
Talend Open Studio Cookbook. Getting familiar with Talend Open Studio will greatly enhance your data handling and integration capabilities. This is the perfect reference book for beginners and intermediates with a host of practical recipes that clarify even complex features

Rick Barton

Data integration is a key component of an organization's technical strategy, yet historically the tools have been very expensive. Talend Open Studio is the world's leading open source data integration product and has played a huge part in making open source data integration a popular choice for businesses worldwide.This book is a welcome addition to the small but growing library of Talend Open Studio resources. From working with schemas to creating and validating test data, to scheduling your Talend code, you will get acquainted with the various Talend database handling techniques. Each recipe is designed to provide the key learning point in a short, simple and effective manner.This comprehensive guide provides practical exercises that cover all areas of the Talend development lifecycle including development, testing, debugging and deployment. The book delivers design patterns, hints, tips, and advice in a series of short and focused exercises that can be approached as a reference for more seasoned developers or as a series of useful learning tutorials for the beginner.The book covers the basics in terms of schema usage and mappings, along with dedicated sections that will allow you to get more from tMap, files, databases and XML.Geared towards the whole lifecycle, the Talend Open Studio Cookbook shows readers great ways to handle everyday tasks, and provides an insight into all areas of a development cycle including coding, testing, and debugging of code to provide start-to-finish coverage of the product.


Talent nie istnieje. Droga do praktycznego osiągania mistrzowskich umiejętności

Artur Król

Talent jest mitem, jednak istnieją w Tobie ogromne możliwości. Dowiedz się, jak je rozwijać! Rozwijaj swoje umiejętności, by stać się lepszym pracownikiem, szefem, rodzicem Zaplanuj własną ścieżkę rozwoju, która pozwoli Ci stać się mistrzem w swojej dziedzinie Osiągnij sukces w życiu prywatnym i zawodowym Zaplanuj własny rozwój tak, by stać się mistrzem w swojej dziedzinie O talencie można powiedzieć, że to słodkie tabu. Wiesz o jego istnieniu, ale z pewnością nie potrafisz wyjaśnić, jak powstaje. Wierzysz, że to właśnie talent uczynił Mozarta czy Picassa znanymi na całym świecie geniuszami. Nie rozstrzygniesz jednak, z jakich powodów tak zwani "zwykli ludzie" go nie mają. Dlaczego? Ponieważ tak naprawdę talent nie istnieje! Istnieją w Tobie jednak ogromne możliwości, które pomogą Ci odnieść sukces w wybranej dziedzinie. Już dzisiaj zacznij je rozwijać, by - jak Mozart czy Picasso - stać się mistrzem w swoim fachu! Pomoże Ci w tym książka, którą właśnie trzymasz w dłoni. Dowiesz się stąd, jak sprawić, by wykonywanie codziennych czynności było pożyteczne i efektywne. Pozycja ta przeznaczona jest dla wszystkich, którzy chcą stać się mistrzami w swojej branży. Sprzedawcy, sportowcy, artyści i pasjonaci znajdą z niej sposób na wytyczenie drogi do własnego mistrzostwa i na to, jak zostać ekspertami w swoich dziedzinach. Osoby, od których zależy zdrowy rozwój innych - rodzice, nauczyciele czy menedżerowie — poznają sposoby wspierania podopiecznych w dążeniu do wybitnych wyników. Zawarte tu rady i propozycje ćwiczeń są niezwykle skuteczne. Jej autor jest psychologiem i znanym trenerem. W niniejszej publikacji korzysta z ważnych osiągnięć światowej sławy ekspertów, neurologów i psychologów. Ta książka pozwoli Ci: wprowadzić zasady celowego ćwiczenia, które wspomogą Twój rozwój, ale też rozwój osób, z którymi pracujesz; zaaranżować swoje środowisko rozwojowe tak, by pomagało w osiąganiu zaplanowanych celów; zaplanować ćwiczenia, dzięki którym znajdziesz się na dobrej drodze do mistrzostwa; zostać mistrzem w swoim fachu.  


Tales and Fantasies

Robert Louis Stevenson

This is a collection of three stories, which includes small tales. So the fairy tale The Story of a Lie talks about how, having returned to England after a trip to Paris, young Richard Nasby quarrels with his father. He also reduces acquaintance with Esther, whom he soon falls in love with. Another tale, The Body Snatcher, tells how a lonely living in the small town of Fetts accidentally meets a person from his past visiting London doctor McFerlen.


Tales for Fifteen. Or, Imagination and Heart

James Fenimore Cooper

This book is meant to be read by young women at that tender age, when the feelings of their nature begin to act most insidiously on them, and when their minds are least prepared by reason and experience to fight their passions. This is a powerful, beautiful, heartbreaking story. Charlotte is one of the women who can really lead by example.


Tales from Longpuddle - With Audio Level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library

Hardy, Thomas

A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Retold for Learners of English by Jennifer Bassett. Tony Kytes is a favourite with the girls but he's not terribly clever. If you meet an old girlfriend and she asks for a ride home in your wagon, do you say yes? And then if you meet the girl you are planning to marry, what do you do? Very soon, Tony is in a great muddle, and does not know how to escape from it. These stories are set in an English country village of the nineteenth century, but Hardy's tales of mistakes and muddles and marriages belong in any place, at any time.


Tales from Longpuddle Level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library

Hardy, Thomas

A level 2 Oxford Bookworms Library graded readers. Retold for Learners of English by Jennifer Bassett Tony Kytes is a favourite with the girls but he's not terribly clever. If you meet an old girlfriend and she asks for a ride home in your wagon, do you say yes? And then if you meet the girl you are planning to marry, what do you do? Very soon, Tony is in a great muddle, and does not know how to escape from it. These stories are set in an English country village of the nineteenth century, but Hardy's tales of mistakes and muddles and marriages belong in any place, at any time.


Tales of Bran Mak Morn

Robert E. Howard

From Robert E. Howards fertile imagination sprang some of fictions greatest heroes, including Conan the Cimmerian, King Kull, and Solomon Kane. But of all Howards characters, none embodied his creators brooding temperament more than Bran Mak Morn. The last king of the Picts, Bran Mak Morn exists in a brutal, savage world set in the same universe as H.P. Lovecrafts Cthulhu Mythos. Unlike most of his race, Morn eschewed violence and actively sought peace among the other tribes of Ancient England. The Picts are savage, bestial, un-united; and Bran Mak Morn desires to bring his nation out of savagery, to bring it back to the civilization of their fathers. The Bran Mak Morn tales are littered with supernatural nasties and plenty of action. Highly recommended for fans of fantasy, historical fiction, and Robert E. Howard.


Tales of Breckinridge Elkins

Robert E. Howard

Breck Elkins is a hillbilly from Bear Creek, a fictional location in the Humboldt Mountains of Nevada. He is mighty of stature and small of brain"a physically huge and imposing figure, and his reputation as a short-tempered and ferocious fighter often precedes him throughout the Southwest. He is usually found in the company of Capn Kidd, his equally fierce and cantankerous horse.


Tales of Cthulhu

Robert E. Howard

Nameless Cults: The Cthulhu Mythos Fiction of Robert E. Howard is a collection of Cthulhu Mythos short stories by Robert E. Howard. It was first published in the US in 2001 by Chaosium Press. All of these stories had been published previously, between 1929 and 1985, in Weird Tales, From Beyond the Dark Gateway, Strange Tales, Weirdbook, Fantasy Crosswinds, Coven, Fantasy Book, Dark Things, and The Fantasy Magazine. The collection includes an introduction by Robert M. Price called Raven, Son of Morn. Prices introduction gives a short sketch of Howards overall writing and a more detailed overview of his Cthulhu Mythos work and its relation to that of other mythos writers.


Tales of El Borak

Robert E. Howard

Robert E. Howard is famous for creating such immortal heroes as Conan the Cimmerian, Solomon Kane, and Bran Mak Morn. Less well-known but equally extraordinary are his non-fantasy adventure stories set in the Middle East and featuring such hero as Francis Xavier Gordon. Texas gunfighter F. X. Gordon traveled the world before settling in 1920s Afghanistan. The Afghans dubbed him El Borak for his quick thinking and skill with a sword and gun. The respected Gordon frequently mitigated tribal wars and conflict through guile or, barring that, violence. Contrary to Howards reputation, these were straight adventure stories with no supernatural elements. Every fan of Robert E. Howard and aficionados of great adventure writing will want to own this collection of the best of Howards desert tales.


Tales of Fishes

Zane Grey

Zane Gray is best known as a fishing writer for wild adventure catching giants of the world record in oceans around the world. He published a collection of stories about individual places and types of fish. Fish tales are a great collection of stories that cover the most popular types of fish found in salt water. These are turtles, sailboats, marlins, swordfish and tuna. This is a perfect example for the shade of appetite of every fisherman. Zane Gray was one of Americas most productive and beloved writers. Being most famous for his Western novels, he actually spent more than 300 days a year on fishing.


Tales of Fishing Virgin Seas

Zane Grey

Zain Gray, the master of the discovery of Americas old West, was a passionate fisherman. He was fishing for 300 days! This collection, first published in 1925, describes its fishing adventures in exotic locations throughout the Pacific. Illustrated by more than 100 photographs from a private collection of the author. These stories give rise to the passion that Gray felt like the first man to swim so much from the Galapagos Islands to Cabo San Lucas, and also the first to catch and document many new fish species. No story lover about Zane Gray will want to miss these real adventures.


Tales of Hearsay

Joseph Conrad

This collection of four stories. One of the stories is Prince Roman. It tells about the Polish people and their hero. The conversation was about aristocracy. How did this discredited item come about? However, neither the great Florentine artist, who did not close his eyes at death while thinking about his city, nor Saint Francis, who blessed the city of Assisi with his last breath, were barbarians.


Tales of Lonely Trails

Zane Grey

The next day, having restored our journey, it was a pleasure for me to try to find the track to Betatakin, the most famous and, most certainly, the most beautiful and beautiful destroyed place in the whole of the West. In many places, there was no trace at all, and I was faced with difficulties, but in the end, without much loss of time, I entered a narrow, heavy entrance to the canyon, which I described as a surprise valley. Amazement in the big dark cave worried me. My dreams of romance really lived there once. I climbed to a height above the huge stones, and along the smooth red walls, where I once swam Larkin, quickly moving, I entered the shaded rock, and wandered through thickets that were never free from the history that I conceived nature itself...


Tales of Mean Streets

Arthur Morrison

Tales of Mean Streets, published in 1894, is a collection of short stories describing the appalling conditions that many working people endured. These stories are a brilliant evocation of a narrow, close-knit community, that of the streets of Londons East End. Having lived and worked there, he author knew that East Enders were not a race apart, but ordinary men and women, scraping by perhaps, but neither criminals nor paupers. Here Arthur Morrison chronicles their adventures and misadventures, their wooings and their funerals, with sympathy, humor and a sense of both the tragedies and the comedies to be found in the mean streets. One of tales, Lizerunt, was condemned for depicting all too clearly the victimization and degradation of women.


Tales of Men and Ghosts

Edith Wharton

In 1921, Edith Wharton became the first woman to win a Pulitzer Prize, earning the award for The Age of Innocence. But Wharton also wrote several other novels, as well as poems and short stories that made her not only famous but popular among her contemporaries. Tales of Men and Ghosts (1910) consists of ten masterful ghost stories that listed here in chronological order of their original publication dates: The Bolted Door, His Fathers Son, The Daunt Diana, The Debt, Full Circle, The Legend, The Eyes, The Blond Beast, Afterward and The Letters. Despite the title, the men outnumber the ghosts, since only The Eyes and Afterward actually call on the supernatural. In only two of the stories are women the central characters, though elsewhere they play important roles. If you have never read Edith Whartons fantasy work before, you will be captivated and delighted.


Tales of Mystery and Imagination - With Audio Level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library

Poe, Edgar Allan

A level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Retold for Learners of English by Margaret Naudi. The human mind is a dark, bottomless pit, and sometimes it works in strange and frightening ways. That sound in the night . . . is it a door banging in the wind, or a murdered man knocking inside his coffin? The face in the mirror . . . is it yours, or the face of someone standing behind you, who is never there when you turn round? These famous short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, that master of horror, explore the dark world of the imagination, where the dead live and speak, where fear lies in every shadow of the mind . . .


Tales of Mystery and Imagination Level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library

Poe, Edgar Allan

A level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Retold for Learners of English by Margaret Naudi The human mind is a dark, bottomless pit, and sometimes it works in strange and frightening ways. That sound in the night . . . is it a door banging in the wind, or a murdered man knocking inside his coffin? The face in the mirror . . . is it yours, or the face of someone standing behind you, who is never there when you turn round? These famous short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, that master of horror, explore the dark world of the imagination, where the dead live and speak, where fear lies in every shadow of the mind . . .


Tales of the Anglers Eldorado, New Zealand

Zane Grey

New Zealand is one of the hottest industrial sites in the world. Known for the brilliant, crystal clear rivers, New Zealand, Zain Gray has the image of a great and mythical trout. In The Saga of Eldorado, the Seaman Gray combines the legendary streams, and also haunts a monster off the coast of New Zealand. This is an adventure story and fishing history right away.


Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic

Thomas Wentworth Higginson

Hawthorne in his Wonder Book has described the beautiful Greek myths and traditions, but no one has yet made similar use of the wondrous tales that gathered for more than a thousand years about the islands of the Atlantic deep. Although they are a part of the mythical period of American history, these hazy legends were altogether disdained by the earlier historians; indeed, George Bancroft made it a matter of actual pride that the beginning of the American annals was bare and literal. But in truth no national history has been less prosaic as to its earlier traditions, because every visitor had to cross the sea to reach it, and the sea has always been, by the mystery of its horizon, the fury of its storms, and the variableness of the atmosphere above it, the foreordained land of romance. In all ages and with all sea-going races there has always been something especially fascinating about an island amid the ocean. Its very existence has for all explorers an air of magic. An island offers to us heights rising from depths; it exhibits that which is most fixed beside that which is most changeable, the fertile beside the barren, and safety after danger. The ocean forever tends to encroach on the island, the island upon the ocean. They exist side by side, friends yet enemies. The island signifies safety in calm, and yet danger in storm; in a tempest the sailor rejoices that he is not near it; even if previously bound for it, he puts about and steers for the open sea. Often if he seeks it he cannot reach it.


Tales of the Fish Patrol

Jack London

This is a collection of short stories by Jack London. The action of the stories takes place in the bay of San Francisco, in the center of the plot is the activity of the local fish surveillance. The narration is conducted in the first person, the narrator is the owner of the reindeer sloop, chartered by a fishing company to patrol the bay in order to prevent illegal fishing methods. Another main character is Charlie Le Grant, if not involved in the events, then at least mentioned in each story.


Tales of the Fish Patrol

Jack London

“Tales of the Fish Patrol” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.   Tales of the Fish Patrol is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of seven moving and thrilling stories such as: White and Yellow, The King of the Greeks or The Siege of the "Lancashire Queen".  


Tales of the Jazz Age

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Divided into three separate parts, according to subject matter, Tales of the Jazz Age includes two of F. Scott Fitzgeralds better-known short stories, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and The Diamond as Big as the Ritz. Set in the Jazz Age, Fitzgeralds own term for the Roaring Twenties of newly confident, post-war America, this collection of early 11 short stories shows a comic genius at work, fashioning every genre from low farce to shrewd social insight, along with fantasy of extraordinary invention.


Tales of the Weird Southwest

Robert E. Howard

If you like your horror with a western twist then these tales are for you. Awesome occult western adventure, from the master of strange fiction, Robert E. Howard! This collection includes the following stories: THE HORROR FROM THE MOUND, THE MAN ON THE GROUND, OLD GARFIELDS HEART, BLACK CANAAN, THE DEAD REMEMBER, PIGEONS FROM HELL and others. Kind of like Dreams at the Witch House by Lovecraft but mixed with Howards own legends. Tales of the Weird Southwest is a combination of western with horror, occult, and fantasy stories. Truly one of the greatest contributions to the development of the Weird Fiction genre, Robert E. Howards Tales of the Weird Southwest is a treasure for any collection!