Wydawca: Packt Publishing
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3D Printing Designs: Design an SD Card Holder. Measurement basics to design and build a 3D printed object

Joe Larson

Want to model a 3D printed prototype of an object that needs to be replaced or broken? This book will teach you how to accurately measure objects in the real world with a few basic measuring techniques and how to create an object for 3D printing around the objects measured. In this book, you'll learn to identify basic shapes from a given object, use Vernier and Digital calipers and grid paper tracing techniques to derive measurements for the objects. With the help of measurements, you'll see to model these objects using Blender, organize the parts into layers, and later combine them to create the desired object, which in this book is a 3D printable SD card holder ring that fits your finger.


MySQL for Python. Integrating MySQL and Python can bring a whole new level of productivity to your applications. This practical tutorial shows you how with examples and explanations that clarify even the most difficult concepts

Albert Lukaszewski

Python is a dynamic programming language, which is completely enterprise ready, owing largely to the variety of support modules that are available to extend its capabilities. In order to build productive and feature-rich Python applications, we need to use MySQL for Python, a module that provides database support to our applications. Although you might be familiar with accessing data in MySQL, here you will learn how to access data through MySQL for Python efficiently and effectively.This book demonstrates how to boost the productivity of your Python applications by integrating them with the MySQL database server, the world's most powerful open source database. It will teach you to access the data on your MySQL database server easily with Python's library for MySQL using a practical, hands-on approach. Leaving theory to the classroom, this book uses real-world code to solve real-world problems with real-world solutions.The book starts by exploring the various means of installing MySQL for Python on different platforms and how to use simple database querying techniques to improve your programs. It then takes you through data insertion, data retrieval, and error-handling techniques to create robust programs. The book also covers automation of both database and user creation, and administration of access controls. As the book progresses, you will learn to use many more advanced features of Python for MySQL that facilitate effective administration of your database through Python. Every chapter is illustrated with a project that you can deploy in your own situation.By the end of this book, you will know several techniques for interfacing your Python applications with MySQL effectively so that powerful database management through Python becomes easy to achieve and easy to maintain.


Operationalizing Threat Intelligence. A guide to developing and operationalizing cyber threat intelligence programs

Kyle Wilhoit, Joseph Opacki

We’re living in an era where cyber threat intelligence is becoming more important. Cyber threat intelligence routinely informs tactical and strategic decision-making throughout organizational operations. However, finding the right resources on the fundamentals of operationalizing a threat intelligence function can be challenging, and that’s where this book helps.In Operationalizing Threat Intelligence, you’ll explore cyber threat intelligence in five fundamental areas: defining threat intelligence, developing threat intelligence, collecting threat intelligence, enrichment and analysis, and finally production of threat intelligence. You’ll start by finding out what threat intelligence is and where it can be applied. Next, you’ll discover techniques for performing cyber threat intelligence collection and analysis using open source tools. The book also examines commonly used frameworks and policies as well as fundamental operational security concepts. Later, you’ll focus on enriching and analyzing threat intelligence through pivoting and threat hunting. Finally, you’ll examine detailed mechanisms for the production of intelligence.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the right tools and understand what it takes to operationalize your own threat intelligence function, from collection to production.


Applying and Extending Oracle Spatial. This guide takes you straight into the attributes of Oracle Spatial and teaches you to extend, apply, and combine them with other Oracle and open source technologies. A vital manual for solving everyday problems

Siva Ravada, Simon Greener

Spatial applications should be developed in the same way that users develop other database applications: by starting with an integrated data model in which the SDO_GEOMETRY objects are just another attribute describing entities and by using as many of the database features as possible for managing the data. If a task can be done using a database feature like replication, then it should be done using the standard replication technology instead of inventing a new procedure for replicating spatial data. Sometimes solving a business problem using a PL/SQL function can be more powerful, accessible, and easier to use than trying to use external software. Because Oracle Spatial's offerings are standards compliant, this book shows you how Oracle Spatial technology can be used to build cross-vendor database solutions. Applying and Extending Oracle Spatial shows you the clever things that can be done not just with Oracle Spatial on its own, but in combination with other database technologies. This is a great resource book that will convince you to purchase other Oracle technology books on non-spatial specialist technologies because you will finally see that spatial is not special: it is a small, fun, and clever part of a much larger whole.


Building a Cyber Resilient Business. A cyber handbook for executives and boards

Dr. Magda Lilia Chelly, Shamane Tan, Hai Tran

With cyberattacks on the rise, it has become essential for C-suite executives and board members to step up and collectively recognize cyber risk as a top priority business risk. However, non-cyber executives find it challenging to understand their role in increasing the business’s cyber resilience due to its complex nature and the lack of a clear return on investment.This audiobook demystifies the perception that cybersecurity is a technical problem, drawing parallels between the key responsibilities of the C-suite roles to line up with the mission of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).The audiobook equips you with all you need to know about cyber risks to run the business effectively. Each chapter provides a holistic overview of the dynamic priorities of the C-suite (from the CFO to the CIO, COO, CRO, and so on), and unpacks how cybersecurity must be embedded in every business function. The audiobook also contains self-assessment questions, which are a helpful tool in evaluating any major cybersecurity initiatives and/or investment required.With this audiobook, you’ll have a deeper appreciation of the various ways all executives can contribute to the organization’s cyber program, in close collaboration with the CISO and the security team, and achieve a cyber-resilient, profitable, and sustainable business.


Learning RabbitMQ. Build and optimize efficient messaging applications with ease

Martin Toshev

RabbitMQ is Open Source Message Queuing software based on the Advanced Message Queue Protocol Standard written in the Erlang Language. RabbitMQ is an ideal candidate for large-scale projects ranging from e-commerce and finance to Big Data and social networking because of its ease of use and high performance. Managing RabbitMQ in such a dynamic environment can be a challenging task that requires a good understanding not only of how to work properly with the message broker but also of its best practices and pitfalls.Learning RabbitMQ starts with a concise description of messaging solutions and patterns, then moves on to concrete practical scenarios for publishing and subscribing to the broker along with basic administration. This knowledge is further expanded by exploring how to establish clustering and high availability at the level of the message broker and how to integrate RabbitMQ with a number of technologies such as Spring, and enterprise service bus solutions such as MuleESB and WSO2. We will look at advanced topics such as performance tuning, secure messaging, and the internals of RabbitMQ. Finally we will work through case-studies so that we can see RabbitMQ in action and, if something goes wrong, we'll learn to resolve it in the Troubleshooting section.