in order to save the tsars brother. An unusual trip to Irkutsk, created by the imagination of a French novelist, turned out to be so fascinating that in France there was a fashion for everything Russian, several generations were read this book.


Three Tales of the Ring

Robert E. Howard

From the unsurpassed imagination of the creator of Conan, Robert E. Howard, here are three tales of boxing, suspense and high adventure. Three Tales of the Ring is an excellent sampler of his non-sword and sorcery output, with a very strong emphasis on the gothic and the macabre. The collection includes such Howards masterpieces as The Apparition in the Prize Ring, Alleys of Darkness, Cupid vs Pollux. The Apparition In the Prize Ring is a ghostly little boxing story, narrated by a boxing manager of a black heavyweight Ace Jessel also known by the title Sucker Fight. Alleys of Darkness is a story in the Sailor Dennis Dorgan series. Cupid VS. Pollux is similarly a bit humorous tale of a heavyweight boxer, whos fallen in love. The boxing tales of Robert E. Howard have been collected into several different collections, some containing only them, some all of the works Howard has written.


Księżna Łowicka. Powieść historyczna z XIX wieku

Wacław Gąsiorowski

Powieść, rozgrywająca się w XIX wieku, opowiada zbeletryzowane losy Joanny Grudzińskiej, polskiej żony wielkiego księcia Konstantego, który przez wiele lat pozostawał rzeczywistym władcą Królestwa Polskiego. Był on jednak osobą niezrównoważoną, pełną obsesji i nieprzewidywalną, co wpływało na relacje z rosyjskim zaborcą oraz dramatycznie pogarszało sytuację Polaków. Czy polska żona, gorliwa katoliczka, była w stanie wpłynąć na męża i poprawić los rodaków?


The Finer Grain

Henry James

The Finer Grain a collection of small stories. The A Round of Visits is a thoughtful tragedy that triggered the opening of Watch and Trusteeship. The Bench of Desolation, located in an English seaside town, is a touching story of reconciliation after some very offensive and bitter misunderstandings.


History of King Richard the Second of England

Jacob Abbott

This book covers the whole history of England after the death of Richard 1. Great emphasis is placed on the coming to power of Richard 2. His overthrow and death are also described in detail by the author. Jacob Abbott offers a more complete picture as is possible, within such limits, of the ideas and principles, the manners and customs.


The Adventures of Heine

Edgar Wallace

The hapless Heine is trying very hard to be a good German spy in Great Britain during WWI but luck and circumstance are not with him. Every adventure turns out poorly for our dear spy. This collection of stories of Edgar Wallace about Heine was published during WWI and should be taken lightly by readers some may see it as a piece of anti-German propaganda, with Heine as a bit of a hopeless idiot. But the stories are also entertaining and should be read as such. Although these stories of German spy Heine are all linked and follow on from each other it is still very much a short story collection rather than a novel.



Robert Louis Stevenson

The story is set in 1751 and the author has successfully narrated the story keeping in mind the history of the time. If you love adventure stories then you simply cannot ignore this fast-moving adventure which promises to keep the reader engrossed from start-to-finish. The plot follows young David, who is cheated out of his inheritance by a greedy uncle, and kidnapped into servitude on a sailing ship. The ship hits a small boat during a fog and picks up Alan Breck Stewart, a renegade Highlander. Its a grand adventure story, though, with the friendship between the two quite different main characters providing light-hearted moments, narrow escapes, and a fitting, but bittersweet ending. The setting of the story is very beautiful and there are vivid descriptions of the woods, waterfalls and streams which they jump over.


A King by Night

Edgar Wallace

English crime writer, journalist, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright. He wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and numerous articles. In the 1920s, one of Wallaces publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. He was known during his lifetime for the J. G. Reeder detective stories, "The Four Just Men", "The Ringer", and for creating the Green Archer character. He is most famous today as the co-creator of King Kong. "A King by Night" is a mystery novel, centering around the latest in a series of murders. The plot thickens until the last two chapters, when all is revealed. Recommended for Edgar Wallace fans and fans of old-time, classic crime thrillers.


Klaus im Glück

Hans Dominik

Klaus im Glück ist ein 1928 veröffentlichter Roman des Autors Hans Dominik. Hans Dominik (1872-1945) war ein deutscher Science-Fiction- und Sachbuchautor, Wissenschaftsjournalist und Ingenieur. Diesmal wurde das Schicksal eines armen Bauernjungen dem Leben nacherzählt, dem eine schneidige Lebensrettung Gelegenheit bietet, Techniker zu werden. Man steigt mit dem munteren Jungen auf den Führerstand der Lokomotive, lernt Eisenbahnen und Brücken bauen, begleitet ihn nach Südwest, wo er als Ingenieur, dann als Großfarmer und Großunternehmer in arbeits- und erfolgreichem Leben eine zweite Heimat findet.


The Lute Player

Harold Bindloss

Kings sometimes get bored too, and they want diversity. After all, they have everything they want. Similarly, our main character, the king, wanted to leave the comfort zone and went on a journey, leaving his wife. However, it can be said that the pudding quickly came to an end and he goes to prison. The king sends a message to his wife, where he asks him to disguise himself as a boy and save him.