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A tall, elegant middle-aged woman sat in front of a mirror, and the finishing touches of her rich toilet seat young woman were kneeling on the floor next to her. The noted picture, and this is not from belonging to the wealth and splendor observed everywhere, but from the character of two persons who, although of completely different composition, and possibly belong to the two extremes of society, were both remarkable for their strength and individuality of expression, but also the appearance of anxiety and suppressed anxiety that made them both look like the shadows of one deep dark thought
A Difficult Problem and Other Stories
Originally published between 1894 and 1900, A Difficult Problem is a collection of ten short works of mysterious fiction by Anna Katharine Green. These ten short stories include the mystery and crime stories as their basic theme. This whodunit collection brings to you some of Greens finest crime mysteries to keep you at your toes: The gray madam, The bronze hand, Midnight in Beauchamp Row, The staircase at the Hearts Delight and others. Anna Katharine Green (November 11, 1846 April 11, 1935) was an American poet and novelist. She was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America and distinguished herself by writing well plotted, legally accurate stories. Green has been called the mother of the detective novel.
Celebrated as one of the most important early female writers of detective fiction, Anna Katherine Green was lauded for her meticulous plotting and attention to detail. In this classic mystery novel, a universally beloved woman Agatha Webb and a household servant are found dead. Would her husband do it for money matters? Or would it be the rich and well-connected Mr. Fredrick, who ran away into the woods? Detective Caleb Sweetwater works to untangle the plot that involves blackmail, family secrets, and murder. Written in the 1890s, Agatha Webb story is chock full of twists and turns, lies, love and honor, and compelling characters acting for good or ill.
The main plot of the story is a dying man and his will. Having no relatives, the man wants to give his money to someone worthy and resembling a woman whom he loved and lost too early. Most of the book is devoted to various actions of the characters, reactions and plans for this money millions in the title. The book also has a love story.
The book that will keep your attention until the very last page! A Strange Disappearance by Anna Katherine Green is one of the first detective stories to ever be published in USA. Her novels are known for their well thought out plots and their legal accuracy and A Strange Disappearance is one of her finest works. In this story, a young woman working as a home help disappears from a rich household in New York City, and the police begin their search to find her.
The last part of the book includes a chase that ends with a terrible snowstorm. The problem with this is that the twist discovered at the end is what the reader will suspect long before Mr. Grice does. She explains in detail the heart and souls of all her characters even Detective Grace.
A melodramatic mystery, in which a young lawyer is called to the house of a dying woman to draw up her will. While searching for her legal heirs, meets a beautiful woman with a mysterious scar. The lawyer soon finds that his search for the heirs leads to some very unusual occurrences. Events then take a very sinister turn... As ever, with Anna Katherine Green, this early novel features love-struck young men; high-minded ladies with a propensity to faint, and whose reticence is essential to the plot; plus detailed legal knowledge. This one also has a particularly melodramatic villain. Greens stories are full of mystery and written in an elegant manner, true to the time period in which the story is set.
In a small town Shelby shrouded in secrets a woman seeks to find the truth behind a terrible injustice in this classic mystery from the mother of the detective novel. Deborah attempts to prove that her husband was wrongly convicted of murder and was subsequently executed for a crime which she is sure he did not commit. She wants his name cleared so her daughter can marry the man she loves. Determined to prove her husbands innocence, Deborah believes the judge who convicted him is the one person in the world who can help. But a secret so long buried cannot be uncovered without serious repercussions and the mother may uncover truths that she would prefer not to know.
Mary Earles mother passed away and then her father disappeared when she was very young. Now, after many years, being adult and not having her own money in her youth, she receives a rather large amount of money. Who wished this money and why? Of course, in this small town in Massachusetts there is a secret that happened many years ago!
A classic detective story of murder and punishment by one of Americas finest mystery writers. Widow Clemmens is struck down in her parlor while the towns legal professionals chat outside the courthouse down the street and there is no sign of the killer. An investigation is made and two equally plausible suspects are quickly unearthed. But who actually committed the crime? And what role does the mysterious Miss Imogene Dare play in this drama? A powerful detective story, constructed with marvelous ingenuity and minuteness of detail, with a captivating jury trial youll be forced to admit that fiction is stranger than truth.
A detective story first published in 1911, it is one of the book of Ebenezer Gryce series, Initials Only deals with the case of beautiful young heiress Edith Challoner. She is murdered in the writing room of a luxury hotel while nobody is near her, and no shot is heard and no bullet found in the deadly wound. She is seemingly stabbed to death, yet no one was seen near her. How then was she killed? Among Miss Challoners personal belongings are found letters signed with initials only, O.B. Who is O.B., and what if anything does he have to do with her death? Sweetwater, the investigator, finds out the identity of O.B. pretty soon, but instead of answering the questions the case poses, he only brings up more mysteries.
Lost Mans Lane. A Second Episode in the Life of Amelia Butterworth
After several people apparently vanish into thin air while walking along the same country road, New York aged detective inspector Mr. Gryce calls on the skills of Miss Amelia Butterworth to help him solve this most puzzling crime. In Lost Mans Lane the author Anna Katharine Green shows that she has lost none of her cunning in inventing an intricate and absorbing plot, and in unfolding it carefully bit by bit by the agency of her chosen hero or heroine. This is classic Green, with lots of high drama and a twisting, many-layered plot turning on stubbornly kept secrets and the fine points of physical and circumstantial evidence. The mystery is well sustained and readable.
Intoxicated by success, the crowd walked along the street, screaming and screaming, while broken glasses and womens cries marked her progress. In a few minutes they will be ahead. Suddenly a second doorbell rang. This time the negro stopped before opening it.
Masterpieces of Mystery is a scintillating collection of suspenseful stories of murder and mayhem from pioneering American detective-story writer Anna Katharine Green, one of the first female writers of detective fiction. Greens many thrillers were characterized by logical construction and a knowledge of criminal law. Her stories are full of mystery and written in an elegant manner, true to the time period in which the story is set. This collection includes the classic stories Room No. 3, The Staircase at Hearts Delight, The Grey Lady, The House in the Mist and more. Tantalizingly tangled plots and unpredictable revelations abound. The collection is highly recommended for people who like to treat a mystery story as a solvable riddle.
The story of a strange, impenetrable, charming woman. Miss Hurd is certainly a very unusual person: Miss Hurd in the garb of a working woman, and with a working womans bundle in her lap, but striking as ever in her appearance possibly more so, and as conspicuous among the mass of commonplace people surrounding her as she had ever been when clad in the habiliments of a lady and moving among persons of her own rank in life.
A detective story which solves in an exceedingly clever manner the inexplicable death of a prosperous stockbroker and the secret of his life. The readers attention is first caught by a mysterious letter, the key to the situation, and is held to the end by a series of ingenious devices. A dying stockbroker accuses one of his sons of his murder. Can Mr. Gryce and Caleb Sweetwater get to the bottom of the mystery. A young lawyer, who witnesses the murder decides to help. A nice thriller by the grandmother of all mystery writers. Anna Katharine Green was one of the earliest detective fiction writers, and some of her mysteries remain the most popular to be written by an American.