BIBLIO ebookpoint

diverse online reading room

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modern online library

BIBLIO ebookpoint is a service of a modern online reading room that offers electronic books. A library of e-books, audiobooks and video courses can be a perfect complement to traditional library collections.

According to the latest report on the state of readership in Poland, there are more and more supporters of electronic books. The trend will certainly not slow down and more and more people will reach for easily accessible PDF or EPUB files. A modern online reading room can also be a place for its users to develop – thanks to video courses or audiobooks.

platforma edukacyjna – jak chcesz i gdzie chcesz

dlaczego platforma edukacyjna to doskonałe rozwiązanie dla Twojej biblioteki?

  • you get access to hundreds of publications of fiction and specialized literature

  • you get access to new publicationson the day of their release

  • during the term of the contract, you benefit from new products without additional fees and annexes

  • you do not need to install additional software – the platform is available with one click in a browser

  • you can manage the platform via the user-friendly admin panel

unlimited digital library

Your readers are eager to use digital resources, but they are constrained by the limit of pages? Choose the solutions that do not introduce such restrictions!

BIBLIO learning platform does not restrict your readers, they can read as much as they want. No matter if they take a video course, listen to an audiobook or read e-books – they can use as many the resources to as they like. The more, the better – the platform will be applied and the readers will be satisfied.

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Digitalization in the library

Digitalization in the library is an increasingly common phenomenon. It allows not only to streamline some processes, such as cataloguing collections or monitoring loans and returns, but also to provide digital resources, such as ebooks, audiobooks, video courses or podcasts. Until now the diversity of genres has allowed bibliophile to find interesting reading of various literary genres, whereas today it allows something more – to suit the favorite format to the situation or personal preferences.

Digitalization of the library

Digitalization of the library is important not only in the context of improving the work of the library, but also the use of its resources by readers. At the same time, there are those people – for example, people who do not look into libraries or supporters of buying books for ownership – who do not know that they can find there much more than just traditional, paper publications. It is important to reach out to these people to show them that the library is a place open to innovations where you can not only borrow a printed book, but also gain access to a modern, online learning platform, combining learning and personal development in one service. How many readers could your library gain if you decided to share such a solution with them? Try and see!