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50 Kubernetes Concepts Every DevOps Engineer Should Know. Your go-to guide for making production-level decisions on how and why to implement Kubernetes

Michael Levan

Kubernetes is a trending topic among engineers, CTOs, CIOs, and other technically sound professionals. Due to its proliferation and importance for all cloud technologies, DevOps engineers nowadays need a solid grasp of key Kubernetes concepts to help their organization thrive.This book equips you with all the requisite information about how Kubernetes works and how to use it for the best results. You’ll learn everything from why cloud native is important to implementing Kubernetes clusters to deploying applications in production. This book takes you on a learning journey, starting from what cloud native is and how to get started with Kubernetes in the cloud, on-premises, and PaaS environments such as OpenShift. Next, you’ll learn about deploying applications in many ways, including Deployment specs, Ingress Specs, and StatefulSet specs. Finally, you’ll be comfortable working with Kubernetes monitoring, observability, and security. Each chapter of 50 Kubernetes Concepts Every DevOps Engineer Should Know is built upon the previous chapter, ensuring that you develop practical skills as you work through the code examples in GitHub, allowing you to follow along while giving you practical knowledge.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to implement Kubernetes in any environment, whether it’s an existing environment, a greenfield environment, or your very own lab running in the cloud or your home.

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A Blueprint for Production-Ready Web Applications. Leverage industry best practices to create complete web apps with Python, TypeScript, and AWS

Dr. Philip Jones

A Blueprint for Production-Ready Web Applications will help you expand upon your coding knowledge and teach you how to create a complete web application. Unlike other guides that focus solely on a singular technology or process, this book shows you how to combine different technologies and processes as needed to meet industry standards.You’ll begin by learning how to set up your development environment, and use Quart and React to create the backend and frontend, respectively. This book then helps you get to grips with managing and validating accounts, structuring relational tables, and creating forms to manage data. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of web application development by creating a to-do app, which can be used as a base for your future projects. Finally, you’ll find out how to deploy and monitor your application, along with discovering advanced concepts such as managing database migrations and adding multifactor authentication.By the end of this web development book, you’ll be able to apply the lessons and industry best practices that you’ve learned to both your personal and work projects, allowing you to further develop your coding portfolio.

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A Developer's Guide to Cloud Apps Using Microsoft Azure. Migrate and modernize your cloud-native applications with containers on Azure using real-world case studies

Hamida Rebai Trabelsi, Marc-Andre Laniel

Companies face several challenges during cloud adoption, with developers and architects needing to migrate legacy applications and build cloud-oriented applications using Azure-based technologies in different environments. A Developer’s Guide to Cloud Apps Using Microsoft Azure helps you learn how to migrate old apps to Azure using the Cloud Adoption Framework and presents use cases, as well as build market-ready secure and reliable applications.The book begins by introducing you to the benefits of moving legacy apps to the cloud and modernizing existing ones using a set of new technologies and approaches. You’ll then learn how to use technologies and patterns to build cloud-oriented applications. This app development book takes you on a journey through three major services in Azure, namely Azure Container Registry, Azure Container Instances, and Azure Kubernetes Service, which will help you build and deploy an application based on microservices. Finally, you’ll be able to implement continuous integration and deployment in Azure to fully automate the software delivery process, including the build and release processes.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to perform application migration assessment and planning, select the right Azure services, and create and implement a new cloud-oriented application using Azure containers and orchestrators.

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Adaptywny kod. Zwinne programowanie, wzorce projektowe i SOLID-ne zasady. Wydanie II

Gary McLean Hall

Tworzenie oprogramowania nie może być procesem powolnym. Dziś zespoły projektowe muszą cechować się elastycznością i dynamiką działania, aby odnieść sukces. Wymagania stawiane kodowi mogą wielokrotnie się zmieniać podczas projektu. Oznacza to, że wprowadzanie zmian do kodu powinno być proste i możliwie mało pracochłonne. Deweloperzy, którzy wdrożą zasady programowania zwinnego i będą przestrzegać związanych z nimi dobrych praktyk, będą w stanie sprostać tym wymaganiom. Niniejsza książka jest przeznaczona dla średnio zaawansowanych programistów, którzy dobrze opanowali tworzenie kodu zorientowanego obiektowo i chcą przyswoić sobie najlepsze praktyki programistyczne. Książka stanowi pomost między teorią a praktyką, ułatwiający wdrożenie w codziennej pracy wzorców projektowych, zasad SOLID, testów jednostkowych czy refaktoringu. Wyjaśniono tu stosowanie zawiłych reguł, takich jak „otwarte – zamknięte”, zasad podstawienia Liskova, metod wstrzykiwania zależności czy zwiększania adaptywności kodu za pomocą interfejsów. Przedstawiono również pewne antywzorce projektowe wraz ze wskazówkami, w jaki sposób można ich uniknąć i zapewnić potrzebną funkcjonalność bez utraty elastyczności kodu. Najważniejsze zagadnienia: metodologie Scrum i kanban, zależności i warstwy architektury kodu, testy i refaktoring, odwracanie zależności, wiązanie i spójność kodu. Gary McLean Hall jest programistą i architektem oprogramowania. Jest cenionym konsultantem, który specjalizuje się w dobrych wzorcach i praktykach programistycznych. Pracował w wielu zespołach ukierunkowanych na tworzenie adaptywnego kodu w takich firmach, jak Eidos, Xerox, Nephila Capital czy The LateRooms Group. W swojej pracy zawsze szukał złotego środka pomiędzy tworzeniem funkcjonalnego produktu i wysokiej jakości jego kodu źródłowego. Kod adaptywny: solidny, elastyczny i łatwy w utrzymaniu!

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Adobe Edge Quickstart Guide. Quickly produce engaging motion and rich interactivity with Adobe Edge Preview 4 and above with this book and

Joseph Labrecque

With the advent of HTML5 and CSS3, web designers can now create sophisticated animations without the need of additional plugins such as Flash. However, there hasn't been an easy way for creating animations with web standards until now. This book enables even those with little knowledge of HTML or programming web content to freely create a variety of rich compositions involving motion and interactivity.Learning Adobe Edge will quickly get you up and running with this professional authoring software to create highly engaging content which targets HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Content created in Adobe Edge does not rely on a plugin ñ so it can be run within any standard browserñ even on mobile.Learning Adobe Edge begins with an overview of the shifting web landscape and the Edge application. We then move on through the variety of panels and toolsets available, and explore the many options we have when creating motion and interactivity using Edge.The book presents the reasoning behind engaging, standards-based web content and how Edge fills the need for professional tooling in this area. In the book we'll examine content creation and how to achieve fluid animation and advanced transitioning through the Edge timeline. Sprinkled throughout the book are tips and references for those coming to Edge from a background in Flash Professional. Whether you are coming to Edge from Flash Professional or are totally new to motion graphics on the web, Adobe Edge Quickstart Guide provides a solid foundation of motion and interactivity concepts and techniques along with a set of demo assets to build upon.

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Agile Development. Filozofia programowania zwinnego

James Shore, Shane Warden

Zbiór praktycznych wskazówek dla producentów oprogramowania Jak wdrożyć metodologię programowania zwinnego? W jaki sposób zaangażować klientów w projekt? Jak kontrolować jakość produktów? Programowanie zwinne (Agile Development) to obecnie jedna z najpopularniejszych metodologii zarządzania projektami programistycznymi. Metodyka Agile jest szczególnie użyteczna w małych zespołach programistycznych, w których z racji ułatwionej komunikacji nie ma potrzeby tworzenia rozbudowanej dokumentacji. Programowanie zwinne opiera się na iteracyjnej realizacji kolejnych etapów projektu. Kluczem do sukcesu w tej metodzie jest efektywna współpraca między członkami zespołu projektowego. Książka "Agile Development. Filozofia programowania zwinnego" to przewodnik po programowaniu ekstremalnym, oznaczanym zwykle skrótem XP, które jest jedną z technik wchodzących w skład tej metodyki. Czytając ją, dowiesz się, jak wdrażać metodologię Agile w firmie, na czym polega programowanie ekstremalne i jaką rolę w procesie pełnią poszczególni członkowie grupy projektowej. Nauczysz się budować zespół i określać zakresy zadań osób biorących udział w pracach, planować harmogram udostępniania kolejnych wersji produktu oraz kierować procesem jego tworzenia. Poznasz metody testowania programu i usuwania z niego błędów, zasady pisania dokumentacji oraz reguły prowadzenia spotkań roboczych z klientami. Wdrażanie programowania zwinnego Techniki programowania ekstremalnego Członkowie zespołu XP Zarządzanie zespołem Angażowanie klienta w proces wytwórczy Tworzenie raportów Udostępnianie kolejnych wersji systemu Standardy pisania kodu Testowanie i usuwanie błędów Optymalizacja wydajności programu Od filozofii do mistrzostwa w zwinnym programowaniu!

Eлектронна книга

Agile Model-Based Systems Engineering Cookbook. Improve system development by applying proven recipes for effective agile systems engineering - Second Edition

Dr. Bruce Powel Douglass, Dr. Christian von Holst

Agile MBSE can help organizations manage change while ensuring system correctness and meeting customers’ needs. But deployment challenges have changed since our first edition.The Agile Model-Based Systems Engineering Cookbook’s second edition focuses on workflows – or recipes – that will help MBSE practitioners and team leaders address practical situations that are part of deploying MBSE as part of an agile development process across the enterprise. In this 2nd edition, the Cameo MagicDraw Systems Modeler tool – the most popular tool for MBSE – is used in examples (models are downloadable by readers).Written by a world-renowned expert in MBSE, this book will take you through systems engineering workflows in the Cameo Systems Modeler SysML modeling tool and show you how they can be used with an agile and model-based approach. You’ll start with the key concepts of agile methods for systems engineering. Next, each recipe will take you through initiating a project, outlining stakeholder needs, defining and analyzing system requirements, specifying system architecture, performing model-based engineering trade studies, all the way to handling systems specifications off to downstream engineering.By the end of this MBSE book, you’ll learn how to implement systems engineering workflows and create systems engineering models.

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Agile Project Management with GreenHopper 6 Blueprints. Written by an Agile enthusiast, this comprehensive guide to GreenHopper will help you track and manage your projects in a way that achieves the best value for your team. Excellent reading for everybody from stakeholders to scrum masters

Jaibeer Malik

Agile methodologies like Scrum focus on customer values in an incremental way. Regular planning, tracking, reporting, and improving can become equally challenging from a project management perspective. GreenHopper is a tooling support for JIRA that offers easy adoption of agile practices through rich interfaces for effective team collaboration and project management.Agile Project Management with GreenHopper 6 Blueprints is a step-by-step guide that teaches you how to manage agile projects using the GreenHopper tooling system. With easy adoption using pre-sets for Scrum & Kanban, the rich interface focuses on the work at hand, increasing team productivity. Executing sprints, tracking sprints, and reporting on agile projects has never been so easy. The integration with different development environments helps teams to focus on collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement. This book covers agile project management concepts using GreenHopper.You will learn about backlog management for your agile team, how to create projects and boards for your agile team, and how to create new backlog items, prioritize items, estimate backlog items, create sprints, and update technical task status and report on the same.You will learn everything you need to know about managing an agile project using GreenHopper and how to achieve the best value for your team.