Autor: Steven F. Lott

Steven F. Lott ma blisko pięćdziesiąt lat doświadczenia w programowaniu — kiedy rozpoczynał przygodę z kodem, komputery były duże, drogie i rzadkie. Od ponad dziesięciu lat używa Pythona do rozwiązywania problemów biznesowych; napisał kilka cenionych książek o tym języku. Obecnie jest technomadą . Mieszka na wschodnim wybrzeżu USA.


Functional Python Programming. Discover the power of functional programming, generator functions, lazy evaluation, the built-in itertools library, and monads - Second Edition

Steven F. Lott

If you’re a Python developer who wants to discover how to take the power of functional programming (FP) and bring it into your own programs, then this book is essential for you, even if you know next to nothing about the paradigm. Starting with a general overview of functional concepts, you’ll explore common functional features such as first-class and higher-order functions, pure functions, and more. You’ll see how these are accomplished in Python 3.6 to give you the core foundations you’ll build upon. After that, you’ll discover common functional optimizations for Python to help your apps reach even higher speeds. You’ll learn FP concepts such as lazy evaluation using Python’s generator functions and expressions. Moving forward, you’ll learn to design and implement decorators to create composite functions. You'll also explore data preparation techniques and data exploration in depth, and see how the Python standard library fits the functional programming model. Finally, to top off your journey into the world of functional Python, you’ll at look at the PyMonad project and some larger examples to put everything into perspective.


Functional Python Programming. Use a functional approach to write succinct, expressive, and efficient Python code - Third Edition

Steven F. Lott, Ricardo Bánffy

Not enough developers understand the benefits of functional programming, or even what it is. Author Steven Lott demystifies the approach, teaching you how to improve the way you code in Python and make gains in memory use and performance.Starting from the fundamentals, this book shows you how to apply functional thinking and techniques in a range of scenarios, with examples centered around data cleaning and exploratory data analysis. You’ll learn how to use generator expressions, list comprehensions, and decorators to your advantage. You don’t have to abandon object-oriented design completely, though – you’ll also see how Python’s native object-orientation is used in conjunction with functional programming techniques.By the end of this book, you’ll be well versed in the essential functional programming features of Python, and understand why and when functional thinking helps. You’ll also have all the tools you need to pursue any additional functional topics that are not part of the Python language.


Mastering Object-Oriented Python. Build powerful applications with reusable code using OOP design patterns and Python 3.7 - Second Edition

Steven F. Lott

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a relatively complex discipline to master, and it can be difficult to see how general principles apply to each language's unique features. With the help of the latest edition of Mastering Objected-Oriented Python, you'll be shown how to effectively implement OOP in Python, and even explore Python 3.x. Complete with practical examples, the book guides you through the advanced concepts of OOP in Python, and demonstrates how you can apply them to solve complex problems in OOP. You will learn how to create high-quality Python programs by exploring design alternatives and determining which design offers the best performance. Next, you'll work through special methods for handling simple object conversions and also learn about hashing and comparison of objects. As you cover later chapters, you'll discover how essential it is to locate the best algorithms and optimal data structures for developing robust solutions to programming problems with minimal computer processing. Finally, the book will assist you in leveraging various Python features by implementing object-oriented designs in your programs.By the end of this book, you will have learned a number of alternate approaches with different attributes to confidently solve programming problems in Python.


Modern Python Cookbook. 133 recipes to develop flawless and expressive programs in Python 3.8 - Second Edition

Steven F. Lott

Python is the preferred choice of developers, engineers, data scientists, and hobbyists everywhere. It is a great language that can power your applications and provide great speed, safety, and scalability. It can be used for simple scripting or sophisticated web applications. By exposing Python as a series of simple recipes, this book gives you insight into specific language features in a particular context. Having a tangible context helps make the language or a given standard library feature easier to understand.This book comes with 133 recipes on the latest version of Python 3.8. The recipes will benefit everyone, from beginners just starting out with Python to experts. You'll not only learn Python programming concepts but also how to build complex applications.The recipes will touch upon all necessary Python concepts related to data structures, object oriented programming, functional programming, and statistical programming. You will get acquainted with the nuances of Python syntax and how to effectively take advantage of it.By the end of this Python book, you will be equipped with knowledge of testing, web services, configuration, and application integration tips and tricks. You will be armed with the knowledge of how to create applications with flexible logging, powerful configuration, command-line options, automated unit tests, and good documentation.


Modern Python Cookbook. The latest in modern Python recipes for the busy modern programmer

Steven F. Lott

Python is the preferred choice of developers, engineers, data scientists, and hobbyists everywhere. It is a great scripting language that can power your applications and provide great speed, safety, and scalability. By exposing Python as a series of simple recipes, you can gain insight into specific language features in a particular context. Having a tangible context helps make the language or standard library feature easier to understand.This book comes with over 100 recipes on the latest version of Python. The recipes will benefit everyone ranging from beginner to an expert. The book is broken down into 13 chapters that build from simple language concepts to more complex applications of the language. The recipes will touch upon all the necessary Python concepts related to data structures, OOP, functional programming, as well as statistical programming. You will get acquainted with the nuances of Python syntax and how to effectively use the advantages that it offers. You will end the book equipped with the knowledge of testing, web services, and configuration and application integration tips and tricks. The recipes take a problem-solution approach to resolve issues commonly faced by Python programmers across the globe. You will be armed with the knowledge of creating applications with flexible logging, powerful configuration, and command-line options, automated unit tests, and good documentation.


Programowanie funkcyjne w Pythonie. Jak pisać zwięzły, wydajny i ekspresywny kod. Wydanie III

Steven F. Lott

Mimo że Python nie jest typowym językiem programowania funkcyjnego, umożliwia pisanie kodu w sposób właściwy dla tego podejścia. W efekcie można tworzyć zwięzłe i eleganckie programy, które działają szybciej i zużywają mniej zasobów. Jeśli uważasz, że te argumenty uzasadniają zapoznanie się z funkcyjnym podejściem do programowania w Pythonie, to ta książka jest dla Ciebie. Dzięki temu praktycznemu podręcznikowi zrozumiesz, kiedy i dlaczego warto zastosować myślenie funkcyjne, a także jak korzystać z technik funkcyjnych w różnych scenariuszach. Dowiesz się również, jakie narzędzia i biblioteki przeznaczone do tego celu są dostępne w Pythonie i jak używać wyrażeń generatorowych, list składanych i dekoratorów. W tym wydaniu znalazły się nowe rozdziały dotyczące złożonych obiektów bezstanowych, funkcji kombinatorycznych i pakietu toolz, zawierającego zbiór modułów wspomagających pisanie programów funkcyjnych. Umieszczono tu ponadto sporo ciekawych przykładów, dotyczących choćby eksploracyjnej analizy danych i ich czyszczenia. W książce między innymi: najciekawsze biblioteki i wbudowane funkcje wyższego rzędu w Pythonie tworzenie funkcji generatorowych i leniwe wartościowanie implementacja dekoratorów do kompozycji funkcyjnej podpowiedzi typów w Pythonie obsługa współbieżności i implementacja usług sieciowych biblioteka PyMonad i tworzenie symulacji z obsługą stanów Chcesz tworzyć wydajny kod? Naucz się programowania funkcyjnego!