Autor: Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska

BIM - uwarunkowania i perspektywy wdrażania

Urszula Ryciuk, Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska, Dorota Małaszkiewicz

Monografia przedstawia aktualny stan oraz perspektywy wdrożenia modelowania informacji o budynku (BIM) w Polsce. W publikacji podkreślono transformacyjną rolę BIM w sektorze budowlanym, z naciskiem na integrację tej technologii z cyfrowym modelowaniem, co umożliwia efektywne zarządzanie projektami przez cały cykl życia budynków i infrastruktury. Autorki monografii opisują kompleksowe ramy obejmujące koncepcyjne podstawy BIM, stopień wdrożenia oraz korzyści i wyzwania, z jakimi mierzą się polskie przedsiębiorstwa w procesie implementacji tej technologii.


Efektywność instytucji publicznych - przykład powiatowych urzędów pracy w Polsce. Pojęcie, determinanty, metodyka pomiaru

Ewa Rollnik-Sadowska

Problematyka prezentowana w niniejszej monografii stanowi uzupełnienie dostępnej wiedzy o definiowaniu i pomiarze efektywności w instytucjach publicznych. Za najistotniejszy oryginalny wkład do nauki uważa się podjęcie próby opracowania metodyki pomiaru efektywności działania lokalnych publicznych służb zatrudnienia.


E-mentoring: theory and practice

Milen Baltov, Zane Beitere-Selegovska, Ewa Glińska, Veselina Jecheva, ...

The monograph "E-MENTORING THEORY AND PRACTICE" seeks to explore the dynamic landscape of mentoring within the context of technological transformations. E-mentoring, as a subset of online learning and communication, harnesses the power of digital platforms and tools to facilitate mentor-mentee relationships. This approach has already been analyzed in the literature of the subject from various disciplines in the social sciences. This monograph is a review of the literature on the subject in the field of e-mentoring. It was developed within the project: eMentEdu. E-mentoring: a new qualification for continuing education and training financed by Erasmus+ Programme.


Theoretical and practical aspects of business activity. Business planing

Danuta Szpilko, Joanna Szydło, Ewa Glińska, Urszula Kobylińska, ...

This publication consists of four chapters. The first chapter refers to generating business ideas, the second to creating a product tailored to market needs, and the third is focused on creating a business plan. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the description of pre-acceleration and acceleration programmes. The publication concludes with a case study on activities supporting entrepreneurial initiatives. The book is dedicated to people seeking a good business solution and aiming to bring it to the market in a timely manner. It should be noted that this does not only apply to new businesses, but also those already existing on the market since they constantly have to generate ideas and adapt them to changing market conditions.


Theoretical and practical aspects of business activity. Starting a business

Joanna Szydło, Danuta Szpilko, Ewa Glińska, Urszula Kobylińska, ...

Entrepreneurship is a key factor for economic growth, improving the competitiveness of countries’ economies and increasing social prosperity. Young entrepreneurs face a number of challenges as a result of the rapidly changing socio-economic environment. In their activities aimed at launching a business, young entrepreneurs need knowledge and skills on a wide range of topics related to finance, law, marketing, product management, etc. This is why more and more projects aiming at comprehensive assistance in launching a business are being developed. One of them is the project “Acceleration of Business Support Ecosystem” (ACCESS), which was co-financed under the programme Interreg V-A Lithuania-Poland 2014-2020. ACCESS strengthens entrepreneurial initiatives by improving business support services in Kaunas and Marijampole region on the Lithuanian side, as well as Suwalki and Bialystok sub-regions in Poland. One of the many results of the project is the creation of two publications on theoretical and practical aspects of setting up and running a business. These publications aim to popularise entrepreneurial attitudes and provide knowledge necessary to achieve success in business. Young entrepreneurs, before embarking on their brave activities, should check where and what funds they can obtain to start or develop their own enterprise. They should gain knowledge about the target group they intend to reach. In addition, they should focus on ways to communicate with the hypothetical recipient. An equally important aspect is to create a team that will work effectively.