Autor: Gerard Johansen

Digital Forensics and Incident Response. A practical guide to deploying digital forensic techniques in response to cyber security incidents

Gerard Johansen

Digital Forensics and Incident Response will guide you through the entire spectrum of tasks associated with incident response, starting with preparatory activities associated with creating an incident response plan and creating a digital forensics capability within your own organization. You will then begin a detailed examination of digital forensic techniques including acquiring evidence, examining volatile memory, hard drive assessment, and network-based evidence. You will also explore the role that threat intelligence plays in the incident response process. Finally, a detailed section on preparing reports will help you prepare a written report for use either internally or in a courtroom.By the end of the book, you will have mastered forensic techniques and incident response and you will have a solid foundation on which to increase your ability to investigate such incidents in your organization.


Digital Forensics and Incident Response. Incident response techniques and procedures to respond to modern cyber threats - Second Edition

Gerard Johansen

An understanding of how digital forensics integrates with the overall response to cybersecurity incidents is key to securing your organization's infrastructure from attacks. This updated second edition will help you perform cutting-edge digital forensic activities and incident response.After focusing on the fundamentals of incident response that are critical to any information security team, you’ll move on to exploring the incident response framework. From understanding its importance to creating a swift and effective response to security incidents, the book will guide you with the help of useful examples. You’ll later get up to speed with digital forensic techniques, from acquiring evidence and examining volatile memory through to hard drive examination and network-based evidence. As you progress, you’ll discover the role that threat intelligence plays in the incident response process. You’ll also learn how to prepare an incident response report that documents the findings of your analysis. Finally, in addition to various incident response activities, the book will address malware analysis, and demonstrate how you can proactively use your digital forensic skills in threat hunting.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to efficiently investigate and report unwanted security breaches and incidents in your organization.


Digital Forensics and Incident Response. Incident response tools and techniques for effective cyber threat response - Third Edition

Gerard Johansen

An understanding of how digital forensics integrates with the overall response to cybersecurity incidents is key to securing your organization’s infrastructure from attacks. This updated third edition will help you perform cutting-edge digital forensic activities and incident response with a new focus on responding to ransomware attacks.After covering the fundamentals of incident response that are critical to any information security team, you’ll explore incident response frameworks. From understanding their importance to creating a swift and effective response to security incidents, the book will guide you using examples. Later, you’ll cover digital forensic techniques, from acquiring evidence and examining volatile memory through to hard drive examination and network-based evidence. You’ll be able to apply these techniques to the current threat of ransomware. As you progress, you’ll discover the role that threat intelligence plays in the incident response process. You’ll also learn how to prepare an incident response report that documents the findings of your analysis. Finally, in addition to various incident response activities, the book will address malware analysis and demonstrate how you can proactively use your digital forensic skills in threat hunting.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to investigate and report unwanted security breaches and incidents in your organization.


Informatyka śledcza. Narzędzia i techniki skutecznego reagowania na incydenty bezpieczeństwa. Wydanie III

Gerard Johansen

Informatyka śledcza zapewnia narzędzia nie tylko prowadzącym dochodzenia kryminalne, ale również specjalistom do spraw cyberbezpieczeństwa. Na tym polu trwa ciągły wyścig zbrojeń między nimi a przestępcami, gdyż konsekwencje udanego ataku mogą się okazać niezwykle poważne. Umiejętność poprawnego reagowania na incydenty bezpieczeństwa jest tu kluczową sprawą. Ta książka jest przewodnikiem dla profesjonalistów do spraw cyberbezpieczeństwa. Przedstawia podstawowe zasady reagowania na incydenty bezpieczeństwa i szczegółowo, na przykładach, omawia proces tworzenia zdolności szybkiej i skutecznej reakcji na takie zdarzenia. Zaprezentowano tu techniki informatyki śledczej, od pozyskiwania dowodów i badania pamięci ulotnej po badanie dysku twardego i dowodów pochodzących z sieci. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono zagrożeniom atakami ransomware. Nie zabrakło omówienia roli analizy zagrożeń w procesie reagowania na incydenty, a także zasad sporządzania raportów dokumentujących reakcję na incydent i wyniki analizy. Pokazano również, w jaki sposób prowadzi się polowania na zagrożenia. Z tą książką: zbudujesz zdolność reagowania na incydenty w swojej organizacji nauczysz się poprawnego zbierania i analizowania dowodów zintegrujesz techniki i procedury śledcze z ogólnym procesem reagowania na incydenty przyswoisz różne metody polowania na zagrożenia opanujesz sposoby tworzenia raportów z incydentów wdrożysz odpowiednie praktyki reagowania na ataki ransomware Przygotuj się, znajdź i zlikwiduj zagrożenie!


Kali Linux 2018: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing. Unleash the full potential of Kali Linux 2018, now with updated tools - Fourth Edition

Shiva V. N. Parasram, Alex Samm, Damian Boodoo, Gerard Johansen, ...

Kali Linux is a comprehensive penetration testing platform with advanced tools to identify, detect, and exploit the vulnerabilities uncovered in the target network environment. With Kali Linux, you can apply the appropriate testing methodology with defined business objectives and a scheduled test plan, resulting in successful penetration testing project engagement.This fourth edition of Kali Linux 2018: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing starts with the installation of Kali Linux. You will be able to create a full test environment to safely practice scanning, vulnerability assessment, and exploitation. You’ll explore the essentials of penetration testing by collecting relevant data on the target network with the use of several footprinting and discovery tools. As you make your way through the chapters, you’ll focus on specific hosts and services via scanning and run vulnerability scans to discover various risks and threats within the target, which can then be exploited. In the concluding chapters, you’ll apply techniques to exploit target systems in order to gain access and find a way to maintain that access. You’ll also discover techniques and tools for assessing and attacking devices that are not physically connected to the network, including wireless networks.By the end of this book, you will be able to use NetHunter, the mobile version of Kali Linux, and write a detailed report based on your findings.


Kali Linux 2 - Assuring Security by Penetration Testing. Achieve the gold standard in penetration testing with Kali using this masterpiece, now in its third edition! - Third Edition

Gerard Johansen, Lee Allen, Tedi Heriyanto, Shakeel Ali

Kali Linux is a comprehensive penetration testing platform with advanced tools to identify, detect, and exploit the vulnerabilities uncovered in the target network environment. With Kali Linux, you can apply appropriate testing methodology with defined business objectives and a scheduled test plan, resulting in a successful penetration testing project engagement.Kali Linux – Assuring Security by Penetration Testing is a fully focused, structured book providing guidance on developing practical penetration testing skills by demonstrating cutting-edge hacker tools and techniques with a coherent, step-by-step approach. This book offers you all of the essential lab preparation and testing procedures that reflect real-world attack scenarios from a business perspective, in today's digital age.