Autor: Anita Graser

Learning QGIS 2.0. This book takes you through every stage you need to create superb maps using QGIS 2.0 – from installation on your favorite OS to data editing and spatial analysis right through to designing your print maps

Anita Graser

Learning QGIS. Create great maps and perform geoprocessing tasks with ease - Third Edition

Anita Graser

Learn QGIS. Your step-by-step guide to the fundamental of QGIS 3.4 - Fourth Edition

Andrew Cutts, Anita Graser

QGIS 2 Cookbook. Become a QGIS power user and master QGIS data management, visualization, and spatial analysis techniques

Víctor Olaya Ferrero, Alex Mandel, Víctor Olaya Ferrero, Anita Graser, ...

QGIS:Becoming a GIS Power User. Master data management, visualization, and spatial analysis techniques in QGIS and become a GIS power user

Ben Mearns, Alex Mandel, Alexander Bruy, Anita Graser, ...