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Are you a reader of a city library and want to be a part of #BIBLIOreaders community as well? It's very easy - click „check where we are” and find a library in your area. When you find your library, click „get access” - it will automatically open the mode of composing a new email. Send a message asking for a BIBLIO access code.
Are you a student and do you want to expand your knowledge via digital books and video courses? Click „check where we are”, enter the city where you are studying in the browser and see if your university provides the BIBLIO. If so, click „get access” and send an e-mail requesting access to the BIBLIO. The compose new message mode will open automatically.
Are you an employee and do you not know if your company provides BIBLIO? Check in the internal intranet or ask the HR department.

libraries, universities, companies

To understand your needs is the key factor in matching the library offer to the institution you represent. Therefore, we encourage you to contact our salespeople who will be happy to tell you how BIBLIO works and help you choose the best version especially for you and your institution.
We understand that public libraries, universities and companies have different needs. You are the one who knows best what your organization needs and which publications are most likely to be borrowed by your readers. You decide what your digital library will look like.
Make an appointment with our salesperson and choose the perfect product for your institution together. Our knowledge and experience as well as your understanding of the readers' needs can result in a perfectly matched product.

see who has trusted us

Collegium da Vinci Politechnika Lubelska Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania Politechnika Wrocławska Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Wojewódzka Biblioteka Publiczna

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