
Queen of the Dawn. A Love Tale of Old Egypt

H. Rider Haggard

Queen of the Dawn is an ancient Egyptian fantasy. The beginning of the story is very rapidly developing, from the very beginning the pharaon dies. And the daughter of Pharaoh is forced to hide. She meets and falls in love with the usurpers disguised son. The end is full of adventures and bright battles.


La Curée

Émile Zola

Le personnage principal veut augmenter le bruissement de largent dans ses poches. Lhistoire de laventurier et joueur déchange Aristide Saqqara, qui gagne de largent avec tout. Les projets de restructuration de Paris ouvrent un large champ a la fraude financiere. Le désir dobtenir le plus dargent possible rend le protagoniste anormal.


The Tragic Muse

Henry James

The Tragic Muse is dedicated to the conflict between the artist and society. Painter Nick Dormer suffers because he does not find recognition, actress Miriam Ruth, in the name of success, makes compromises with his conscience, understanding what the rich audience expects of her. However, the greatest success of this work was the image of Gabriel Nash.


The Survivors of the Chancellor. Diary of J.R. Kazallon, Passenger

Jules Verne

The book Chansler. The Diary of a Passenger by J.-R. Casallon Jules Verne is based on real events, which gives her great interest. The theme of sea voyage of ships is one of the leading ones in the authors novels. On one of the cargo ships there was a fire of cotton, the crew and passengers were forced to build a raft and leave the ship, which was no longer rescue. The whole novel is dedicated to the misfortunes of the surviving people, whose fate is not at all enviable.


Who Killed the Husband

Hulbert Footner

Mappin is a wealthy New York criminologist and author who is highly valued by the police and high society. He participates only in those crimes that really interest him. And in Who Killed the Husband he investigates solely because all the people around him beg him to take action. In this story, a detective investigates the murder of a banker. The killer who, according to the police have already found.


Dolina bez wyjścia

Thomas Mayne Reid

Podróże kształcą, ale bywają też niebezpieczne, a wyjście z opresji wymaga często sprytu i nie lada pomysłowości. Tego typu przygoda spotkała dwóch angielskich podróżników, Karola Lindena i jego młodszego brata Gustawa, podczas wyprawy botanicznej do Indii. Po zejściu do himalajskiej doliny drogę powrotną odcięła im kamienista lawina. Na szczęście podróżnicy nie stracili zimnej krwi i nie poddali się. W jaki sposób udało im się wydostać z pułapki?


Ivanhoe. A Romance

Walter Scott

Ivanhoe, the son of a Saxon nobleman, returns to England from the Crusades. Prince John is Regent in the absence of his brother, King Richard the Lionhearted who is imprisoned in Austria. Saxons have not accepted their Norman conquerors and there is much animosity between them. Ivanhoe arrives at court just as a jousting tournament begins and bests the three Norman noblemen who have agreed to take on all comers. Ivanhoe is seriously injured however and is cared for by Isaac of York and his beautiful daughter Rebecca. They are taken prisoner however, along with Ivanhoes father Cedric and his ward Rowena, by the three knights Ivanhoe bested in the tournament. With the assistance of Robin Hood, the mysterious Black Knight attacks the castle of Front-de-Boeuf where the captives are being held. Its left to Ivanhoe to rescue to rescue Rebecca however when she is accused of being a witch.



Bolesław Prus

Doskonały portret psychologiczny trzynastoletniej dziewczynki o imieniu Anielka. Dziewczyna jest córką dziedzica, który okazuje się próżniakiem i utracjuszem rujnującym rodzinny majątek. Anielka, będąc dziewczyną dobrą, wrażliwą i spostrzegawczą, przeżywa głębokie rozczarowanie, kiedy widzi, jak głęboko życiowa praktyka odbiega od oficjalnie głoszonych w jej środowisku zasad moralnych. Dom Anielki rozpada się z winy nieudolnego ojca, a ona sama także umiera w niedostatku, nie mogąc znieść śmierci matki.