Autor: Jacob Grimm

Fairy Tales

Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm

Previously, it never occurred to anyone to write down fairy tales. They were told to each other, passed down from generation to generation... and if not for scientists, such as the Grimm brothers, many stories would not have reached us. The reader is not only acquainted with the famous fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, but also learns what a fairy tale is, when it appeared and how it changed. He learns about the life of the brothers Jacob and William and about their difficult work on fairy tales.


Household Tales

Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm

This is a collection of many tales. Porridge Pot" is a German folk tale from the Grimm Brothers collection, perhaps one of the most famous and beloved from early childhood. This is a story about how one girl received as a present from an old woman a pot that cooks porridge itself, it is only necessary to pronounce a magic spell. The girl carried the pot to her mother, but when she decided to use it, she forgot how to order the pot to stop in time. The pot boiled so much porridge that it flooded all the streets, and the townspeople had to eat their way.


Najpiękniejsze baśnie

Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm

Bracia Wilhelm Karl i Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimmowie, niemieccy pisarze i uczeni, sięgnęli do korzeni europejskiej kultury i zebrali oraz opracowali tradycyjne podania, mity i opowieści ludowe. Niepozbawione okrucieństwa, prezentują najstarszy wzorzec motywów baśniowych, oparty na niewzruszonym prawie moralnym. Baśnie szybko stały się klasyką europejskiej literatury.