
The Mystery of Sgt Adela White

Marcin Brzostowski

The Mystery of Sgt Adela White is a short story whose protagonist, inspector Franco Fog, known from The Vengeance of Women and Hot Dagger of the Spanish Temptress, faces the challenge of solving the riddle of a theft of a priceless diamond ring – the main prize in the Miss Police Contest. However, when the problem finally seems to be solved, some new trials and tribulations occur. Let’s see how the meeting with a desperate female sergeant will end for Franco Fog.


The Mystery of the Clasped Hands

Guy Boothby

Australia-born writer Guy Newell Boothby burst onto the literary scene with a series of best-selling adventure action movies, but The Mystery of Clasped Hands discovers that Boothby is trying to try his hand at classic detective fiction. Fans of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle will love this exciting mystery.


The Mystery of the Four Fingers

Fred M. White

The main characters of this story are a wealthy lawyer named Jim Gourdon and his tanned, adventurous friend Gerald Wenner traveling the world who amazes Gurdon and readers with his own story about the alleged millionaire Fenwick, his daughter, and some other noteworthy characters. After all, Fenwick has recently become a millionaire, it seems that posing as another. And his daughter is full of past secrets.


The Mystery of the Gold Box

Valentine Williams

In the dark days just before the outbreak of WW1, Philip Clavering, a British Secret Service agent, is despatched to Europe to recover a gold box carried by a now dead agent, the box holding a deep secret. But the Kaisers man, Dr. Grundt, alias Clubfoot, is also on the trail of that box and its secrets. The chase is on! The Mystery of the Gold Box is the fourth in the seven book series about the evil Dr. Adolph Grundt. He answers to no one except the Kaiser. Hes a big man with a clubfoot. Since hes behind a lot that goes on his nickname is the Crouching Beast. The first in the series is The Man With The Clubfoot (1918), written as Douglas Valentine and the last entry is Courier To Marrakesh (1944). Dr. Grundt is an over the top villain but that makes the series even better. A hard boiled mystery, suspense, and espionage thriller.


The Mystery of the Green Ray

William Le Queux

The youth in the multi-coloured blazer laughed. Youd have to come and be a nurse, he suggested. Oh, Id go as a drummer-boy. Id look fine in uniform, wouldnt I? the waitress simpered in return. Dennis Burnham swallowed his liqueur in one savage gulp, pushed back his chair, and rose from the table.


The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow

Anna Katharine Green

Anna Katharine Green was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America, received praise for her accurate, well plotted stories. Her novels have always been one of the groundworks of mystery and detective fiction and The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow is a great example of the ingenious and thrilling story. In this novel, a young woman is killed by an arrow in the middle of the museum, so all of the other visitors are closed inside while the crime is investigated! A good classic mystery that we recommend very highly!


The Mystery of the Ravenspurs

Fred M. White

Ravenspurs is a quiet, dignified family, as rich and respectable as they come. However, recently they have become victims of mysterious crimes. But who is behind these tragedies? The last of the family must figure out before the whole line is destroyed.


The Mystery of the Sea

Bram Stoker

Archibald Hunter was spending his annual vacation in Cruden Bay, Scotland when he sees two women and a man walking abreast. Suddenly, he has a vision of the man carrying a coffin and the two women walking behind. Just as suddenly, he sees the three walking normal again. As this was happening, Archie was being watched by an old woman, Gormala. She had seen Archies shocked look at what he had just seen and tells him that he has the gift of Second Sight. According to Gormala, both he and she are Seers, and she proposes an alliance to solve the centuries-old Mystery of the Sea. Archie discovers a chest full of old documents he believes contain a coded message revealing the location of a lost treasure of the Spanish Armada. And then there is Marjory, the beautiful American girl Archie saves from drowning. Who is she, and why is she being pursued by a vicious gang of criminals and the American Secret Service?


The Mystery of the Sycamore

Carolyn Wells

Another thrilling mystery by author Carolyn Wells. Instead of prison time, former governor, Samuel Appleby, sentences his former rival, Daniel Wheeler to imprisonment on his homestead with a very strange addendum. He then endeavors to convince Mr. Wheeler to endorse his sons candidacy for governor with a promise of commuting his sentence. In the meantime, Samuel Appleby is murdered in Wheelers study, with a bullet through his heart. With not enough clues to proceed in their investigation, the local authorities call in master sleuth Fleming Stone and his sidekick Terence McGuire or Fibsy as hes more commonly known. The discovery of the identity of the murderer has many twists and turns filled with love, devotion, gumshoe dialog, and weird circumstances that will delight the reader in a most unusual way.


The Mystery of the Yellow Room

Gaston Leroux

Gaston Louis Alfred Leroux, known as the author of fantastic detectives. The Mystery of the Yellow Room this intriguing and confusing story is a classic of detective literature. The main mystery of the novel: how could a crime be committed in a locked room, in which there are no signs of penetration? This is a hard brainteaser for readers.


The Mystery Road

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Mystery Road an antique book written by E Phillips Oppenheim follows the heroine on her journey to true love and independence from family pressures. An orphan French girl, Myrtile, who is living with her stepfather horrifies at the prospect to marry to a local barkeep and runs away from the farm. Struck by Myrtiles desperation and beauty, two Englishmen rescue her and bring her to Monaco with them, buy her new clothes, and try to find her a respectable position. One of them Christopher falls in love with her. The emergence of her true nature, and the evolution of their relationships forms the basis of the plot. Its all great fun and Oppenheim keeps the action moving along swiftly, as he always did. Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining.


The Napoleon of Notting Hill

G.K. Chesterton

Meet Auberon Quin. He is a man to whom the world is a punchline; a dangerous man, for he cares for nothing but a joke. And meet Adam Wayne to whom the joke is quite serious. When Quin is appointed King of England, he decides to turn London into a medieval carnival for his own amusement. When Adam Wayne is appointed Provost of Notting Hill, he proposes to be patriotic about it and takes the new order of things seriously, organizing a Notting Hill army to fight invaders from other neighborhoods. Amidst the chaos of confusion, the stirring speeches, the epic battles, and the all-pervading Chesterton wit, The Napoleon of Notting Hill is a cry for renewed life in a deadened world a call that compels mankind to fight for the small things, if only for the sake of fighting for something.


The Natural Language Processing Workshop. Confidently design and build your own NLP projects with this easy-to-understand practical guide

Rohan Chopra, Aniruddha M. Godbole, Nipun Sadvilkar, Muzaffar Bashir Shah, ...

Do you want to learn how to communicate with computer systems using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, or make a machine understand human sentiments? Do you want to build applications like Siri, Alexa, or chatbots, even if you’ve never done it before?With The Natural Language Processing Workshop, you can expect to make consistent progress as a beginner, and get up to speed in an interactive way, with the help of hands-on activities and fun exercises.The book starts with an introduction to NLP. You’ll study different approaches to NLP tasks, and perform exercises in Python to understand the process of preparing datasets for NLP models. Next, you’ll use advanced NLP algorithms and visualization techniques to collect datasets from open websites, and to summarize and generate random text from a document. In the final chapters, you’ll use NLP to create a chatbot that detects positive or negative sentiment in text documents such as movie reviews.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the essential NLP tools and techniques you need to solve common business problems that involve processing text.


The Naturals 1. Genialne umysły

Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Siedemnastoletnia Cassie ma niezwykły talent łącząc najdrobniejsze szczegóły, potrafi powiedzieć, kim jesteś i czego pragniesz. Jednak nigdy nie traktowała tej naturalnej zdolności poważnie, aż do chwili, gdy do jej drzwi zapukało FBI. Stworzono tajny program wykorzystujący wyjątkowych nastolatków do rozwiązywania niewyjaśnionych spraw kryminalnych sprzed lat i Cassie jest im potrzebna. Dziewczyna nie zdaje sobie sprawy, że grozi jej większe niebezpieczeństwo niż stawienie czoła kilku niewyjaśnionym zabójstwom, zwłaszcza gdy musi zamieszkać z grupą nastolatków, których umiejętności są równie nietypowe jak jej własne. Sarkastyczny, zamożny Michael ma talent w odczytywaniu emocji, którego używa, by przeniknąć do głowy Cassie i nie tylko. Ponury Dean dzieli z Cassie dar profilowania, ale trzyma ją na dystans. Wkrótce stanie się jasne, że nikt w programie naturalsi nie jest tym, za kogo się podaje. A gdy pojawia się nowy morderca, niebezpieczeństwo jest bliżej, niż kiedykolwiek mogła wyobrazić sobie Cassie. Uwiezieni w śmiertelnej grze w kotka i myszkę naturalsi będą musieli wykorzystać wszystkie swoje umiejętności, by po prostu przetrwać.


The Naturals 2. Mroczna strona

Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Gdy karty rozdaje morderca, gra toczy się o życie. Niezwykły talent siedemnastoletniej Cassie do wnikania w ludzkie umysły zapewnił jej miejsce w elitarnym programie FBI. Wraz z czwórką innych równie niezwykłych nastolatków rozwiązuje sprawy kryminalne sprzed lat. Michael ma talent do odczytywania emocji, Sloane analizuje dane niczym komputer. Lia to prawdziwy wykrywacz kłamstw, a Dean rozumie morderców lepiej niż ktokolwiek inny. Ale kiedy dochodzi do kolejnej zbrodni, która dotyka chłopaka osobiście, ten nie chce mieć ze sprawą nic wspólnego. Zaczyna się śmiertelna gra zabójczych umysłów. Czy naturalsi dadzą się wciągnąć w gierki psychopatycznego mordercy? I czy z tej rozgrywki ktokolwiek może wyjść cało? Przyjaźń. Romans. Seryjni mordercy. Naturalsi wchodzą do gry.


The Naturals. Tom III. Piramida strachu

Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Trzeci tom bestsellerowej serii The Naturals idealny dla tych, którzy kochają zagadki i seriale kryminalne. Trzy kasyna. Trzy ciała. Trzy dni. Po serii brutalnych morderstw w Las Vegas naturalsi zostają wezwani do pomocy przy śledztwie. Ofiary zamordowano w miejscach publicznych, ale sprawcy nie widać na żadnych nagraniach z monitoringu, a każdej z nich wytatuowano na nadgarstku ciąg cyfr układający się w tajemniczy szyfr. Im bliżej rozwiązania zagadki, tym trudniej i niebezpieczniej. Tymczasem Cassie boryka się z równie niebezpieczną i bolesną tajemnicą pojawiają się nowe okoliczności dotyczące morderstwa jej matki i szansa na przełom w śledztwie. Naturalsi staną w obliczu niemożliwej tezy i niemożliwego wyboru.


The Naturals. Tom IV. Więzy krwi

Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Finałowy tom, który przynosi odpowiedzi na wszystkie pytania. Naturalsi nie są już myśliwymi. Tym razem to oni są zwierzyną. Kiedy Cassie Hobbes dołączyła do programu FBI, miała tylko jeden cel odkryć prawdę o morderstwie matki. Teraz to, co wydawało jej się, że wie, zostało zakwestionowane. Ludzie, którzy stoją za sprawą sprzed lat, są potężniejsi i niebezpieczniejsiniż wszystko, z czym dotąd przyszło się zmierzyć naturalsom. Rozpoczynając wyścig z czasem, Cassie, Sloane, Michael i Dean próbują rozpracować grupę, która morduje od pokoleń. Jaki związek z mordercami ma Cassie? Zawiera obszerny bonus DWANAŚCIE, którego akcja rozgrywa się sześć lat później.


The Navel monster

Karolina Jekiełek

The Navel Monster is a story of a newly-born and asymmetrically legged monster, which is driven by the unknown to find its master. The book accounts for the monster’s adventures and depicts its journey in which it learns the world. The book is full of funny situations as the monster does not speak, yet it understands the speech. The story is dedicated to kids aged 6-8, although any other child or adult may take pleasure in the reading. It is a must-read to all who love adventure, mystery and humour. Karolina Jekielek is a published English teacher, an owner of a private language institute Home Tutor. She publishes articles for Oxford Magazine on digital teaching, literacy, creativity, and XXI century skills. Karolina Jekielek is an ardent supporter of personalizing and individualizing teaching. Her writing career began in 2012 when she published her first book for English teachers. Then, she decided to meet the demands of her students, who demanded simplified readings.


The Neer-Do-Well

Rex Beach

Father often asked Kirk Anthony to do a real job. But Anthony, despite almost idolizing his strong, successful father, just cant stop having a good time with his fathers money. He goes to fancy dinners, drives the latest cars, and treats his friends to sumptuous meals. Then a man steps in trying to get away from the law. At dinner, he persuades one of Anthonys drunken friends to play a terrible joke on him.


The Net

Rex Beach

American Norvin Blake travels to the island of Sicily to attend the wedding of his good friend, Count Martel Savigno. However, the mafia appears in the story, which leads to tragic events on the night before the wedding. The main character has to find out who ordered the killer.


The Nether Millstone

Fred M. White

What is it like to know that you will die soon? Our main character knew that. 22-year-old Mary Dashwood knew that she had only a few minutes left to live. Her horse was galloping wildly when she heard the mans smooth, firm voice. But the man had not come for Mary. Instead, hed come with a deathbed message and a long-standing grudge.


The New Adam

Stanley G. Weinbaum

Edmund Hall, born a mutant with too many joints in his fingers and a double mind, tries to find a purpose in a society of humans. This superman is no caped crusader fighting for justice though. Rather, he is a dual-brained super-intellect with an IQ so far off the charts that normal human beings appear as Neanderthals next to him. In this story, our evolved human is born into modern society without anyone knowing his nature. While pondering whether hes a superman or the devil, he explores pleasure, power, and passion. Slowly he realizes the differences between himself and contemporary humans, and therein lies a fascinating story.


The New Army in Training

Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling wrote the story of the New Army or Kitcheners Army about the new battalions created for the Great War. Kipling wrote several stories about the war and describes the routine in which recruits, officers, and other ranks passed before they were sent to battle fronts. Fans of Kiplings writings will love this brief treatise on citizen soldiers in England.


The New Engineering Game. Strategies for smart product engineering

Tim Weilkiens

Organizations today face an increasingly complex and dynamic environment, whatever their market. This change requires new systems that are built on the foundation of a new kind of engineering and thinking. The New Engineering Game closes the gap between high-level reflections about digitalization and daily engineering methods and tools.The book begins by describing the first three industrial revolutions and their consequences, and by predicting the fourth industrial revolution. Considering the fourth industrial revolution, it explains the need for a new kind of engineering. The later chapters of the book provide valuable principles, patterns, methods, and tools that engineering organizations can learn and use to succeed on the playfield of digitalization.By the end of the book, you’ll have all the information you need to understand the various concepts to take your first steps towards the world of digitalization.