Wydawca: Ventigo Media

Scarhaven Keep

Joseph Smith Fletcher

This novel, first published in 1922, is a good example of J. S. Fletchers complex plots. The story starts with a famous actor gone missing in suspicious circumstances in northern England. But other dark deeds soon take our attention. Copplestone, the young dramatist, helping to solve the mystery, found himself suddenly in love; and the solution and his happiness were discovered together. In the search for Oliver, we find ourselves on a wild and lonely coast off the North Sea. The landscapes in this novel have a thrilling, threatening beauty that forms a perfect backdrop for the mysteries unfolding.


Baśń o Aladynie i o lampie cudownej

Bolesław Leśmian

Któż z nas nie zna baśni o Aladynie i jego magicznej lampie, która potarta wierzchem koszuli w niezwykły sposób uwalnia drzemiącego w niej od tysięcy lat potężnego dżina? Ta jedna z bardziej znanych opowieści pochodzących z Księgi tysiąca i jednej nocy tym razem w doskonałej literackiej adaptacji Bolesława Leśmiana. Do średniowiecznego Bagdadu przybywa zły czarownik. Chce odnaleźć młodzieńca o imieniu Aladyn. Wie, że przeznaczeniem chłopca jest przynieść magiczną lampę z zaczarowanego królestwa. Czarownik podaje się za brata ojca Aladyna i zdobywa jego zaufanie. Obiecuje młodzieńcowi spełnienie wszystkich jego marzeń. Stawia przy tym jeden warunek: Aladyn musi zdobyć lampę o cudownej mocy. Przypadek sprawia, że chłopiec uwalnia mieszkającego wewnątrz dżina...


Piczomira, królowa Branlomanii. Tragedia w trzech aktach

Aleksander Fredro

W królestwie Branlomanii królowa Piczomira wprowadza przyzwolenie na rozwiązłość kobiet, a mężczyznom nakazuje utrzymywać cnotliwość aż do ślubu. Armia mężczyzn nie może się pogodzić z nowym prawem i rozpoczyna oblężenie miasta.


The King Diamond

Fred M. White

Sir Samuel Oscar was not only a great man and a South African magnate of the first importance, but also a very kind and considerate employer. Quickly began to climb the career ladder in Maggersfont Diamond Company, his secretary. No one could argue or be dissatisfied with the upcoming events. After all, Stella charmed everyone with her beauty and intelligence. The last member of her family dies and bequeaths Ravenswood mansion and other valuables. She decided to put them up for auction, and her boss, Sir Samuel, became their owner.


The Golden Beast

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was the earliest writer of spy fiction as understood today, inventing the rogue male school of adventure thrillers and writing over 150 novels of all sorts. In The Golden Beast, a woman curses her lovers father, a baron, who had her gamekeeper father hanged. Years afterward, three of the barons descendants disappear in a manner that baffles Scotland Yard, appearing they were the victims of that ancient curse. Written in 1925, with a powerful Jewish family as the main characters, there are strong descriptions and anti-Semitic characterizations. The men are greedy, money obsessed, and unattractive. The women are beautiful, alluring, exotic, and immoral.


The Exploits of Danby Croker

R. Austin Freeman

What would you do if your doppelganger were committing crimes and making the police believe you were the perpetrator? In Danby Crokers case, he decides to retaliate! But that is only one of the problems besetting him in this set of interlinked stories. Given a job as an antique dealer, can he resist the temptations of earning some easy money through a bit of fencing and counterfeiting? And what on earth is he doing going round London dressed as a suffragette?! R. Austin Freemans The Exploits of Danby Croker involves mistaken identities, art forgery, antique swindles, and even a little cross-dressing. There is a price to be paid for breaking the law, but whos going to pay it? Originally written in 1911 by the great author of detective stories R. Austin Freeman, this is a comic novel that may surprise those who know Freemans work only through the Dr. Thorndyke stories! This rare collection of stories is an enjoyable romp through crime and romance.


The Croquet Player

Herbert George Wells

A soul-corrupting evil invades the remote English village of Cainsmarsh, infesting the minds of the local residents. Dark events are plaguing its people. An elderly woman stiffens in dread at her own shadow; a terrified farmer murders a scarecrow; food prepared by others is eyed with suspicion; family pets are bludgeoned to death; loving couples are devoured by rage and violence. People are becoming suspicious of every move each other makes. Children are coming to school with marks on them. A spirit-corrupting evil pervades the land, infesting the minds of those who call Cainsmarsh home... Is this vision real, or a paranoid fantasy? And is the call to resist the danger itself a danger? These are questions that disturb the calm of an indolent croquet player who happens to hear the tale of the unlucky village. H. G. Wellss ambiguous story of horror is a modern classic, a prophetic, disturbing glimpse of the primitive distrust and violence that gnaw at the heart of the modern world.



Juliusz Słowacki

Poemat Juliusza Słowackiego wyrażający pesymistyczną wizję działań polskiej emigracji po klęsce postania listopadowego i jej walki o niepodległość. Uważa się, że poemat stanowił odpowiedź na Księgi narodu i pielgrzymstwa polskiego Adama Mickiewicza, do których nawiązuje stylistycznie. W utworze przedstawiono wędrówkę Anhellego po Syberii białym piekle polskich zesłańców.


Puk z Pukowej Górki

Rudyard Kipling

Una i Dan mieszkają w angielskiej wsi, w starym dworku. Dzieci spędzają letnie wakacje, bawiąc się w lesie. Podczas jednej z zabaw udaje im się przywołać Robina Goodfellowa leśnego, psotnego skrzata znanego jako Puk. Zawierają z nim niezwykłą przyjaźń, która zaowocuje kolejnymi ciekawymi spotkaniami Puk przyprowadza duchy postaci z różnych epok, które opowiadają dzieciom historie dotyczące ich kraju.


LArgent des autres

Émile Gaboriau

Cest une histoire dune famille typique de la bourgeoisie du Second Empire qui vive la vie tranquille. Un fois, pendant un dîner avec plusieurs de leurs amis, le banquier Thaller fait irruption chez eux et laccuse publiquement le pere (qui est un caissier principal du Comptoir de Crédit mutuel dont il est le directeur) davoir détourné une grande somme dargent. Quelle obscure machination se cache derriere cette stupéfaction? Pourquoi Thaller ne livre-t-il pas le coupable la police?


The Devil in Iron

Robert E. Howard

The fisherman loosened his knife in its scabbard. The gesture was instinctive, for what he feared was nothing a knife could slay, not even the saw-edged crescent blade of the Yuetshi that could disembowel a man with an upward stroke. Neither man nor beast threatened him in the solitude which brooded over the castellated isle of Xapur.


The Ranchman

Charles Alden Seltzer

In the style of the early writers of the modern western, the Charles Alden Seltzer paints a vivid story of the depths to which any person can sink without discipline, charity and love. This is one of the best Seltzers work. He wrote his westerns from the experience of living on his uncles ranch in New Mexico. Seltzers best works also include The Two-Gun Man, The Boss of the Lazy Y, etc. Many of his novels were turned into Hollywood movies. The Ranchman is a rootin-tootin western love story. Non-stop action, good guys and bad guys, and no shortage of gun-fighting to keep you guessing until the end whether the hero will actually get the girl. A real page turner, with action and romance trailing at every turn.


Men Like Gods

Herbert George Wells

Towards the end of his career, Wells write this book, in which he outlined his vision of Utopia. This is the story of a Mr. Barnstaple, an everyday man, who finds himself propelled into a parallel universe with a group of famous politicians, aristocrats, and their chauffeurs. The world they find themselves in has abolished all disease, and everyone only works at what takes their fancy. The inhabitants of this world speak telepathically, and recognise that the Earth is currently going through a phase akin to a part of their history called the age of confusion which happened some 3000 years before. But despite being surrounded by such beauty and elegance, some of the earthlings rebel and attempt to conquer this new world.


Cyrus the Great

Jacob Abbott

This story provides background information about Cyrus, who is mentioned in the Bible. Cyrus is the king who liberated the Jews from Babylonian captivity. Abbotts talent lies in the fact that, thanks to some of the details of his story, he simply animates the characters. This book has been noted by everyone, even Abraham Lincoln.


Szatan i Judasz (Tom 1-11). Szatan i Judasz. Tom 1-11. MultiBook

Karol May

Szatan i Judasz to 11-tomowy cykl przygodowy autorstwa Karola Maya, twórcy słynnego Winnetou. Szlachetny indiański wódz i tym razem pojawia się na kartach powieści, aby wraz z innymi znanymi i lubianymi bohaterami wspólnie odbywać szalone podróże, przeżywać ekscytujące przygody, podejmować ryzyko i odnosić zwycięstwo w walce z wrogimi siłami, pazernymi na skarby i czyhającymi na bezpieczeństwo bohaterów.


History of King Richard the First of England

Jacob Abbott

This is another story about a famous person. Richard the Lionhearted as he is known such a large historical figure in Europe, especially in the period of the crusades. Ideal for those who begin to study the history and biography of Richard 1. For a short period of time you will be able to learn a lot of useful information.