Autor: Shiva V. N Parasram

Digital Forensics with Kali Linux. Enhance your investigation skills by performing network and memory forensics with Kali Linux 2022.x - Third Edition

Shiva V. N. Parasram

Kali Linux is a Linux-based distribution that's widely used for penetration testing and digital forensics. This third edition is updated with real-world examples and detailed labs to help you take your investigation skills to the next level using powerful tools.This new edition will help you explore modern techniques for analysis, extraction, and reporting using advanced tools such as FTK Imager, Hex Editor, and Axiom. You’ll cover the basics and advanced areas of digital forensics within the world of modern forensics while delving into the domain of operating systems. As you advance through the chapters, you'll explore various formats for file storage, including secret hiding places unseen by the end user or even the operating system. You’ll also discover how to install Windows Emulator, Autopsy 4 in Kali, and how to use Nmap and NetDiscover to find device types and hosts on a network, along with creating forensic images of data and maintaining integrity using hashing tools. Finally, you'll cover advanced topics such as autopsies and acquiring investigation data from networks, memory, and operating systems.By the end of this digital forensics book, you'll have gained hands-on experience in implementing all the pillars of digital forensics: acquisition, extraction, analysis, and presentation – all using Kali Linux's cutting-edge tools.


Digital Forensics with Kali Linux. Perform data acquisition, data recovery, network forensics, and malware analysis with Kali Linux 2019.x - Second Edition

Shiva V. N. Parasram

Kali Linux is a Linux-based distribution that's widely used for penetration testing and digital forensics. It has a wide range of tools to help for digital forensics investigations and incident response mechanisms.This updated second edition of Digital Forensics with Kali Linux covers the latest version of Kali Linux and The Sleuth Kit. You'll get to grips with modern techniques for analysis, extraction, and reporting using advanced tools such as FTK Imager, hex editor, and Axiom. Updated to cover digital forensics basics and advancements in the world of modern forensics, this book will also delve into the domain of operating systems. Progressing through the chapters, you'll explore various formats for file storage, including secret hiding places unseen by the end user or even the operating system. The book will also show you how to create forensic images of data and maintain integrity using hashing tools. Finally, you'll cover advanced topics such as autopsies and acquiring investigation data from networks, operating system memory, and quantum cryptography.By the end of this book, you'll have gained hands-on experience of implementing all the pillars of digital forensics: acquisition, extraction, analysis, and presentation, all using Kali Linux tools.


Digital Forensics with Kali Linux. Perform data acquisition, digital investigation, and threat analysis using Kali Linux tools

Shiva V. N. Parasram

Kali Linux is a Linux-based distribution used mainly for penetration testing and digital forensics. It has a wide range of tools to help in forensics investigations and incident response mechanisms. You will start by understanding the fundamentals of digital forensics and setting up your Kali Linux environment to perform different investigation practices. The book will delve into the realm of operating systems and the various formats for file storage, including secret hiding places unseen by the end user or even the operating system. The book will also teach you to create forensic images of data and maintain integrity using hashing tools. Next, you will also master some advanced topics such as autopsies and acquiring investigation data from the network, operating system memory, and so on. The book introduces you to powerful tools that will take your forensic abilities and investigations to a professional level, catering for all aspects of full digital forensic investigations from hashing to reporting. By the end of this book, you will have had hands-on experience in implementing all the pillars of digital forensics—acquisition, extraction, analysis, and presentation using Kali Linux tools.


Digital Forensics with Kali Linux. Perform data acquisition, digital investigation, and threat analysis using Kali Linux tools

Shiva V. N. Parasram

Kali Linux is a Linux-based distribution used mainly for penetration testing and digital forensics. It has a wide range of tools to help in forensics investigations and incident response mechanisms. You will start by understanding the fundamentals of digital forensics and setting up your Kali Linux environment to perform different investigation practices. The book will delve into the realm of operating systems and the various formats for file storage, including secret hiding places unseen by the end user or even the operating system. The book will also teach you to create forensic images of data and maintain integrity using hashing tools. Next, you will also master some advanced topics such as autopsies and acquiring investigation data from the network, operating system memory, and so on. The book introduces you to powerful tools that will take your forensic abilities and investigations to a professional level, catering for all aspects of full digital forensic investigations from hashing to reporting. By the end of this book, you will have had hands-on experience in implementing all the pillars of digital forensics—acquisition, extraction, analysis, and presentation using Kali Linux tools.


Informatyka śledcza i Kali Linux. Przeprowadź analizy nośników pamięci, ruchu sieciowego i zawartości RAM-u za pomocą narzędzi systemu Kali Linux 2022.x. Wydanie III

Shiva V. N. Parasram

Aby pomyślnie przeprowadzić dochodzenie cyfrowe, poza specjalnymi umiejętnościami i wiedzą techniczną musisz dysponować odpowiednimi narzędziami. Z rozwoju technologii korzystają również przestępcy, którzy popełniają swoje występki na wiele dotychczas nieznanych sposobów. W tych warunkach bezcenną pomoc możesz znaleźć w Kali Linuksie - potężnym systemie specjalnie przygotowanym do prowadzenia testów penetracyjnych i dochodzeń w informatyce śledczej. Ta książka pomoże Ci w doskonaleniu umiejętności potrzebnych na każdym etapie dochodzenia cyfrowego, od zbierania dowodów, poprzez ich analizę, po tworzenie raportów. Dzięki wielu wskazówkom i praktycznym ćwiczeniom przyswoisz techniki analizy, ekstrakcji danych i raportowania przy użyciu zaawansowanych narzędzi. Poznasz różne systemy przechowywania plików i nauczysz się wyszukiwać urządzenia sieciowe za pomocą skanerów Nmap i Netdiscover. Zapoznasz się też ze sposobami utrzymywania integralności cyfrowego materiału dowodowego. Znajdziesz tu ponadto omówienie kilku bardziej zaawansowanych tematów, takich jak pozyskiwanie ulotnych danych z sieci, nośników pamięci i systemów operacyjnych. Z książki dowiesz się: jak przygotować do pracy system Kali Linux na różnych platformach sprzętowych po co w analizach DFIR bada się zawartość RAM, a także systemy plików i nośniki danych jak używać narzędzi takich jak Scalpel, Magic Rescue, Volatility 3 czy Autopsy 4 czym jest ransomware i jak korzystać z artefaktów systemowych w dochodzeniach DFIR jak za pomocą narzędzi NFAT przechwytywać pakiety i analizować ruch sieciowy Kali Linux: Twój najlepszy partner w cyfrowej dochodzeniówce!


Kali Linux 2018: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing. Unleash the full potential of Kali Linux 2018, now with updated tools - Fourth Edition

Shiva V. N. Parasram, Alex Samm, Damian Boodoo, Gerard Johansen, ...

Kali Linux is a comprehensive penetration testing platform with advanced tools to identify, detect, and exploit the vulnerabilities uncovered in the target network environment. With Kali Linux, you can apply the appropriate testing methodology with defined business objectives and a scheduled test plan, resulting in successful penetration testing project engagement.This fourth edition of Kali Linux 2018: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing starts with the installation of Kali Linux. You will be able to create a full test environment to safely practice scanning, vulnerability assessment, and exploitation. You’ll explore the essentials of penetration testing by collecting relevant data on the target network with the use of several footprinting and discovery tools. As you make your way through the chapters, you’ll focus on specific hosts and services via scanning and run vulnerability scans to discover various risks and threats within the target, which can then be exploited. In the concluding chapters, you’ll apply techniques to exploit target systems in order to gain access and find a way to maintain that access. You’ll also discover techniques and tools for assessing and attacking devices that are not physically connected to the network, including wireless networks.By the end of this book, you will be able to use NetHunter, the mobile version of Kali Linux, and write a detailed report based on your findings.