
Śmierć. Studium

Ignacy Dąbrowski

Śmierć. Studium to debiutancka powieść Ignacego Dąbrowskiego, wydana w 1893 r. Stanowi naturalistyczne studium osoby umierającej młodego człowieka, studenta, zaskoczonego przez śmierć u progu życia. Kontrowersyjna oraz wstrząsająco aktualna tematyka wynikająca z powszechności umieralności na suchoty na przełomie XIX i XX wieku zdecydowała o olbrzymiej poczytności książki. Sprzyjał jej także dekadencki nastrój epoki. Dziennik studenta dokumentuje kolejne fazy postawy wobec zbliżającej się śmierci: niedowierzanie, bunt, gniew, próby walki oraz pogodzenie się z wyrokiem. Jednak ostateczny wniosek jest jednoznaczny: wszyscy umieramy tak samo nieprzygotowani.


North of Fifty-Three

Rex Beach

Rex Beach is an American writer, playwright, and Olympic water polo champion. Big George was drinking and the little Arctic mining camp was paralyzed. He was central to the North Club.


Brother of the Cheyennes

Max Brand

Rusty Sabin was born to white parents but brought up by the Cheyenne Indians. Raised by Spotted Antelope and Bitter Root, Rusty, now known as Red Hawk, refuses the compulsory and brutal initiation into the tribe when he is fifteen. But in his twenties, Red Hawk sets out to take his place among white people. Rusty doesnt know much about the white mans ways especially a white man like Bill Tenney. A thief Tenney is only interested in one thing Rustys white stallion, considered sacred among the Cheyennes. Meanwhile Major Marston is determined to come between Rusty and his sweetheart, Maisry, and the Cheyennes do all they can to compel Rusty to return to his tribe. Brothers of the Cheyennes is the second installment of the Rusty Sabin trilogy by an American fiction author Max Brand.



Maxim Gorky

The novel Mother, one of Gorkys most popular works, was based on the mass demonstration of 1902 in the city of Sormovo. Hence, an exciting plot based on real events, with a sharp political struggle, secret gatherings, searches, arrests, and the selfless heroism of the main revolutionary hero Pavel Vlasov. However, the central image in the novel is Pelageya Nilovna Vlasova, the mother of the hero, one of the most striking and exciting characters in Russian literature, symbolizing the eternal image of the Mother endowed with the gift of unlimited love and patience.


Marguerite de Valois

Alexandre Dumas

Alexander Dumas invites us to be guests at this wedding, which will soon be called bloody. Just a few days later, a tragedy will occur. Bartholomews night will happen, in which many Huguenots, including Admiral de Coligny, are destined to die. What will happen to the young Heinrich of Navarre, will he be able to avoid the fate of his co-religionists? And Margarita, what will be her behavior in the current difficult circumstances?


Zebranie amorów. Komedia heroiczna w jednym akcie

Pierre de Marivaux

Jednoaktowa komedia francuskiego pisarza i dramaturga Pierrea de Marivauxa, rozgrywająca się w realiach mitologicznych. Dwóch bogów miłości Amor, reprezentujący miłość cnotliwą, oraz Kupidyn, zwolennik gwałtownego pożądania musi udowodnić przed greckimi bogami, która z miłości jest bardziej właściwa dla ludzi. Obaj zmuszeni są do konkurencji, podczas której zalecają się do upersonifikowanej Cnoty.


Tender Is the Night

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Set in the South of France in the decade after World War I, Tender Is the Night is the story of a brilliant and magnetic psychiatrist named Dick Diver who marries one of his patients, a wealthy schizophrenic, Nicole Warren; as she slowly recovers, she exhausts his vitality until he is, in Fitzgeralds words, un homme épuisé (a used-up man). The novel explores how love can be won, lost, and perverted by the myriad forces that shape our lives, including money, illness, and politics.


The Owl Taxi

Hulbert Footner

Suppose you were a young and very rich New Yorker, and you suddenly lost all your money. Suppose you met a taxi-driver and for reasons good to both you agreed to exchange identities. Suppose, having started up Fifth Avenue in the old taxi at one a.m., you were about to admit your first fare when you discovered a dead body already occupying the car. Humor, espionage, romance, and adventure make this novel thrilling.