
Blaski Guberni

Tadeusz Hollender

Tadeusz Hollender Blaski guberni Źli są Polacy, źli i niewierni, że w Generalnej źle im Guberni, czy źle im może, doktorze Franku, w miłym letnisku, w pięknym Majdanku? nie zajadają masła i szynki w innym kurorcie, zwanym Treblinki? że nie wymienię wśród tylu imion, ciebie, uroczy nasz Oświęcimiu Życie po różach, róże bez cierni w tej Generalnej kwitną Guberni. A ileż nowych codziennych wrażeń, ileż wypadków, ileż wydarzeń, we dnie łapanki, branki, macanki, a w noc ... Tadeusz Hollender Ur. 1910 w Leżajsku Zm. 1943 w Warszawie Najważniejsze dzieła: Czas, który minął (tomik wierszy, 1936), Polska bez Żydów (powieść satyryczna, 1938) Poeta, tłumacz i satyryk. Przed wojną redaktor lwowskiego pisma Sygnały" i współpracownik satyrycznych Szpilek. Autor reportaży z podróży po Palestynie, Grecji i Turcji. Przeprowadził się do Warszawy w roku 1937, lecz początek okupacji spędził w opanowanym przez ZSRR Lwowie. Odmówił tam podpisania listu polskich intelektualistów wyrażającego radość z połączenia ziem ukraińskich pod władzą radziecką. Od 1941 ponownie w Warszawie, gdzie angażuje się w konspirację, współpracując m. in. z Biurem Informacji i Propagandy Komendy Głównej AK. Aresztowany przez gestapo i rozstrzelany w ruinach getta warszawskiego. Kupując książkę wspierasz fundację Nowoczesna Polska, która propaguje ideę wolnej kultury. Wolne Lektury to biblioteka internetowa, rozwijana pod patronatem Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej. W jej zbiorach znajduje się kilka tysięcy utworów, w tym wiele lektur szkolnych zalecanych do użytku przez MEN, które trafiły już do domeny publicznej. Wszystkie dzieła są odpowiednio opracowane - opatrzone przypisami oraz motywami.


Blaski i cienie II Rzeczypospolitej. Sensacje, celebryci, skandale

Sławomir Koper

Blaski i cienie II Rzeczypospolitej. Sensacje Celebryci Skandale Szalone życie celebrytów II RP. Ówczesne smaki i obyczaje kulinarne. Kolonialne ambicje Polski. Romanse w Zakopanem. Czy Dymsza był zdrajcą? Morskie opowieści spod biało-czerwonej bandery. Na czym polega fenomen Mieczysława Fogga? Tajemniczy kasiarz Szpicbródka. Prawda i legenda o Gdyni oraz Wolnym Mieście Gdańsku. Michał Waszyński światowej sławy polski reżyser. Konszachty polityków z gangsterami. Niepowtarzalny klimat i czar II Rzeczypospolitej w pełnej anegdot oraz ciekawostek opowieści Sławomira Kopra.


Blaski i nędze życia kurtyzany

Honoré de Balzac

Lucjan de Rubempré, idąc za radami Vautrina (ukrywającego się pod nazwiskiem księdza Carlosa Herrery), zdołał zdobyć pewną pozycję towarzyską w Paryżu, zaciągnął jednak poważne długi. W tym samym czasie poznał byłą kurtyzanę Esterę Van Gobseck, w której się zakochał. By uniknąć kompromitacji swojego podopiecznego, Vautrin izoluje Esterę od świata i pozwala jej jedynie nocami spotykać się z Lucjanem. Jednak już to wystarczyło, by młoda i piękna kobieta została dostrzeżona przez starego barona de Nucingen, który zakochuje się w niej obsesyjną miłością. Vautrin postanawia wykorzystać tę miłość do wyłudzenia pieniędzy od bogatego barona… (za Wikipedią), a co było dalej, czytelnik dowie się, po przeczytaniu całej książki.


Blaski i nędze życia kurtyzany

Honoré de Balzac

Lucjan, młody, a już obiecujący członek paryskiej socjety, zakochuje się w byłej kurtyzanie Esterze. Aby uniknąć skandalu, jego opiekun izoluje kobietę od środowiska i pozwala parze jedynie na nocne schadzki. Tymczasem piękna dziewczyna wpadła w oko bogatego barona, właściciela banku. Lucjan i jego opiekun postanawiają wykorzystać sytuację do wzbogacenia się. Popychają Esterę w ramiona odstręczającego barona de Nucingena. W 1975 r. na motywach historii powstał miniserial pod tym samym tytułem. Powieść wchodząca w skład cyklu "Komedii ludzkiej", gdzie kobieta staje się obiektem seksualnym i elementem walki o władzę.


Blazor Web Development Cookbook. Tested recipes for advanced single-page application scenarios in .NET 9

Pawel Bazyluk

With support for both server-side and client-side hosting, as well as the flexibility to mix render modes, Blazor empowers you to leverage cloud computing while maintaining the performance of local applications. Paweł Bazyluk—a Blazor expert with over a decade of experience in .NET technologies—shows you how Blazor, a Microsoft framework, enables you to create interactive web applications using C# and .NET, while reducing reliance on JavaScript. This cookbook highlights Blazor’s vast possibilities using practical recipes that address key aspects of web development and showcase the framework's versatility in building modern, integrated applications.Pawel demonstrates how to skillfully navigate component-based architecture, and create, parameterize, and customize components to achieve high modularity. Working through practical insights and hands-on guidance in each chapter, you’ll progress from advanced data binding and event handling intricacies to optimizing data display using grids. You’ll explore application state management, build interactive forms with validation, leverage Blazor’s routing engine, and keep every part of the application secure. The book also explores cutting-edge topics, touching on how to enhance your application with AI-powered features.By the end of the book, you’ll be fully equipped to build robust, scalable, and secure web applications in Blazor.


Blazor WebAssembly by Example. A project-based guide to building web apps with .NET, Blazor WebAssembly, and C#

Toi B. Wright, Scott Hanselman

Blazor WebAssembly makes it possible to run C# code on the browser instead of having to use JavaScript, and does not rely on plugins or add-ons. The only technical requirement for using Blazor WebAssembly is a browser that supports WebAssembly, which, as of today, all modern browsers do. Blazor WebAssembly by Example is a project-based guide for learning how to build single-page web applications using the Blazor WebAssembly framework. This book emphasizes the practical over the theoretical by providing detailed step-by-step instructions for each project.You'll start by building simple standalone web applications and progress to developing more advanced hosted web applications with SQL Server backends. Each project covers a different aspect of the Blazor WebAssembly ecosystem, such as Razor components, JavaScript interop, event handling, application state, and dependency injection. The book is designed in such a way that you can complete the projects in any order.By the end of this book, you will have experience building a wide variety of single-page web applications with .NET, Blazor WebAssembly, and C#.


Blazor WebAssembly By Example. Use practical projects to start building web apps with .NET 7, Blazor WebAssembly, and C# - Second Edition

Toi B. Wright, Scott Hanselman

Blazor WebAssembly helps developers build web applications without the need for JavaScript, plugins, or add-ons. With its continued growth in popularity, getting started with Blazor now can open doors to new career paths and exciting projects – and Blazor WebAssembly by Example will make your first steps easier. This is a project-based guide that will teach you how to build single-page web applications with Blazor, focusing heavily on the practical over the theoretical by providing detailed step-by-step instructions for each project. The author also includes a video for each project showing her following the step-by-step instructions, so readers can use them if they're unsure about any particular step.In this updated edition, you'll start by building simple standalone web applications and gradually progress to developing more advanced hosted web applications with SQL Server backends. Each project will cover a different aspect of the Blazor WebAssembly ecosystem, such as Razor components, JavaScript interop, security, event handling, debugging on the client, application state, and dependency injection. The book’s projects get more challenging as you progress, but you don’t have to complete them in order, which makes this book a valuable resource for beginners as well as those who just want to dip into specific topics.By the end of this book, you will have experience and lots of know-how on how to build a wide variety of single-page web applications with .NET, Blazor WebAssembly, and C#.


Bleak House

Charles Dickens

Money often changes peoples lives. If you inherited a substantial amount of money would it change yours? Would you work or quit your job? Would you feel entitled to various privileges because of your wealth? Would you behave differently? These and other issues are the subject of the English novel Bleak House by Charles Dickens. Bleak House, like many of Dickens writings, is about various social issues. Bleak House is a satirical story about Dickens view of the British judiciary system. Both Esther Summerson, one of the characters in the story, and a separate third person narrator, tell the story. Esther speaks about the experiences of her life, and the third person narrator speaks about the experiences of some of the people of the town.



Ewa Salwin

Wciągająca powieść osadzona w realiach dwudziestolecia międzywojennego. Pozory i plotki są tym, co pasjami zbiera główny bohater powieści – Witold Woronowicz, wysoko postawiony urzędnik Ministerstwa Skarbu. Na przyjęciu, zorganizowanym z okazji zaręczyn z Pauliną Borkówną, córką wpływowego sędziego, Woronowicz dowiaduje się o domniemanym romansie dziewczyny z paryskim wspólnikiem Borka. Szerzący tę plotkę księgowy Majewski jest bliskim współpracownikiem Witolda. Zapytana o prawdziwość pogłoski narzeczona mdleje, co jeszcze bardziej podsyca podejrzenia Woronowicza. Między Majewskim a Woronowiczem dochodzi do sprzeczki, pada wyzwanie na pojedynek... Jak potoczą się losy Witolda? Jakie tajemnice z przeszłości ukrywa mężczyzna? Czy dojdzie do ślubu z Borkówną?


Blender 2.5 Character Animation Cookbook. With this highly focused book you’ll learn how to bring your characters to life using Blender, employing everything from realistic movement to refined eye control. Written in a user-friendly manner, it’s the only guide dedicated to this subject

Virgilio Vasconcelos, Virgilio Carlo de Menezes Vasconcelos, Ton Roosendaal

Blender is an open source 3D graphics application that can be used for modeling, rigging, animating, rendering and thousands of other things. While modeling characters isn't the biggest of your worries, animating them to make them feel as-good-as alive is what differentiates a professional from an amateur. This book offers clear, illustrative, and easy-to-follow recipes to create character rigs and animations for common situations. Bring your characters to life by understanding the principles, techniques and approaches involved in creating rigs and animations, you'll be able to adapt them to your own characters and films. The book offers clear step-by-step tutorials, with detailed explanations, screenshots and support files to help you understand the principles behind each topic. Each recipe covers a logical step of the complete creation of a character rig and animation, so you're not overwhelmed with too much information at once.You'll see numerous examples and screenshots that guide to achieve various rigging and animation tasks, logically separated so you can understand each in detail. The rigging topics are divided by each region of the body (torso, limbs, face, eyes), and further separated by the specific topic (neck, fingers, mouth, eyelids, etc) for clarity. All rigging tasks are accomplished with the built-in tools in Blender, without the complexity of coding custom Python behaviors or user interface elements.The animation topics deal with common situations found in real world productions, showing good practices to understand and overcome the challenges.


Blender 2.5 Materials and Textures Cookbook. Achieving near photographic realism in your 3D models is within easy reach once you’ve learnt the finer points of using materials and textures in Blender. Over 80 recipes cover everything from human faces to flames and explosions

Ton Roosendaal, Colin Litster

Blender 2.5 is one of the most usable 3D suites available. Its material and texture functions offer spectacular surface creation possibilities. It can take you hours just to create basic textures and materials in Blender and when you think of creating complex materials and textures you are petrified. Imagine how you will feel when you overcome these obstacles.This book wastes no time on boring theory and bombards you with examples of ready-created materials and textures from the start, with clear instructions on how they were created, and what you can learn from them for making your own. It covers all core Blender functions you will ever need to easily create perfect simulation of objects from the simplest to the most complex ones.The book begins with recipes that show you how to create natural surface materials, including a variety of pebbles, rocks, wood, and water, as well as man-made metals, complete with rust. By utilizing some of the easiest-to-use animation tools available, you will be able to produce accurate movement in mesh objects. Familiarize yourself with a plethora of tools that will help you to effectively organize your textures and materials.You will learn how to emulate the reflective properties of natural materials and how to simulate materials such as rusted iron, which is difficult to make believable. Transparency and reflection are both tricky natural surface properties to simulate but these recipes will make it easy. Explore ways to speed up animations by using special painting techniques to significantly lower render times. By the end of the book, you will be able to simulate some of the most difficult effects to recreate in any 3D suite, such as smoke, fire, and explosions.


Blender 2.6 Cycles: Materials and Textures Cookbook. With this book you'll be able to explore and master all that the Cycles rendering engine is capable of. From the basics right through to refining, this is a must-read if you're serious about the realism of your materials and textures

Ton Roosendaal, Enrico Valenza

Cycles is Blender's new, powerful rendering engine. Using practical examples, this book will show you how to create a vast array of realistic and stunning materials and texture effects using the Cycles rendering engine.Blender 2.6 Cycles: Materials and Textures Cookbook is a practical journey into the new and exciting Cycles rendering engine for Blender. In this book you will learn how to create a vast array of materials and textures in Cycles, including glass, ice, snow, rock, metal and water. If you want to take your 3D models to the next level, but don't know how, then this cookbook is for you!In this practical cookbook, you will learn how to create stunning materials and textures to really bring your 3D models to life! Diving deep into Cycles you will learn Cycle's node-based material system, how to set-up a 3D scene for rendering, how to create a natural and man-made materials as well as the correct organization and re-use of Cycles materials to save you time and effort.To ensure that your creations look stunning you will learn how illumination works in Cycles, improve the quality of the final render and to avoid the presence of noise and fireflies. Each chapter of Blender 2.6 Cycles: Materials and Textures Cookbook builds on the complexity of the last so that by the end of this book you will know how to create an impressive library of realistic-looking materials and textures.


Blender 2.69. Architektura i projektowanie

Piotr Chlipalski

Chcesz szybko nauczyć się Blendera? Dobrze trafiłeś! Podstawy modelowania 3D Materiały i teksturowanie Oświetlenie Rendery Cycles Freestyle Podstawy animacji Blender to oprogramowanie open source do modelowania 3D, tworzenia animacji, wirtualnych spacerów i gier komputerowych oraz renderowania. Aplikacja skutecznie konkuruje na tych polach z komercyjnymi rozwiązaniami konkurencji i zdobywa rzesze wiernych użytkowników. Sprawdza się doskonale zarówno u freelancerów, jak i w dużych, profesjonalnych studiach graficznych i filmowych. Możliwości programu są ogromne, choć jego sukces związany jest także z dostępnością: można go pobrać zupełnie za darmo, a działa na trzech najbardziej popularnych systemach operacyjnych. Zalety te docenili nie tylko graficy, lecz również osoby zajmujące się zawodowo projektowaniem architektonicznym. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany wykorzystaniem Blendera i jego narzędzi w swoich projektach, jeśli chcesz zacząć stosować je w codziennej praktyce, sięgnij po książkę Blender 2.69. Architektura i projektowanie. Dzięki niej łatwo opanujesz podstawy modelowania, teksturowania, oświetlania i renderowania scen, a także nauczysz się używać kamer. Samodzielnie stworzysz szkice, schematy i fotorealistyczne wizualizacje, poznasz też metody umożliwiające opracowywanie wirtualnych spacerów. Z tą książką zdobędziesz niezbędną wiedzę i praktyczne umiejętności oraz poszerzysz je w oparciu o dostępne w sieci materiały o Blenderze. Instalacja i interfejs Blendera Podstawy animacji i poruszanie się w przestrzeni 3D Modelowanie obiektów i modyfikatory Definiowanie i ustawianie kamer Stosowanie materiałów i tekstur Oświetlanie i renderowanie scen Podstawy renderów w Blender Internal Rendery fotorealistyczne w Cycles Rendery artystyczne w Freestyle Bezpłatny, potężny, nowoczesny - właśnie taki jest Blender!


Blender 3D 2.49 Incredible Machines

Allan Brito, Ton Roosendaal

Blender 3D provides all the features you need to create super-realistic 3D models of machines for use in artwork, movies, and computer games. Blender 3D 2.49 Incredible Machines gives you step-by-step instructions for building weapons, vehicles, robots, and more.This book will show you how to use Blender 3D for mechanical modeling and product visualization. Through the pages of the book, you will find a step-by-step guide to create three different projects: a fantasy weapon, a spacecraft, and a giant robot. Even though these machines are not realistic, you will be able to build your own sensible and incredible machines with the techniques that you will learn in this book along with the exercises and examples.All the three sections of this book, which cover three projects, are planned to have an increasing learning curve. The first project is about a hand weapon, and with that we can image a small-sized object with tiny details. This first part of the book will show you how to deal with these details and model them in Blender 3D.In the second project, we will create a spacecraft, adding a bit of scale to the project, and new materials and textures as well. With this project, we will be working with metal, glass, and other elements that make the spacecraft. Along with the object, a new space environment will be created in the book too.At the end we have a big and complex object, which is the transforming robot. This last part of the book will cover the modeling of two objects and show how you can make one transform into the other. The scale and number of objects in this project are quite big, but the same principles as in the other projects are applied here with a step-by-step guide on how to go through the workflow of the project.


Blender 3D Asset Creation for the Metaverse. Unlock endless possibilities with 3D object creation, including metaverse characters and avatar models

Vinicius Machado Venâncio

If you are familiar with modeling, this book will help you discover a practical and efficient workflow designed to accelerate your asset creation process for use in multiple projects, including games and the metaverse.Complete with shortcuts and tips on how to speed up the process, this book guides you in modeling assets and characters with the help of references. You’ll learn how to optimize the modeled asset for maximum rendering performance within game engines and the metaverse. Next, you’ll get to grips with unwrapping the 3D model for texturing and explore multiple texturing techniques to breathe life into your 3D models. Finally, you’ll integrate the 3D model to work seamlessly across a myriad of programs and game engines.By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills to efficiently create any type of 3D asset from scratch for use in renders, animations, or immersive gaming experiences.


Blender 3D Basics Beginner's Guide. A quick and easy-to-use guide to create 3D modeling and animation using Blender 2.7

Gordon Fisher

This book teaches you how to model a nautical scene, complete with boats and water, and then add materials, lighting, and animation. It demystifies the Blender interface and explains what each tool does so that you will be left with a thorough understanding of 3D. This book starts with an introduction to Blender and some background on the principles of animation, how they are applied to computer animation, and how these principles make animation better. Furthermore, the book helps you advance through various aspects of animation design such as modeling, lighting, camera work, and animation through the Blender interface with the help of several simple projects. Each project will help you practice what you have learned and do more advanced work in all areas.


Blender 3D Basics. The complete novice's guide to 3D modeling and animation

Gordon Fisher, Ton Roosendaal

Blender is by far the most popular open source graphics program available. It is a full featured 3D modeling, animation and games development tool used by millions all over the world ñ and it's free! This book is for those looking for an entry into the world of 3D modeling and animation regardless of prior experience.Blender 3D Basics is the entry level book for those without prior experience using 3D tools. It caters for those who may have downloaded Blender in the past but were frustrated by its lack of intuitiveness. Using simple steps it builds, chapter by chapter, into a full foundation in 3D modeling and animation.Using Blender 3D Basics the reader will model a maritime scene complete with boats and water, then add materials, lighting and animation. The book demystifies the Blender interface and explains what each tool does so that you will be left with a thorough understanding of 3D.


Blender 3D By Example. A project-based guide to learning the latest Blender 3D, EEVEE rendering engine, and Grease Pencil - Second Edition

Oscar Baechler, Xury Greer

Blender is a powerful 3D creation package that supports every aspect of the 3D pipeline. With this book, you'll learn about modeling, rigging, animation, rendering, and much more with the help of some interesting projects.This practical guide, based on the Blender 2.83 LTS version, starts by helping you brush up on your basic Blender skills and getting you acquainted with the software toolset. You’ll use basic modeling tools to understand the simplest 3D workflow by customizing a Viking themed scene. You'll get a chance to see the 3D modeling process from start to finish by building a time machine based on provided concept art. You will design your first 2D character while exploring the capabilities of the new Grease Pencil tools. The book then guides you in creating a sleek modern kitchen scene using EEVEE, Blender’s new state-of-the-art rendering engine. As you advance, you'll explore a variety of 3D design techniques, such as sculpting, retopologizing, unwrapping, baking, painting, rigging, and animating to bring a baby dragon to life.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to work with Blender to create impressive computer graphics, art, design, and architecture, and you'll be able to use robust Blender tools for your design projects and video games.


Blender 3D: Characters, Machines, and Scenes for Artists. Click here to enter text

Enrico Valenza, Christopher Kuhn, Pierre-Armand Nicq, Romain Caudron

Blender 3D is one of the top 3D animation software available. As the Blender software grows more powerful and popular, there is a demand to take your modeling skills to the next level.This learning path is divided into three modules that will take you on this incredible journey of creating games.The first module will take you on a journey to understand the workflow normally used to create characters, from the modeling to the rendering stages, using the tools of the last official release of Blender exclusively. You will be making production-quality 3D models and characters quickly and efficiently, which will be ready to be added to your very own animated feature or game.The second module will help you develop a comprehensive skill set that covers the key aspects of mechanical modeling. You will create many types of projects, including a pistol, spacecraft, robot, and a racer. By the end of this module, you will have mastered a workflow that you will be able to apply to your own creations.The final module will help you to create many types of projects using a step-by-step approach. Each project in this module will give you more practice and increase your knowledge of the Blender tools and game engine.This learning path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Blender 3D Cookbook, Second Edition by Enrico Valenza? Blender 3D Incredible Machines, Second Edition by Christopher Kuhn? Blender 3D By Example by Romain Caudron and Pierre-Armand Nicq


Blender 3D: Designing Objects. Click here to enter text

Romain Caudron, Pierre-Armand Nicq, Enrico Valenza

Blender is a powerful, stable tool with an integral workflow that will allow you to understand 3D creation with ease. With its integrated game engine and use of the Python language, it is an efficient choice for many productions, including 3D animated or live action films, architecture, research, and even game creation. Blender has an active community that contributes to expanding its functionalities. Today, it is used in many professional products and by many companies.Throughout Blender for Designers, you will create many types of complete projects using a step-by-step approach. Start by getting to know the modeling tools available in Blender to create a 3D robot toy, and discover more advanced techniques such as sculpting and retopology by creating an alien character. Move on in the second module to engage with the workflow used to create characters. Run through the process from modeling to the rendering stages, using the tools of the latest official release of Blender.The last module will teach you how to utilize the power of the Blender series to create a wide variety of materials, textures, and effects using the Cycles rendering engine. You will learn about node-based shader creation, and master Cycles through step-by-step, recipe-based advice. Start small by rendering the textures of stones and water, then scale things up to massive landscapes of mountains and oceans. This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:•Blender 3D By Example By Romain Caudron and Pierre-Armand Nicq•Blender 3D Cookbook By Enrico Valenza•Blender Cycles: Materials and Textures Cookbook - Third Edition By Enrico Valenza


Blender 3D Incredible Machines. Design, model, and texture complex mechanical objects in Blender

Christopher Kuhn, Allan Brito

Blender 3D is one of the top pieces of 3D animation software. Machine modeling is an essential aspect of war games, space games, racing games, and animated action films. As the Blender software grows more powerful and popular, there is a demand to take your modeling skills to the next level. This book will cover all the topics you need to create professional models and renders. This book will help you develop a comprehensive skill set that covers the key aspects of mechanical modeling. Through this book, you will create many types of projects, including a pistol, spacecraft, robot, and a racer. We start by making a Sci-fi pistol, creating its basic shape and adding details to it. Moving on, you’ll discover modeling techniques for larger objects such as a space craft and take a look at how different techniques are required for freestyle modeling. After this, we’ll create the basic shapes for the robot and combine the meshes to create unified objects. We'll assign materials and explore the various options for freestyle rendering. We’ll discuss techniques to build low-poly models, create a low-poly racer, and explain how they differ from the high poly models we created previously. By the end of this book, you will have mastered a workflow that you will be able to apply to your own creations.


Blender 3D Incredible Models. A comprehensive guide to hard-surface modeling, procedural texturing, and rendering

Arijan Belec

Blender is a massively popular and powerful 3D program, with versatile modeling abilities that make it a great way to enter the 3D modelling world.Blender 3D Incredible Models is an extensive guide for those new to hard-surface modeling with Blender, helping you understand the complete range of tools and features it offers and how to employ those efficiently to create realistic models. You’ll be led through progressively more challenging modeling projects— from an assault rifle and an army tank to a sci-fi spaceship model—giving you a glimpse of all the skills you’d need in Blender’s vast ecosystem of features and functionality, ranging from textures, rendering, and UV mapping to lighting, rigging, and beyond. Each engaging project builds upon the last until you’re equipped with everything you need to tackle your own modeling challenges, whatever they may be.By the end of this Blender book, you won’t just know how to create the models covered here, but you’ll be able to turn your own concepts and references into 3D Blender models too!