Autor: Rushdi Shams

Java Data Science Cookbook. Explore the power of MLlib, DL4j, Weka, and more

Rushdi Shams

If you are looking to build data sciencemodels that are good for production,Java has come to the rescue. With the aidof strong libraries such as MLlib, Weka,DL4j, and more, you can efficientlyperform all the data science tasks youneed to.This unique book provides modernrecipes to solve your common andnot-so-common data science-relatedproblems. We start with recipes to helpyou obtain, clean, index, and search data.Then you will learn a variety of techniquesto analyze, learn from, and retrieveinformation from data. You will alsounderstand how to handle big data, learndeeply from data, and visualize data.Finally, you will work through uniquerecipes that solve your problems whiletaking data science to production, writingdistributed data science applications,and much more - things that will come inhandy at work.