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What a gorgeous day for a sleigh-ride! Did you ever see such sunny, twinkling snow, and such crisp, crackly air? It fairly snaps off as you breathe it! Betty McGuire stood on the steps of the veranda as she spoke. Her mother, in the doorway, was smiling down at her, and her pony, Dixie, was jingling his bells and pawing at the snow and ice in the driveway below. It was the first trial of the pretty new cutter, and the joyous excitement of the occasion made Bettys cheeks as red as her scarlet tam-o-shanter cap, or her red cloth coat with its high fur collar. Betty drew on her driving-gloves, still talking to her mother. Isnt it a darling sleigh, Mother? Did you ever see such a pretty one? And Dixie is so proud of it. Its a beauty, Betty. I know youll enjoy it. Are you taking Tilly for a ride? Bettys Happy Year is a thrilling tale for younger ladies by Carolyn Wells, written in 1910.
Dick and Dolly was published in 1909 and told in a manner which makes the story really true to young readers. It is the story of nine-year old orphan twins (brother and sister) who have to move from one aunts home to live with some other aunt in Connecticut. This transfer of their dwelling-place didnt bother Dick and Dolly much, for they were philosophical little people and took things just as they happened, and, moreover, they were so fond of each other, that so long as they were together, it didnt matter to them where they were. But to the two people who lived in the old Dana place, and who were about to receive the twin charges, it mattered a great deal. Although written over 100 years ago, the issues facing orphaned children and those who care for them are as timely today as they were then.
A house party at a country house in Connecticut, reputedly a house under a curse. The owner dies mysteriously, and one of the house party vanishes. The characters of the wealthy murdered man, his young wife and his daughter, as well as those of the servants and detectives are more than usually convincing and the story altogether adapted for effortless fireside reading. While the reader is prevented from divining the solution too easily, a proper number of clues are conscientiously given and the events, nicely dovetailed together. Face Cards, written by an American author and poet Carolyn Wells, is a locked-room mystery in which crime and a family curse are interwoven, with plenty of creepy supernatural events thrown in, relating to exotic masks.
Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American poet and writer of detective and mystery novels, as well as childrens books, best known for her Fleming Stone Detective Stories. Marjorie series is Carolyn Wellss also known series was publicized as happy books for happy girls. The series includes Marjories Vacation, Marjories Busy Days, Marjories New Friend, Marjorie in Command, Marjories Maytime, and Marjorie at Seacote. Marjorie is a happy American little girl of twelve, up to mischief, but full of goodness and sincerity. The incidents of her summer vacation are such as will delight any little girl. In her and her friends every girl reader will see much of her own love of fun, play, and adventure. Highly recommended!
War comes to Patty Fairfield. Also shes engaged. Pattys fiancé, Big Bill Farnsworth, is a captain in the engineering service and is doing a lot of secret work for his government, in Washington. Patty is kept busy with Red Cross work for the War is on and even so important a thing as Pattys engagement must take second place. Patty Bride is the 16th novel in the famous author Carolyn Wells series of Patty Fairfield for young readers, first published in 1918. It is one of 17 novels covering the life of this happy and cheerful American teenager of a century ago, as she matures and comes of age, and, in the meantime, living all kind of amazing adventures. Wells wrote a total of more than 170 books. At the beginning of her writing career she focused on poetry on childrens books. Later in her career she devoted herself to the mystery genre.
Patty and her dad decide to spend part of the year in New York City. She moves to New York and enrolls in the Oliphant School. Then she starts to make friends, as she always does, and she even starts a club called the Grig. First appearance of the Farringtons. Patty in the City (1905) is the third book of the Patty Fairfield collection, a total of 17 novels covering the life of this happy and cheerful American teenager of a century ago, as she matures and comes of age, and, in the meantime, living all kind of amazing adventures. Patty Fairfield is a pretty, well-mannered, graceful, thoughtful, smart, but not too smart 14 year old who will make us laugh and cry, and learn about life with her.
Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American author and poet. She wrote more than 170 books. During the first ten years of her career, she concentrated on poetry, humor, and childrens books. After 1910, she devoted herself to the mystery genre. This is one of the later books in the popular Patty Fairfield series of novels for young readers. In this volume, Patty and her chums hole up at a lavish hotel for a weeks-long reunion party. Then the story takes a dramatic turn when a beloved family member falls ill and seeks out Patty to discuss her future. The story of 20 years old Patty is relatable for most of the girls, especially in the third world countries despite the fact that the setting of the story is much Victorian Europe.
Patty enters a contest and wins an electric car, which she names The Swift Camilla. Then she and her family decide to buy a summer home on the beach. All of Pattys friends come up for a visit. Patty turns 19 in this book. Shes still not socially considered an adult, but her relationships are starting to get slightly more complicated. First appearance of Mona Galbraith. Pattys Motor Car is the ninth novel in the series of Patty Fairfield for young readers by the famous author Carolyn Wells. Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American poet and writer of detective and mystery novels, as well as childrens books, best known for her Fleming Stone Detective Stories. After 1910, she devoted herself to the mystery genre.
From that famous foundry of fiction, fact and frivolity, author Carolyn Wells, comes another Fleming Stone detective story. When a popular playwright is found stabbed with his own pen made from a medieval dagger, suspicion fall on Mrs. Guy Thorndike, wife of a prominent actor. Fleming Stone finally turns up to solve the case. In the room, unheeded by police and sleuths, is a clue upon which Fleming Stone constructs a daring solution. The yarn is skillfully woven and splendidly told. The Fleming Stone Mysteries is a collection of 17 baffling detective novels in which Fleming Stone, the great American Detective, displays his remarkable ingenuity for unravelling mysteries.
The steamship Pinnacle leaves New York on its way to Liverpool. Suspicions are raised and cast when a first class passenger, a shrewd oil man, is murdered, his head battered in by blows of the sinister bronze hand, modeled from Rodins original, which the victim had prized as his mascot. The apparent motive is theft of jewelry for his new wife, whom no one can track down, not even knowing if the marriage has happened yet. But, who killed Oily Cox? What part did the bronze hand play in the murder? What was the real motive? Such are the questions which Fleming Stone, enlisted as a disguised passenger on shipboard, sets out to answer in his clever, inimitable manner. So a locked ship mystery and an enjoyable one!
On the eve of her wedding day, Madeleine Van Norman, a beautiful young lady who is soon to come into her family fortune is found dead, apparently stabbed with an ominous blood-stained letter opener found nearby. Who killed her the cousin who loved her but had been rejected; her fiancé, who was in love with another woman; her secretary, who loved the fiancé; the eccentric spinster who stood to inherit her property? The Clue, published in 1909, is the first book in the Detective Fleming Stone series. It falls squarely in the tradition of two favorite mystery sub-genres the Big House Mystery and the Locked Room Mystery. Detective Fleming Stone is cool and methodical, not unlike his more famous fictional contemporaries, Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes. The twist is that he doesnt appear until the second half of the story.
If you like Agatha Christie, or Henry James, or simply search for an author whose writing and characters youll enjoy, look no farther than Wells Fleming Stone Mysteries. In this one, wealthy but ornery heiress Lucy Carrington is found dead in her home following a spat with her niece, one of the two heirs to her fortune. With police baffled, master criminologist Fleming Stone is called in. But in a romantic twist, the great detective loses his heart to the primary suspect. Will she reciprocate? Will he get to close to her to solve the mystery of... The Curved Blades? Will emotion blind him to the facts in this case? Curl up with this classic cozy whodunit from Carolyn Wells, author of The Clue.
If you like Golden Age locked room mysteries this is a good one! Deep Lake Mystery (1928) by Carolyn Wells, author of The Clue, is set in the lake region of Wisconsin. Our narrator Gray Norris is invited to join his old friend, the detective Keeley Moore, and his new wife at their vacation cottage at Deep Lake, Wisconsin for a relaxing month of fishing, swimming, boating, and just getting away from the hustle and bustle of the East Coast. That goes by the wayside when one of the Moores neighbors, a millionaire Sampson Tracy, is found murdered in a locked room with a nail driven into his skull and his corpse festooned with bizarre ritualistic items, and other seemingly meaningless articles. Find the motive and you find the criminal!
A humorous account of a trip to London and brief sojourn in that city and its vicinity. It includes: A Ticket to Europe, Crossing the Atlantic, In EnglandNow! , Mayfair in the Fair Month of May, A Hostess at Home, The Light on Burnss Brow, Certain Social Uncertainties, A Sentimental Journey, All in a Garden Fair, I Went and Ranged about to Many Churches, Piccadilly Circus and its Environs, The Game of Going On, A French Week-End. Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was a well known author of childrens stories, until she began reading mystery stories written by Anna Katherine Green, and from then on she devoted her writings to puzzling mysteries in a similar vein, best known for her Fleming Stone Detective Stories.
A collection of short sketches by the prolific American author which was first published in 1913. Carolyn Wells was an early 20th century poet and author best known for mysteries like The Gold Bag and Fleming Stone Detective Stories. During the first ten years of her career, she concentrated on poetry, humor, and childrens books. After 1910, she devoted herself to the mystery genre. The book contains: At the lost-and-found desk, Tootie at the bank, The dressmaker in the house, The night before Christmas, A new recruit, Shopping for postage stamps, At the bridge table, She goes shopping, A quiet afternoon, Taking care of uncle, In the department store and others.
The Lovers Baedeker and Guide to Arcady
The Lovers Baedeker and Guide to Arcady book is the authors description of a fantasy land inhabited by lovers. It is a travel guide to the mythic land of Arcardy which, according to the map on page 35, is just over the Delectable Mountains from the Land of Hearts Desire and is bordered by the State of Matrimony and the Sea of Dreams. Arcady is transversed by the Road To Wealth and the River Lethe, is just over the Great Divide from the State of Blessed Singleness. The city of Arcady in the kingdom of Arcadia, which is inhabited entirely by a strange but interesting race known as Lovers. After describing how it is to be reached by the Joy Line across the Sea of Dreams in transports of rapture, she tells of its topography, its climate, time, custom-house regulations, flowers...
The Man Who Fell Through the Earth
The Man Who Fell Through the Earth is a traditional mystery novel by American author Carolyn Wells, set in 1920-s in New York. A lawyer is leaving his office on the top floor of an office building. He sees the shadows of two men fighting through the clouded glass of an office door followed by a shot from the office across the hall. He goes to investigate. He finds no sign of either victim or assailant despite the fact that no one could have passed him in the hallway without being seen. From there the story twists and turns whose the villains, whats the story behind the murder and who is the mystery man the man who fell through the earth? These are the mysteries that the detective Pennington Wise must solve in... The Man Who Fell Through the Earth!
In this edge-of-your-seat thriller, renowned mystery writer Carolyn Wells strays from the enclaves of the well-to-do that usually serve as the settings for her novels and introduces elements of gritty street life. When the body of Rowland Trowbridge, a successful businessman, is found in a remote corner of Van Cortlandt Park, it initially appeared to be a robbery gone wrong. The dead mans last words were Cain killed me, which leads investigators to the victims nephew Kane Landon. But was Cain a Biblical reference? Or did it mean something else entirely? With circumstantial evidence against him, Landon turns to expert detective Fleming Stone and his assistant Fibsy McGuire, young man who hails from an Irish immigrant family, to unravel the meaning of... The Mark of Cain.
The cozy college town of Corinth, New England is the setting for this classic locked-room mystery by Carolyn Wells, author of The Clue. In the middle of the election of a new president of the University the favorite candidate is found dead. Is it murder or suicide? All entrances to the study where the body was found were locked from the inside. The future college president and groom-to-be had no known cause for suicide, yet no clues in either direction appeared to make any sense. Its up to Detective Fleming Stone and his remarkable ingenuity to decipher the storys twin puzzles; the mystery of the locked-room death and the true nature of... The Mystery Girl. One of Carolyn Wells most well-known novels, The Mystery Girl is an enjoyable, intriguing read that will surely leave you glad for having picked it up.
Another thrilling mystery by author Carolyn Wells. Instead of prison time, former governor, Samuel Appleby, sentences his former rival, Daniel Wheeler to imprisonment on his homestead with a very strange addendum. He then endeavors to convince Mr. Wheeler to endorse his sons candidacy for governor with a promise of commuting his sentence. In the meantime, Samuel Appleby is murdered in Wheelers study, with a bullet through his heart. With not enough clues to proceed in their investigation, the local authorities call in master sleuth Fleming Stone and his sidekick Terence McGuire or Fibsy as hes more commonly known. The discovery of the identity of the murderer has many twists and turns filled with love, devotion, gumshoe dialog, and weird circumstances that will delight the reader in a most unusual way.
It had seemed an idyllic way for a group of wealthy New Yorkers to spend a summer month, researching the supernatural in a reputed haunted mansion in the depths of Vermonts Green Mountains. That is until two of their number are mysteriously struck down at afternoon tea. Could the supernatural be at the heart of these deaths? Or did humans do the deed. This is the riddle that the famed detective Pennington Wise must unravel as they tries to discover what happened in... The Room with the Tassels. The Room with the Tassels marks the debut of occult detective Pennington Penny Wise and his female sidekick Zizi. Carolyn Wells created this younger crime fighting duo after the success of her Fleming Stone books. As her twelfth mystery novel, The Room with the Tassels marks a maturity of writing from the author of The Clue.
Carolyn Wells (June 18, 1862 March 26, 1942) was an American author and poet. Wells wrote a total of more than 170 books. She was a well known author of childrens stories, until she began reading mystery stories written by Anna Katherine Green, and from then on she devoted her writings to puzzling mysteries in a similar vein. A new book by this popular author, and written in her best and most interest-compelling style. Ladybird Lovell, the staying guest, is a quaint and startling but loving and lovable child, who comes unbidden into the home of her supposed aunts Priscilla and Dorinda. How she wins her way is the story. The Staying Guest is an enjoyable read that will surely leave you glad for having picked it up!
Carolyn Wells inspires and entertains with her classical mystery masterpiece, The Vanishing of Betty Varian, guaranteed to feed the mystery monster that craves suspense! The book was first published in 1922. In this classic locked room mystery, the Varian family have rented a house for the summer a house built on the edge of a cliff, three sides faced by water and the entrance the only way in. They are about to go on a picnic with family and friends when the daughter returns to the house to pick up a camera. When she doesnt return, father goes after her and neither returns... Carolyn Wells mysteries give you just enough information to get you drawn into the story and enough twists and turns to keep you guessing.
Two Little Women and Treasure House
A thrilling tale for younger ladies who love mysteries by Carolyn Wells. When Dotty Rose moves into the house next door to Dolly Fayre, the two 14 year old girls quickly become friends. We follow them through many of their adventures as they finish 8th grade and start high school. Table of contents: Two Little Women, Two Little Women and Treasure House, Two Little Women on a Holiday. Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was an American writer and poet. She is known for her Patty Fairfield series of novels for young girls. At the beginning of her writing career she focused on poetry on childrens books. Later in her career she devoted herself to the mystery genre. This is a little thriller, sure to please!