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Web development
Ved Antani, Simon Timms, Dan Mantyla
JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, lightweight, and interpreted programming language and functional programming is a style that emphasizes and enables smarter code that minimizes complexity and increases modularity. It's a way of writing cleaner code through clever ways of mutating, combining, and using functions. And JavaScript provides an excellent medium for this approach. By learning how to expose JavaScript's true identity as a functional language, we can implement web apps that are more powerful, easier to maintain and more reliable.The java script: Functional Programming for JavaScript Developers course will take you on a journey to show how functional programming when combined with other techniques makes JavaScript programming more efficient.The first module Mastering JavaScript, stress on practical aspects of Javascript development like—Functions and Closures, Runtime debugging techniques, project layout, events and DOM processing, build tools, Object-oriented patterns, isomorphism—everything that a modern Javascript project would need.The second module, Mastering JavaScript Design Patterns - Second Edition, will explore how design patterns can help you improve and organize your JavaScript code. You’ll get to grips with creational, structural, and behavioral patterns as you discover how to put them to work in different scenarios. This updated edition will also delve into reactive design patterns and microservices as they are a growing phenomenon in the world of web development. It will also show you some advanced patterns, including dependency injection and live post processing.The third module, Functional Programming in JavaScript, will help you to write real-world applications by utilizing a wide range of functional techniques and styles. It explores the core concepts of functional programming common to all functional languages, with examples of their use in JavaScript.
JavaScript : Moving to ES2015. Keep abreast of the practical uses of modern JavaScript
Ved Antani, Simon Timms, Narayan Prusty
JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, lightweight, and interpreted programming language. Mastering modern JavaScript techniques and the toolchain are essential to develop web-scale applications. This Learning Path will upgrade your skills to ES2015, and you will get to introduce yourself to popular frameworks like React and Angular 2. In the first module, you will get familiar with the language constructs and how to make code easy to organize. You will gain a concrete understanding of variable scoping, loops, and best practices on using types and data structures, as well as the coding style and recommended code organization patterns in JavaScript. By the end of the module, you will understand how reactive JavaScript is going to be the new paradigm.Over the course of the next module, you will explore how design patterns can help you improve and organize your JavaScript code. You’ll get to grips with creational, structural, and behavioral patterns and get a deeper look at patterns used in functional programming, as well as model view patterns and patterns to build web applications. By the end of the module, you'll be saved of a lot of trial and error and developmental headaches, and you will be on the road to becoming a JavaScript expert.In the last leg of this course, you will shift your focus to network programming concepts as you build a real-time web application with websockets. Along the way, you’ll explore how the power of JavaScript can be increased multi-fold with high performance techniques. By the end of this module, you’ll be a skilled JavaScript developer with a solid knowledge of the latest JavaScript techniques, tools, and architecture to build modern web apps.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Mastering JavaScript by Ved Antani? Mastering JavaScript Design Patterns, Second Edition by Simon Timms? Modern JavaScript Applications by Narayan Prusty
Kumar Chetan Sharma, Stoyan Stefanov, Ved Antani, Gaston C. Hillar
JavaScript is the behavior, the third pillar in today's paradigm that looks at web pages as something that consists of : content (HTML), presentation (CSS), and behavior (JavaScript). Using JavaScript, you can create interactive web pages along with desktop widgets, browser, and application extensions, and other pieces of software. Object-oriented programming, which is popularly known as OOP, is basically based on the concept of objects rather than actions. The first module will help you master JavaScript and build futuristic web applications. You will start by getting acquainted with the language constructs and how to organize code easily. You develop concrete understanding of variable scoping, loops, and best practices on using types and data structures, as well as the coding style and recommended code organization patterns in JavaScript. The book will also teach you how to use arrays and objects as data structures. By the end of the book, you will understand how reactive JavaScript is going to be the new paradigm.The second module is an easy-to-follow course, which includes hands-on examples of solutions to common problems with object-oriented code. It will help to identify objects from real-life scenarios, to protect and hide data with the data encapsulation features of Python, JavaScript, and C#. You will discover the advantage of duck typing in both Python and JavaScript, while you work with interfaces and generics in C#. With a fair understanding of interfaces, multiple inheritance, and composition, you will move on to refactor existing code and to organize your source for easy maintenance and extension.The third module takes you through all the in-depth and exciting futures hidden behind the facade. You should read through this course if you want to be able to take your JavaScript skills to a new level of sophistication.
Cloud computing has transformed the way that we write and deploy enterprise software. Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c has been designed to work with the cloud platform and reduce downtime, while improving performance and productivity. You can quickly set up, manage, and support enterprise clouds.This practical, example-oriented guide untangles many of the complexities involved in setting up a complete cloud computing platform. This book explores several methods of setting up IaaS and DBaaS using Oracle's Enterprise Manager. Step-by-step, this guide will quickly familiarize you with the most important aspects of setting up a cloud platform.This book delves deep into the complexities surrounding cloud computing and comprehensively explores the approach that you need to take to build an effective infrastructure. You will start with a step-by-step approach to building an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and take an in-depth view of building a Database as a Service (DBaaS) model of cloud computing. Following on from this, you will learn how the chargeback mechanism works and how it can be configured for your needs. Next, you will also learn how to use a programmable interface to manage your cloud via APIs and web services.This guide will walk you through the various components of Oracle Enterprise Manager and will teach you how to use them efficiently. This book will also explain how you can use cloud APIs to program your cloud.
JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic, untyped, lightweight, and interpreted programming language. Along with HTML and CSS, it is one of the three essential technologies of World Wide Web content production, and is an open source and cross-platform technology. The majority of websites employ JavaScript, and it is well supported by all modern web browsers without plugins. However, the JavaScript landscape has changed dramatically in recent years, and you need to adapt to the new world of JavaScript that people now expect. Mastering modern JavaScript techniques and the toolchain are essential to develop web-scale applications. Mastering JavaScript will be your companion as you master JavaScript and build innovative web applications. To begin with, you will get familiarized with the language constructs and how to make code easy to organize. You will gain a concrete understanding of variable scoping, loops, and best practices on using types and data structures, as well as the coding style and recommended code organization patterns in JavaScript. The book will also teach you how to use arrays and objects as data structures. You will graduate from intermediate-level skills to advanced techniques as you come to understand crucial language concepts and design principles. You will learn about modern libraries and tools so you can write better code. By the end of the book, you will understand how reactive JavaScript is going to be the new paradigm.
JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that is used for website development. Web pages developed today currently follow a paradigm that has three clearly distinguishable parts: content (HTML), presentation (CSS), and behavior (JavaScript). JavaScript is one important pillar in this paradigm, and is responsible for the running of the web pages.This book will take your JavaScript skills to a new level of sophistication and get you prepared for your journey through professional web development. Updated for ES6, this book covers everything you will need to unleash the power of object-oriented programming in JavaScript while building professional web applications. The book begins with the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript and then gradually progresses to cover functions, objects, and prototypes, and how these concepts can be used to make your programs cleaner, more maintainable, faster, and compatible with other programs/libraries. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to incorporate object-oriented programming in your web development workflow to build professional JavaScript applications.
Programowanie zorientowane obiektowo w języku JavaScript. Wydanie III
Dziś JavaScript jest dojrzałym, wszechstronnym i potężnym językiem programowania, który świetnie się nadaje do programowania zorientowanego obiektowo. Pozwala przy tym na pisanie solidnego i efektywnego kodu. Stał się świetnym narzędziem do tworzenia bardzo złożonych, skalowalnych i łatwych w utrzymaniu aplikacji. Można zaobserwować, że JavaScript powoli nadaje kształt następnej generacji platform internetowych i serwerowych. Najnowsza specyfikacja tego języka, ES6, wprowadza ważne konstrukcje językowe, takie jak obietnice, klasy, funkcje strzałkowe. Ta książka jest znakomitym podręcznikiem programowania obiektowego w JavaScripcie. Przedstawiono tu solidne podstawy języka oraz programowania obiektowego, co ułatwia zrozumienie zaawansowanych, nowoczesnych funkcjonalności ES6: iteratorów i generatorów. Wyjaśniono koncepcję prototypów i zasady dziedziczenia, a także zasady programowania asynchronicznego. Nie zabrakło kilku niezwykle przydatnych dodatków: listy słów zastrzeżonych, funkcji i obiektów wbudowanych w język, a także wprowadzenia do wyrażeń regularnych. Ponadto każdy rozdział zakończono zestawem przydatnych ćwiczeń do samodzielnego wykonania. Niektóre zagadnienia omówione w książce: Konfiguracja środowiska programistycznego Środowisko przeglądarki, model BOM i DOM Technika AJAX Wzorce kodowania i wzorce projektowe Framework Jasmine i projektowanie oparte na testach Programowanie reaktywne i biblioteka React JavaScript — najlepszy warsztat profesjonalisty! Ved Antani od kilkunastu lat używa JavaScriptu, Go i Javy do tworzenia skalowalnych serwerów oraz mobilnych platform. Jest zapalonym czytelnikiem i autorem książek. Studiował informatykę. Mieszka w Bangalore w Indiach. Jest miłośnikiem muzyki klasycznej i uwielbia spędzać czas z synem. Stoyan Stefanov pracuje w Facebooku, jest autorem książek i często zabiera głos na konferencjach poświęconych WWW. Obecnie mieszka w Los Angeles w Kalifornii. W wolnych chwilach gra na gitarze, lata lub po prostu leniuchuje wraz z rodziną na którejś z plaż Santa Monica.