
The Secret House

Edgar Wallace

The Secret House by Edgar Wallace is a mystery set about 1920 in England. Scandalous periodical The Gossips Corner is run by a supposed blackmailer whose identity has baffled the police. Inspector T.B. Smith of Scotland Yard, a singularly acute Assistant Commissioner, has got a lot to sort out. Introduced as an eccentric, though there is little evidence provided for this assertion, the characterless Smith tangles with dodgy doctors, dangerous criminals and a missing millionaire, as well as the traps and puzzles of the mysterious house, in a frankly barmy plot. A delicious mystery with twists and turns that intrigue, slowly unveiling the Victorian era characters as the indomitable Scotland Yard detective overcomes the evil protagonists.


The Secret of Dr. Kildare

Max Brand

The "Dr. Kildare" series is written by Max Brand, which was the pen name of prolific author Frederick Faust, and is from the medical genre. This series is about the many exploits of Dr. Kildare, who starts out the series as a medical intern as he works to try and become a doctor. The stories follow Dr. James "Jimmy" Kildare, an aspiring surgeon, who leaves the simple life of his parents farm to practice medicine at a big-city hospital. Brand this time has young Dr. Kildare take on a special case to force his beloved Gillespie to take a rest from the research job which is draining him. The case involves a fear neurosis in the daughter of a multimillionaire, and Kildaire uses unorthodox means to get to the bottom of it, and pulls her through.


The Secret of Father Brown

G.K. Chesterton

Have you wondered how the great detectives solved their cases? In The Secret of Father Brown, while visiting Flambeaus house Father Brown meets a curious American who has to know as some of his countrymen think Father Brown is using mystical powers. The fourth of the Father Brown detective story collections has something the first three did not: a framing sequence at the beginning and end, in which Father Brown explains to a curious person his method for solving crimes he becomes the criminal. In this collection he becomes several jewel thieves and murderers, all of whom carry out their crimes in bizarre circumstances. Father Brown, or rather Chesterton, takes opportunity on occasion to indulge in a bit of Catholic apologetic or homiletic, but it never takes over the story: it makes Father Brown that much more a priest and not just a mystery-solving machine.


The Secret of Sarek

Maurice Leblanc

Arsene Lupin, Master Detective makes his reappearance in this thrilling romantic novel. He returns to a wild island stocked with druids, lost riches, and 30 coffins! Essentially, the complex plot revolves around Veronique, a young woman who travels to an isolated island off the coast of Brittany in search of her kidnapped son. She soon discovers that a terrible prophecy involving herself is about to come true. The islands inhabitants believe that when the so called Thirty Coffins have claimed their thirty victims and four women have been crucified from some oak trees then the Gods Stone will be revealed a stone which gives life and death. A book of extraordinary adventure!


The Secret of Smoking Swamp

T.C. Bridges

Set against a Florida background, this story tells of the adventures of Bill Picton and his young companions who trail a gang of moonshiners through the steaming, sluggish swamp-lands. Fitzgordon had never in his life before been in a tropical swamp, and the very first thing he did was to get both feet tangled in a coil of tough bamboo vine, and come down flat on his face on the wet black muck. The stuff was like rotten sponge, and just as full of water as it would hold. When he gained his feet again he was soaked from his knees to his neck.


The Secret of the Barbican and Other Stories

J.S. Fletcher

The protagonist is a wonderful lawyer who was born in a small town. Advocates visits the museum and notices rare moenty. And realizes that they were stolen. He immediately goes to investigate... and the trail of a thief leads him to rather unusual places...


The Secret of the League. The Story of a Social War

Ernest Bramah

The secret of the league is a dystopian novel written by Ernest Bramah in 1907. It was first published as What might have been: the story of a social war, but later was republished in 1909 as The secret of the league. The Secret of the League is kind of an underground oddity of a novel. Its a prophetic-warning novel, science fiction before that term was coined, largely sociopolitical but also with some charming technical extrapolations. The story centers around one mans daring and ingenious plan, enacted through a mysterious alliance called the Unity League, to stop the workings of the nations elected government in order to restore some measure of lost freedom and greatness, even at the risk of civil war. Its plot is developed rather patchily, and like most warning novels, was overtaken by real events and didnt come true. The Secret of the League was written, when the growth of the labour movement was beginning to terrify the middle class, who wrongly imagined that they were menaced from below rather than from above.


The Secret of the Night

Gaston Leroux

Like The Mystery of the Yellow Room, The Secret of the Night is a Joseph Rouletabille mystery. The main character, detective Joseph Rouletabille must once again face a new riddle and solve it. This time it will be harder. In this case he is brought to Russia by the Czar to protect General Trebassof, whose assassination has been plotted by the revolutionariesthe Nihilists. The author again keeps all readers in tension to the end.


The Secret of the Sands

Fred M. White

Sir Devereuxs name had stood deservedly high in the annals of the Indian Army. He was more than a soldier and a strategist, his name was known everywhere where good work was done. Sometimes he was tough and strict, his code of honor was simple and sincere. He never considered his people fighting vehicles, but treated them like members of his family. The horror that has arrived, will soon change everything.


The Secret Places of the Heart

Herbert George Wells

H.G. Wells is best remembered as a central figure in the development of the science fiction genre. However, much of his literary output was more conventional in nature, and he published a number of novels dealing with interpersonal relationships and social themes. H.G. Wells was so charmed by Margaret Sanger that he based The Secret Places of the Heart on his time with her. The novel is a thinly-veiled autobiography that depicts an English gentleman, Sir Richard Hardy, who is attempting to sort out his marital problems while he travels the English countryside in the company of a psychiatrist and much brilliant discussion ranging over the past and future topics of world-wide significance. The Secret Places of the Heart was, in many ways, a love letter from Wells to Sanger... Many critics regard The Secret Places of the Heart as a heavily autobiographical account of one of Wells failed love affairs.


The Secret Power

Marie Corelli

Morgana Royal is a beautiful, rich female fairy, endowed with a powerful mind, has a personal flying ship, communicates wirelessly with representatives of a superior race and reveals the secret of eternal life. But the wild beauty Manella becomes her rival in the fight for the heart of a selfish scientist who dreams of subduing the whole world with his destructive discovery.


The Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan

Honoré de Balzac

Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan is a comic tale about a society woman, a Princess and a Duchess, who attempts to recycle her slightly seedy past by pursuing a minor literary figure of great probity and innocence. The Princess de Cadignan, aka the Duchesse de Maufrigneuse, has consorted with such notable Balzac rakes as Henri de Marsay, Maxime de Trailles, and Eugene de Rastignac, but is disconcerted to find herself being stalked by an unknown but comely young man. The Princesse de Cadignan, nee Diane dUxelles appears in a number of stories of the Human Comedy. Her husband left France with the Royal Family after the disasters of the Revolution of July 1830, but the Princess decided to remain in Paris. With much of the great familys fortune unavailable for her use, she determined to live in complete retirement, forgotten by society.


The Secrets Women's infidelity Why and for what Reasons Women Cheat, and how to Recognize it from A to Z

Grzegorz Kubik

Modern times are different from those of our parents. Even 10 years ago a few people had the internet at home, and today there is hardly anyone without the Internet, but on the phone. The same is with women who differs much from their mothers..Our times are dripping with nudity and sex, which pour out on us from TV screens and computers. You can see it in the commercials, music videos and newspapers. All these affects on male-female relationships.. Since women are different, so are the relationships. Nowadays, women find it easier to disclose  than even ten years ago. This book is a complete guide that describes from A to Z the secrets of women’s infidelity. What will you learn from this book?: - You will learn the reasons why a woman cheats on and what exactly pushes her into the arms of another man. In this way, you will never be surprised and thoughts like "WHY DID SHE DO THIS TO ME?"will never come to your mind. - You'll know exactly what corrupts the relationship and what behavior you have to avoid, so that your woman won't not even think about another man. Everything is discussed in great detail. - You will learn the 11 factors that instantly accelerate infidelity -you will learn how to recognize at what stage, currently, your relationship is, and you will also find out how infer from woman’s behavior whether she loves you or not, even if she tell that she does. Thanks to this, you will be able to correct the mistakes in time as well as your relationship. This knowledge will help you to nip the first symptoms of infidelity in the bud. - You will get a very precise and detailed instructions so that you learn how to easily recognize, on the basis of woman's behaviour, whether she can have someone, or even if she meets with someone else. With this knowledge you will be able to know everything from the very beginning, and not as always as the last one. The instructions will help you to avoid unpleasant STDs, which you can be infected with, after a while, by your partner. -you will know how women usually cheat on  and what they are capable of during cheating, so as not to be taken in by their white lies. -you will be given tips on how to cope after being cheated on, which will help you to make a very difficult decision regarding you as well as your relationship. You will know how to survive her infidelity, so as not to hurt so much, and whether or not this unfaithfulness can be forgiven and how to do it and how to shape your life after the relationship ended with cheating. With the guidance and knowledge, you may help not only yourself, but also your friends, giving them a very wise and specific advice.


The Seed of Empire

Fred M. White

Fred M. White wrote a story on a historical basis. Belgium is just a pawn in a game of chess, in which Germany has played continuously for the last 40 years. And now England was waiting. Black Monday was overtaken. Germany violated its solemn promise to Belgium, and England was at war with Germany, and the greatest conflict in the history of the world began.


The Self Industry: Therapy and Fiction

red. Jarosław Szurman, Agnieszka Woźniakowska, Krzysztof Kowalczyk-Twarowski

Publikacja dotyczy problemów powstałych na styku literatury i psychologii, w szczególności terapeutycznej funkcji tekstów, zarówno w odniesieniu do ich autorów, jaki i do czytelników. Autorzy poszczególnych artykułów poddają analizie różnorodne teksty kultury powstałe w dziewiętnastym i w dwudziestym wieku, pokazując, że nie tylko psychologia dostarcza narzędzi do odczytania (niekiedy na nowo) tekstów literackich, ale i literatura pomaga w zrozumieniu problemów z dziedziny psychologii.


The Self-Taught Cloud Computing Engineer. A comprehensive professional study guide to AWS, Azure, and GCP

Dr. Logan Song, Yu Meng

The Self-Taught Cloud Computing Engineer is a comprehensive guide to mastering cloud computing concepts by building a broad and deep cloud knowledge base, developing hands-on cloud skills, and achieving professional cloud certifications. Even if you’re a beginner with a basic understanding of computer hardware and software, this book serves as the means to transition into a cloud computing career.Starting with the Amazon cloud, you’ll explore the fundamental AWS cloud services, then progress to advanced AWS cloud services in the domains of data, machine learning, and security. Next, you’ll build proficiency in Microsoft Azure Cloud and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) by examining the common attributes of the three clouds while distinguishing their unique features. You’ll further enhance your skills through practical experience on these platforms with real-life cloud project implementations. Finally, you’ll find expert guidance on cloud certifications and career development.By the end of this cloud computing book, you’ll have become a cloud-savvy professional well-versed in AWS, Azure, and GCP, ready to pursue cloud certifications to validate your skills.


The Sentence of the Court

Fred M. White

The title of the story is misleading. There is no court, and no one is convicted, although the eminent specialist of Harley Street who essays the role of villain richly deserves to be. We meet some pretty charming people, as well as two extremely unpleasant people, and if the web of mystery is held together in places by a somewhat generous share of obtuseness on the part of the persons concerned it is not for us to complain, since we become aware of the defect only after the affair is over.


The Sephardim-Slavonic language contact in Bosnia. The last period (1918-1941) / Sefardyjsko-słowiański kontakt językowy w Bośni. Ostatni period (1918-1941)

Piotr Żurek

Przedmiotem niniejszej książki jest ostatni okres sefardyjsko-słowiańskiego kontaktu językowego w Bośni, mający miejsce bezpośrednio przed Holokaustem, tj. w latach 1918-1941. Monografia ta jest rezultatem badań autora prowadzonych na terytorium Bośni i Hercegowiny oraz Chorwacji. Ponieważ miejscem najpełniejszego słowiańsko-żydowskiego kontaktu językowego były ziemie polskie, publikacja ta wzorowana jest na dorobku polskiego językoznawstwa w badaniach nad aszkenazyjsko-słowiańskimi relacjami lingwistycznymi.   Piotr Żurek – dr hab., profesor Akademii Techniczno-Humanistycznej w Bielsku-Białej. Historyk i slawista, autor licznych publikacji naukowych poświęconych problematyce południowosłowiańskiej. Jego zainteresowania językoznawcze obejmują zagadnienia kontaktu językowego i języka polityki. 


The Seven Conundrums

E. Phillips Oppenheim

British author E. Phillips Oppenheim achieved worldwide fame with his thrilling novels and short stories concerning, mystery, international espionage and intrigue. Many of his novels have been adapted for the screen. Mr. Oppenheim can be depended upon to give his plots that turn which is as admirable as it is unexpected, and The Seven Conundrums is one of the best of his many good and exciting books. His plotting is as smooth as silk, with the virtue of creating believable characters of genuine sophistication and wit. Readers of Mr. Oppenheims novels may always count on a story of absorbing interest, turning on a complicated plot, worked out with dexterous craftsmanship. Highly recommended!


The Seventeen Thieves of El-Kalil

Talbot Mundy

From the point of view of a serious expert on the events, Jimmarg holds control over the situation to try and prevent bloody fighting in Jerusalem and elsewhere. It involves some trick, which makes some deals that you can not abandon with Ali Baba, the descendant of different generations. Lots of tension, a lot of camels and James Shuiller Thunder coolly do their thing.


The Seventh Man

Max Brand

Renowned Western writer Max Brand does it again in the eminently enjoyable novel "The Seventh Man". Packed with enough action and romance to please even the most die-hard fans of the genre, the novel also addresses a wide range of important themes with insight and sensitivity. This novel by Max Brand, tells part of the story of the larger-than-life western character, Dan Barry, known as "Whistling Dan". Its also the story of Kate Cumberland and the incredible five-year-old daughter of Kate and Dan, Joan. "The Untamed" is the third part of a trilogy about a mysterious gunslinger who appears to be a Casper Milquetoaste but, in concert with a powerful wolf-dog, and a murderous stallion; is able to overpower seemingly any opposing force.


The Shadow Crook

Aidan de Brune

Aidan de Brune has been described as the Edgar Wallace of Australia. De Brune was a Canadian-born writer who settled in Australia. His latest novel, The Shadow Crook, certainly justifies the claim. It is an amazing story of a master criminal who terrorized Sydney, taunted the police, and baffled the finger-print experts. The Shadow Crook raided the detective offices in Sydney, bound and gagged the fingerprint expert, and ransacked his records. Who was he? Why did he take the tremendous risk of breaking into police headquarters? What connection had he with the death of Stacey Carr, and the disappearance of valuable jewels? A very private vengeance stalks Sydneys underground.


The Shadow Kingdom

Robert E. Howard

The blare of the trumpets grew louder, like a deep golden tide surge, like the soft booming of the evening tides against the silver beaches of Valusia. The throng shouted, women flung roses from the roofs as the rhythmic chiming of silver hosts came clearer and the first of the mighty array swung into view in the broad, white street that curved round the golden-spired Tower of Splendor.


The Shadow of the Dead Hand

Fred M. White

Roy Kindermere hated one thing more than anything else: the business of Man from Blankney, whom he was forced to make a living. He had no choice because he quarreled with the last of his relatives. Mrs. Leverson is ready to pay Roy to attend her party, where guests can meet with the heir of Count Kindale. And Roy, desperate for money, readily joined this scheme.