
A Duet. With an Occasional Chorus

Arthur Conan Doyle

A Duet, with an Occasional Chorus is a novel by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, published in 1899. The novel features the story of a happily married couple which is threatened by a previous lover of the husband. Also, the novel tells the adventures of a young couple, starting from their wedding preparation and ending with the birth of their first child. They are funny and cute, love each other, passionate and want always to be together. They make rules for family life, travel, keep the house and just live. The novel, set in Conan Doyles own time, written partly in the epistolary form he sought to revive after a century of disuse and which was also related to the self-conscious textuality of the late-Victorian urban Gothic.


A Fatal Dose

Fred M. White

Fred M. White shows the difficult times of Israel. The streets were quiet, but it was the hunger. People tried to work with all their strength, but they were powerless and tried to show it with a soldier. The reader can not only learn the history of Israel, but also feel all this horror.


A Fate Darker than Love. Ostatnia Bogini tom 1

Bianca Iosivoni

Najciemniejsza tajemnica często kryje się w nas. Potężne, nieśmiertelne i tajemnicze. Walkirie są następczyniami nordyckich bogów i jedynymi istotami, które mogą uchronić ludzkość przed ostateczną zagładą. Ich zadanie polega na towarzyszeniu duszom poległych bohaterów w drodze do Walhalli. Blair, która, jako córka Walkirii, nie posiada żadnej mocy, nie ma z tym wszystkim nic wspólnego do czasu, kiedy jej matka ginie w wypadku samochodowym. Blair jest pewna, że to nie był wypadek. Jej matka została zamordowana. Nikt jednak nie chce jej uwierzyć, nawet najlepszy przyjaciel Ryan, do którego od dawna czuje więcej niż przyjaźń. Zdana na samą siebieBlair wyrusza na poszukiwanie prawdy i wkrótce przekonuje się, że jej przeznaczenie splata się z losem Walkirii i z przyszłością Ryana. Pierwszy tom nowego romansu fantasy bestsellerowej autorki, Bianki Iosivoni


A Fight for Fortune. Or, The Tiger of Batol

T.C. Bridges

A pair of seventeen-year-old boys leaves the house to make their way to fate in the Far Eastern seas. It must be my hands that are at fault, then, replied Clive. Ive been trying everywhere for the past three weeks, and cant get taken on. I came down here to look up Captain Brereton, an old friend of my fathers. Hes skipper and part owner of a tramp steamer, the Sphinx. I hoped to cadge a passage to Australia, where I thought I might find a job.


A frequency dictionary of Old English prose for learners of Old English and historical linguists

Anna Cichosz, Piotr Pęzik, Maciej Grabski, Michał Adamczyk, ...

A Frequency Dictionary of Old English Prose is a list of Old English words arranged according to their frequency, covering the whole York–Toronto–Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose (Taylor et al. 2003), i.e. an electronic collection of all prose texts written in Old English. Thus, if you want to get a quick insight into a prose text written in Old English, you should start your study with the first entries. The dictionary includes all the words which occur at least 25 times in the corpus (over 2,700 entries altogether). Each lexical item is accompanied by its part of speech classification, translation into Modem English, an authentic example from the corpus (carefully handpicked to include the most basic words and thus be understandable even to beginners), the absolute frequency of the word in the corpus and the number of texts where it appears at least once. * The dictionary will prove an invaluable aid to learners of Old English. In addition to the basic list of lemmas in order of frequency, it highlights the distribution of lemmas within a number of exemplar texts, demonstrating in a striking way the value of learning lemmas in order of frequency. The frequency list is also interspersed with useful tables listing the most frequent lemmas within the major grammatical categories (pronouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.), but also quite a number of semantic categories, such as animals, body parts, temporal expressions, etc., which could potentially reveal insights into the Anglo-Saxon world. While primarily aimed at learners, the dictionary, particularly in conjunction with the online morphological and collocation dictionaries produced by the same team (http://varioe.pelcra.pl), will add to the growing number of excellent resources now available to support research by scholars of Old English prose. Ann Taylor, co-creator of the YCOE corpus, University of York (UK) A Frequency Dictionary of Old English Prose and its online sister tools, the morphological dictionary and the collocation dictionary, are much welcome resources for research and teaching. The frequency dictionary is a very useful guide for students of Old English who want to increase their vocabulary in a targeted way, and it provides an excellent overview of the Old English lexicon in general. Students can also have fun writing papers and theses on the basis of the resources, for example by identifying items of interest in the frequency dictionary and then searching for patterns in the collocation dictionary. The dictionary may also serve as an inspiration and a time-saving point of departure for research projects. It is very encouraging for the field that new resources are being created ta serve the community of Old English scholars. Kristin Bech, professor of English linguistics, University of Oslo (Norway)


A Friend of Caesar. A Tale of the Fall of the Roman Republic

William Stearns Davis

Although it is a work of fiction and the story, dialogue and structure are perfect, the historical facts and perspective are very reliable as the author was a university professor specializing in this period. You will see how the pagan religions of that time influenced men and women. This book will appeal to fans of historical novels about the Roman Empire.


A Front of Brass

Fred M. White

Another of the greatest works written by Fred M. White. In this book, the protagonist Eleanor Marsh is at the top of social circles. She is not a very good person, and in this book she is described as adventurers. She is always looking for an opportunity to make some money no matter who it hurts.


A Frontend Web Developer's Guide to Testing. Explore leading web test automation frameworks and their future driven by low-code and AI

Eran Kinsbruner, Gleb Bahmutov

Testing web applications during a sprint poses a challenge for frontend web app developers, which can be overcome by harnessing the power of new, open source cross-browser test automation frameworks. This book will introduce you to a range of leading, powerful frameworks, such as Selenium, Cypress, Puppeteer, and Playwright, and serve as a guide to leveraging their test coverage capability. You’ll learn essential concepts of web testing and get an overview of the different web automation frameworks in order to integrate them into your frontend development workflow. Throughout the book, you'll explore the unique features of top open source test automation frameworks, as well as their trade-offs, and learn how to set up each of them to create tests that don't break with changes in the app.By the end of this book, you'll not only be able to choose the framework that best suits your project needs but also create your initial JavaScript-based test automation suite. This will enable fast feedback upon code changes and increase test automation reliability. As the open source market for these frameworks evolves, this guide will help you to continuously validate your project needs and adapt to the changes.


A gdy komunizm zapanuje. Powieść przyszłości

Edmund Jezierski

Alternatywna wersja historii, która prezentuje jak mógłby wyglądać świat, gdyby komuniści objęli stery trzech potęg światowej gospodarki - Niemiec, Rosji i Chin. Agresywne przejmowanie terenu, wszechobecne walki to codzienność tego świata, przez którą jedyne na co czekano to koniec, dzień ostateczny, dzień decydującego boju... Nawet jeśli miałby oznaczać śmierć. Powieść została wydana po raz pierwszy w 1927 roku. Język, postacie i poglądy zawarte w tej publikacji nie odzwierciedlają poglądów ani opinii wydawcy. Utwór ma charakter publikacji historycznej, ukazującej postawy i tendencje charakterystyczne dla czasów z których pochodzi. W niniejszej publikacji zachowano oryginalną pisownię. Edmund Jezierski, a właściwie Edmund Krüger - publicysta i powieściopisarz. Już jako nastolatek odnosił pierwsze sukcesy w branży, ukazując swój talent czytelnikom za pośrednictwem tygodnika Bluszcz. Nawiązał także współpracę z Kurierem Porannym oraz Przyjacielem Dzieci. Nie osiadł jednak na laurach. W swojej karierze opublikował kilkadziesiąt tytułów.


A gdy obejrzysz się za siebie

Juan Gabriel Vásquez

Pomyślał, że wspomnienia są niewidzialne jak światło, i tak jak dym sprawia, że światło staje się widoczne, powinien istnieć sposób, żeby uwidocznić wspomnienia. W październiku 2016 roku kolumbijski reżyser Sergio Cabrera uczestniczy w retrospektywie swojej twórczości w Barcelonie. To trudny moment: właśnie umarł jego ojciec, Fausto Cabrera, jego małżeństwo przechodzi kryzys, a jego kraj odrzucił porozumienia pokojowe, które mogłyby zakończyć toczącą się w nim od ponad pięćdziesięciu lat wojnę domową. W trakcie tych pełnych refleksji dni Sergio wspomina wydarzenia, które naznaczyły życie jego i jego ojca: od hiszpańskiej wojny domowej, przez emigrację do Ameryki Łacińskiej, po Chiny z czasów Rewolucji Kulturalnej i partyzantkę lat sześćdziesiątych. Po siedmiu latach pracy Vsquez po raz kolejny bierze do ręki fakty i układa z nich poruszający portret rodziny, której historia wpłynęła na losy całego świata. Laureat Premio Bienal De Novela Mario Vargas Llosa   Vásquez zastąpił Gabriela Garcíe Márqueza jako wielkiego mistrza literatury kolumbijskiej. The New York Review of Books Jedna z wielkich powieści napisanych po hiszpańsku. Mario Vargas Llosa, El País Kłuje, uderza, boli, błyszczy. Ta literatura walczy, by stać się życiem i walczy o życie, by opowiedzieć. Cóż za wspaniała książka! Manuel Rivas


A gdy w głąb duszy wnikniemy

Gabriela Zapolska

Anka Zagrodzka jest nie tylko aspirującą malarką, ale przede wszystkim idealistką, która czuje potrzebę misji. Namawia swojego mistrza, uznanego malarza Stalewskiego, by wyszedł poza ramy portretowego rzemiosła. Dotychczas Stalewski poświęcał swój czas na malowanie obrazów, które przynosiły mu regularny dochód, ale nie niosły ze sobą wyższych wartości. Anka zaś uważa, że sztuka ma sięgać do głębi ludzkiej duszy. Mężczyzna ulega wpływom uczennicy i za jej namową maluje tajemniczy obraz, który spotyka się z pozytywnym odbiorem wśród krytyków. Wkrótce jednak wychodzi na jaw, że inspiracje Stalewskiego nie były tak moralne, jak pragnęła tego Zagrodzka...


A Gent from Bear Creek

Robert E. Howard

The stories are humorously written as if told by Breckinridge Elkins, a hillbilly with no schooling. He and his kin live in the Humboldts in Nevada. Elkins is six feet six inches tall, is as strong as a grizzly bear. He can be just as bad tempered if riled. And there is a lot to rile him, especially his relatives.


A Ghost in Love and Other Plays - With Audio Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Dean, Michael

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Written for Learners of English by Michael Dean. Do you believe in ghosts? Jerry doesn't. He's a nineteen-year-old American, who just wants a good holiday with his friend, Brad. They are travelling round the north of England by bicycle. But strange things begin to happen in the small hotel where they are staying. First, Brad seems to think that he has been there before. And then a girl called Ellen appears . . . The first of these three original plays is set in the seventeenth century, and the other two take place in modern times. In each play, a ghost comes back from the dead to change the lives of living people.


A Ghost in Love and Other Plays Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Dean, Michael

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by Michael Dean. Do you believe in ghosts? Jerry doesn't. He's a nineteen-year-old American, who just wants a good holiday with his friend, Brad. They are travelling round the north of England by bicycle. But strange things begin to happen in the small hotel where they are staying. First, Brad seems to think that he has been there before. And then a girl called Ellen appears . . . The first of these three original plays is set in the seventeenth century, and the other two take place in modern times. In each play, a ghost comes back from the dead to change the lives of living people.


A Gilded Serpent

Dick Donovan

Before Sherlock Holmes there was Dick Donovan. The name struck terror into the hearts of thieves, murderers, fences, swindlers and criminals of every class, and his exploits gave delight to millions worldwide from 1888 onwards. This second volume of the Dick Donovan adventures collects three novels and a short story, written by British journalist and author of mystery and horror fiction J. E. Preston Muddock. For a time his detective stories were as popular as those of Arthur Conan Doyle.


A Golden Argosy

Fred M. White

A Front of Brass is more of a detective story. The author invites readers to be real detectives. Hubert Grant bought a manor near the cliff and married Mary. It seems strange that Grants partner Paul offered an estate for a very modest price. Paul received a telegram, a message because of which his hands shook.