
This category of our digital library will be especially useful for managers, directors, CEOs and business owners. The publications included here discuss various issues related to organization management, taking care of their security, quality control, etc. Therefore, learn how to make the right strategic decisions

10 zasad dowożenia projektów nierealnych. Jak odnosić sukcesy w trudnych i złożonych projektach informatycznych

Marcin Dąbrowski

36 стратегем для керівника

Гарро фон Зенґер

3D Character Rigging in Blender. Bring your characters to life through rigging and make them animation-ready

Jaime Kelly

3D Printing with Fusion 360. Design for additive manufacturing, and level up your simulation and print preparation skills

Sualp Ozel

A Power User's Guide to FL Studio 21. Master the art of music production and advanced mixing techniques to create Billboard-charting records

Chris Noxx

A Tinkerer's Guide to CNC Basics. Master the fundamentals of CNC machining, G-Code, 2D Laser machining and fabrication techniques

AI dla ludzi i firmy. Potencjał sztucznej inteligencji w biznesie

Alex Castrounis

AI w strategii: rewolucja sztucznej inteligencji w zarządzaniu

Aleksandra Przegalińska, Dariusz Jemielniak