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Danger, intrigue, and adventure await you in one of L. Frank Baums rarest works! Baum published the novel under the pen name Schuyler Staunton, one of his several pseudonyms (Baum arrived at the name by adding one letter to the name of his late maternal uncle, Schuyler Stanton). Daughters of Destiny unfolds in the Middle Eastern country of Baluchistan and is an exciting page-turner from start to finish. Conflict occurs when the American Construction Syndicate wants to build a railroad across a city in Pakistan, as part of their plans for global development. The company appoints a commission, headed by Colonel Piedmont Moore, to obtain the right of way from the Baluchi ruler. What follows is a complex but tightly-woven plot that involves subterfuge and conspiracy, poisonings and attempted assassinations, sword fights and a pursuit in the desert, a scheming femme fatale, disguises and false identities all the ingredients of melodrama.
Originally published in 1908, while Baum was resident in Coronado, California, Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz is considered one of the darker of the Oz tales. However, it also is enlivened by Baums considerable wit, penchant for puns, and dry social commentary. This fourth Oz novel sees Kansas farm-girl Dorothy Gale once again transported to magical lands, this time thanks to a California earthquake, during which our heroine falls into the depths of the earth, together with a boy name Zeb, his carriage-horse Jim, and Dorothys mischievous kitten, Eureka. Deep beneath the earth, Dorothy is reunited with her old friend the Wizard of Oz and his troupe of nine tiny piglets. Together, they embark on an adventure through the earth dealing with angry vegetables, invisible people and bears, and wooden gargoyles. Eventually, after confronting a cave full of dragonettes, the travelers are rescued by Ozma of Oz, who transports them to the Emerald City. Here Dorothy and Wizard meet many old friends, while Eureka meets trouble...
As this last Oz story from L. Frank Baum opens, Dorothy Gale and Ozma have been dispatched by Glinda on a peacekeeping mission. Dorothy and Ozma discover that a war is brewing in a distant and unexplored part of Oz, between two mysterious races, the Flatheads and the Skeezers, both of whom have come under the power of cruel dictators. They have never heard of either of these people but they worry that people might be harmed in a war. The girls set out to try to prevent the fighting, not knowing what dangers await them. This begins a quick but grand adventure for the two friends, which will eventually involve all of her other friends, and quite an assortment of strange but wonderful beings they are; the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion, but also Tik Tok, Jack Pumpkinhead, and so many others. A rousing tale of suspense, magic, and adventure, Glinda of Oz is the fourteenth and final Oz book and its a grand conclusion to Baums chronicles of Americas favorite fairyland.
Originally published in 1906, John Dough and the Cherub remains a whimsical fantasy tale for all ages, by the author of the classic Oz books. John Dough is a gingerbread man who has come alive because the baker who made him poured quite unwittingly a great quantity of the precious Essence of Vitality into the dough from which he was formed. John escapes from several people who want to eat him, and arrives on the Isle of Phreex. His new friend and constant companion is Chick, the Cherub, a very beautiful child of indeterminate sex. After a good deal of travel and many adventures, John becomes ruler of the Twin Kingdoms of Hiland and Loland, where a prophecy stated that the next king would not be made of flesh and blood. So come journey with John Dough the gingerbread man, his good friends Chick the Cherub and Para Bruin the Rubber Bear, and as Baker par excellence Jules Grogrande would say, Bon appetite!
None of us, whether children or adults, needs an introduction to Mother Goose. Those things which are earliest impressed upon our minds cling to them most tenaciously. Published three years before L. Frank Baum achieved fame with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, this engaging volume added an exciting new dimension to old, much-loved verses. The book contains 22 prose fables based on famous nursery rhymes: Old King Cole, Little Miss Muffet, The Cat and the Fiddle and many others. Baum gives the stories English settings and ambience, with mentions of London, the Sussex downs, and the River Dee. His tactic in the book is to take the often-nonsensical nursery rhymes and weave coherent, or at least self-consistent, stories from them. This wonderful collection of short stories is another delightful addition to anyone who is a fan of Baums work. Based on famous Mother Goose rhymes, all stories are fascinating background tales of the various characters involved.
Dorothy Gale returns in this third entry in L. Frank Baums Oz series, after her notable absence in the second volume, The Marvelous Land of Oz. Here you will meet such beloved old friends as the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, and Cowardly Lion. Dorothy is shipwrecked and lands on the shores of a fairy country that adjoins Oz, the land of Ev. There she meets that oozy marvel: Tiktok, a wind-up mechanical man; a talking chicken, Billina; the Hungry Tiger, whose appetite is never quite satisfied; and Ozma, the girl Ruler of Oz who is leading a quest to rescue the royal family of Ev from their captivity by the Nome King. She also meets some strange people too: Princess Langwidere who wears a different head a day and strange Wheelers with wheels for hands and feet. But even Ozma is no match for the clever king, and its up to Dorothy to save everyone from terrible danger. But will the Nome Kings enchantments be too much even for the plucky little girl from Kansas?
Queen Zixi of Ix. Or, The Story of the Magic Cloak
Another enchanting tale of juvenile literature from the creator of The Wizard of Oz. L. Frank Baum dedicated the book Queen Zixi of Ix, or The Story of the Magic Cloak to his oldest son, Frank Joslyn Baum. In it, the queen of fairies creates a magic cloak which grants its wearer a single wish. Meanwhile, an orphan boy becomes the new king of Noland and his sister gains the cloak which is stolen by the Queen of Zixi, who wishes her mirror to show her as the beautiful young woman she appears instead of showing her appearance at her true age of 683 years. Adventures ensue, armies attack and retreat, and good wins out when the fairy queen takes back the magic cloak. The cloak turns out to be a source of trouble as well as a blessing. Baum packs this adventure with his customary humor, inventive fantasies, and captivating characters.
Rinkitink in Oz is the tenth book in the Oz series written by L. Frank Baum, first published in 1916. It was originally written in 1905 as a stand alone fantasy work and subsequently rewritten as an Oz book. Therefore, most of the action takes place outside of Oz in neighboring fairy countries. Rinkitink, a plump jolly fellow, and his grouchy goat Bilbil assist Inga, the crown prince of Pingaree, in reclaiming his lost kingdom from invaders. Inga is helped in his efforts by three magic pearls: one, blue, giving him superhuman strength; one, pink, protecting him from harm; and one, white, providing him with words of wisdom. But when the pearls are lost, can Queen Ozma, watching events on her magic mirror, save the day? Thrilling tale of adventure from a master storyteller, Rinkitink in Oz is sure to enjoyed by Oz fans far and wide and by all who delight in tales of enchantment and adventure.
Sam Steeles Adventures in Panama
Sam Steele is now captain of a ship an old and battered craft, but his own command. He is sailing it around South America to California. A storm forces Sams ship to the Panamanian coast. There, the travelers encounter the Techla Indians, descendants of the Aztecs. The Techlas are hostile to outsiders; Sam and his crew are tempted by the Indians abundant gold and gems. Traveling ashore in Moits amphibious auto, the Americans attempt to manipulate the Techla, without success. Sam Steeles Adventures in Panama is a boys adventure novel written by L. Frank Baum, and published in 1907 under the pseudonym Capt. Hugh Fitzgerald. The book was a sequel to the first Sam Steele novel, Sam Steeles Adventures on Land and Sea. The book was reprinted two years later, in 1908, with the alternative title The Boy Fortune Hunters in Alaska.
Sam Steeles Adventures on Land and Sea
L. Frank Baum, the author of the famous Oz books, wrote a number of series for children (and occasionally, books for older readers) under a variety of pseudonyms. Among those you can find many examples of adventure fiction, including this, the inaugural title of the Sam Steele series. Sam Steele is the son of a sea captain; his father is reported killed in a shipwreck, and Sam is quickly cheated of his inheritance. Now an orphan, he meets his maternal uncle, Naboth Perkins, another sea captain and ship-owner; together the two set sail in the Pacific trade. At home again, Sam and Naboth discover that Sams father Captain Steele has survived shipwreck, with the loss of a leg. Re-united with his father, Sam regains his lost patrimony. Unusually for Baum, the tale of Sam Steeles Adventures on Land and Sea is told in the first person, by the title character.
Sky Island was the second of three titles written by Baum featuring a spunky girl from California, Trot, and her companion, the old sailorman, Capn Bill. L. Frank Baum had hoped to end the Oz series and introduced Trot and Capn Bill in The Sea Fairies. In Sky Island, Button Bright has found a magic umbrella, which allows him to go anyplace in the world in seconds. He meets Trot and Capn Bill during his adventures, and the three decide to go to Sky Island, and small island without a name off the coast. But the umbrella instead take them up over the ocean. They land in a land of blue, where they are taken prisoner by the terrible Boolooroo. They must find a way to escape servitude, and on the way help the blue people. Will they escape? Will they ever find their way home? A charming addition to your collection of Oz books, this volume will delight long-time Oz fans as well as newcomers to L. Frank Baums realms of fantasy.
The Boy Fortune Hunters in China
The fourth in a series, The Boy Fortune Hunters in China appeared in 1909, published by Reilly & Britton under Baums pseudonym, Floyd Akers. Unlike most of L. Frank Baums work, the series is told in first person narrative by the protagonist, 16 year-old Sam Steele. Sams father is a sea captain who was reported killed in a shipwreck. After being cheated of his inheritance, he finds his uncle and they set sail in the Pacific. Here, Sam Steele and his two pals, Joe and Archie, have fished a wounded Chinese Prince out of the ocean. Prince Kai Lun Po rewards the boys with detailed directions on how to plunder his family tomb of its treasure and he gives them his blessing to do so. All the boys have to do is get to China, hoodwink the palace staff, and get past Fo-Chu, the Sacred Ape that guards the treasure! Come adventuring with young Sam on one of his most exciting and dangerous adventures in China!
The Boy Fortune Hunters in Egypt
Writing under a pseudonym, the prolific Wizard of Oz author created a series of far-flung adventure tales starring Sam Steele, a resourceful young sailor. In this story of mystery, deceit, and murder, Sam and his companions seek the legendary wealth of Karnak a 2,000-year-old treasure buried in the desert sands. The adventure begins when Sam rescues an escaped cabin boy from a sinking dinghy in Boston Harbor. Runaway Joe Herring, along with pampered aristocrat Archie Ackley, accompany Sam to Alexandria, Egypt. There, the trio learn of the legendary lost riches of Karnak and Luxor a wealth of pearls, gold, precious gems, and historic papyrus rolls, all hidden from invading Persians. Relying upon their pluck, luck, and quick wits, the American boys follow an ancient caravan route to uncover a secret from beyond the grave. Unusually for Baum, the tale of The Boy Fortune Hunters in Egypt is told in the first person, by the title character.
The Boy Fortune Hunters in the South Seas
If you like the books by Iain Lawrence The Wreckers, The Smugglers, and The Buccaneers youll love the adventures of Sam Steele. The Boy Fortune Hunters series began in 1906 with the novel Sam Steeles Adventures on Land and Sea (later re-published as The Boy Fortune Hunters in Alaska). The series lasted six novels, ending in 1911 with the novel The Boy Fortune Hunters in the South Seas. Here, Sam Steele and crew are shipwrecked on a forbidding and mysterious island where the natives worship a powerful Pearl God in a temple overflowing with the most luxurious pearls in the world. Sam is delighted at the prospect of such enormous riches but the boy-king of the island is forced to sentence Sam to a watery grave. Airplane rescues, uncharted islands, revolutionaries, a lost king, and riches beyond imagination await you as you travel with the Boy Fortune Hunters to fabulous adventure in the South Seas!
Join Dorothy and the Wonderful Wizard as they take Aunt Em and Uncle Henry on a fabulous tour of Oz. During their journey they encounter such amazing and amusing people as King Kleaver with his Spoon Brigade and Miss Cuttenclip of the land of paper dolls. Aunt Em and Uncle Henry also meet old friends like the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, Jack Pumpkinhead and H. M. Wogglebug T. E. But while Dorothy and her friends play, the wicked Nome King has joined forces with the terrible Whimsies, the fearsome Growleywogs, and the evil Phanfasms in a plot to capture the Emerald City. Will Dorothys friends discover the danger before its too late? Can they rescue the Land of Oz from destruction? L. Frank Baum had intended to cease writing Oz stories with this book, but financial pressures prompted him to write and publish between 1913-1920 The Patchwork Girl of Oz, with seven other Oz books to follow.