
The Table

Here is Edgar Wallaces famous stage-play as told by Robert Curtis in story form with all the dramatic excitement and suspense that thrilled theatre-goers. Robert Curtis was the private secretary to British crime writer Edgar Wallace. Curtis and Wallace met for the first time in 1913, before parting following the outbreak of World War One, as Curtis had to do his military service. In 1918 he was reunited with Wallace who employed him as his secretary, he had the task of copying out Wallaces dictations, this task he accomplished at such a speed that he was known as the fastest secretary in England. After Wallaces death, he completed some of Wallaces unfinished manuscripts and turned several plays and film scripts into novels in the style of Wallace as well as writing several original novels.


The Tableau Workshop. A practical guide to the art of data visualization with Tableau

Sumit Gupta, Sylvester Pinto, Shweta Sankhe-Savale, JC Gillet, ...

Learning Tableau has never been easier, thanks to this practical introduction to storytelling with data. The Tableau Workshop breaks down the analytical process into five steps: data preparation, data exploration, data analysis, interactivity, and distribution of dashboards. Each stage is addressed with a clear walkthrough of the key tools and techniques you'll need, as well as engaging real-world examples, meaningful data, and practical exercises to give you valuable hands-on experience.As you work through the book, you'll learn Tableau step by step, studying how to clean, shape, and combine data, as well as how to choose the most suitable charts for any given scenario. You'll load data from various sources and formats, perform data engineering to create new data that delivers deeper insights, and create interactive dashboards that engage end-users.All concepts are introduced with clear, simple explanations and demonstrated through realistic example scenarios. You'll simulate real-world data science projects with use cases such as traffic violations, urban populations, coffee store sales, and air travel delays.By the end of this Tableau book, you'll have the skills and knowledge to confidently present analytical results and make data-driven decisions.


The Tale of Triona

William J. Locke

Trion is Alexis Trion, a man with a mysterious past, a tormented hero, a man who writes his story, which instantly becomes a bestseller. It was at this moment that Olivia enters his life. Olivia is a rich, recently orphaned young woman who wants adventure to see the world, etc. to start her new life. There she reads Alexeys book and meets him in person.


The Tale of Two Bad Mice

Karolina Jekiełek

Uproszczona lektura w języku angielskim dopasowana do poziomu A1 opowiadająca o dwóch niegrzecznych myszkach. Nowoczesne podejście gwarantuje kilka godzin pracy, aby nie tylko przeczytać tekst w języku angielskim, ale przede wszystkim opanować nowe słownictwo, przyimki oraz formy gramatyczne. Polecenia podane są w języku polskim, do wszystkich ćwiczeń dołączony jest klucz odpowiedzi. Wśród ćwiczeń m.in. czytanie z podstawianiem słów z mini słowniczka obrazkowego, czytanie z poprawianiem błędnych form, tłumaczenia zdań, zadawanie pytań, zmienianie czasu, uzupełnianie zdań, oraz przyimki. To wszystko sprawia, że czytanka zmienia się w aktywne utrwalenie słownictwa i form gramatycznych. Zapraszam do owocnej pracy zarówno młodzież, jak i dorosłych! Książeczka zawiera dodatkowe nagranie audio.     If you are studying English as a Foreign Language, and you are a speaker of Polish you are going to enjoy an English reader at A1 level. It is an adaptation of classic English literature, a lovely story about two bad mice. What do they do? Who are they? What damage do to make? Find out and enjoy the simplified classic story for children. The modern approach guarantees several hours of work, not only to read the text in English but above all, to master new vocabulary, prepositions and grammatical forms. The instructions are given in Polish, all exercises are accompanied by an answer key. The exercises include reading with substituting words from a mini glossary, reading with correcting wrong forms, translating sentences, asking questions, changing tenses, completing sentences, and prepositions. All this turns the reading into an active consolidation of vocabulary and grammatical forms. Both teenagers and adults can work fruitfully with the new English Readers! The reader contains an additional audio recording.


The Talleyrand Maxim

Joseph Smith Fletcher

The Talleyrand Maxim" belongs to the pen of an outstanding British journalist and writer Joseph Smith Fletcher. Linford Pratt is a suave and clever law clerk looking for a chance to better himself. Opportunity knocks when he gets possession of a rich mans will that would mean the ruin of the present heirs. His thoughts turn to blackmail, since he assumes the wrongful heirs would pay a high price to hang onto their wealth. Pratts personal hero is the subtle, wily diplomat Talleyrand. Self-interest is Pratts guiding principle. We watch him pondering, planning and scheming his way through one complication after another. This is a gripping detective story, with many twists and turns, based in Edwardian England. It is definitely recommended for a wide circle of readers who want to have a couple of hours of fascinating reading.


The Taming of the Shrew

William Shakespeare

Shakespeare showed us the plays in the play. In the introduction, we see that the Lord decided to play a cruel joke on a drunken brazier. They brought him to the lords house, dressed him beautifully, and assured him that past life was only a dream. And at this moment there is a troupe of actors who show the main part of the play. Unfortunately, the author did not finish the whole thing.


The Teeth of the Tiger

Maurice Leblanc

The Teeth of the Tiger was written in the year 1914 by Maurice Leblanc (translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos). Leblanc was a French novelist and short story writer known for creating the character Arsene Lupin, who is the French counterpart to the English Sherlock Holmes. This is one of three novels about Lupin written in World War 1. Complicated murder mystery in which Arsene Lupin, in his guise as a Spanish nobleman, gets embroiled in an inheritance mystery involving a beautiful woman. Lupin is s sincere hero who has failings, which ender him to the reader. This romance and adventure/thriller is by far the best of the Lupin series and is one of the most popular novels of Maurice Leblanc, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.


The Tempest

William Shakespeare

One of Shakespeares later plays. The plot focuses on the confrontation between the Duke of Milan, the Wizard of Prospero, and his brother Antonio. The latter, with the help of the Neapolitan king, takes power from his brother. Prospero, with his little daughter Miranda, was expelled from Milan. On a dilapidated ship they were sent to the open sea.


The Tempest

Adam Mickiewicz

The Tempest The sail is torn, the rudder bursts, the waters roar,  All people yell, the pumps release a baleful wail,  The ropes yanked out of deckhands’ palms: we’ve lost the sail!  Lo! Sun in blood-shade setting, hope there is no more.    The gale in triumph howls, and on the sodden hills  That rise above the chaos of the fatal sea,  A genius of death ascended, and now he  Assails the fortress long destroyed and further kills.    Some on the deck lie dying, drowning in despair;  Some fall in neighbor’s arms and sadly say good bye;  Some pray to drive the death away, some pray to die.    One passenger sat calmly in a corner there,  And thought: Oh happy he who’s swooned amid this hell,  Or prays or knows a man to say the last farewell!    [...] Adam Mickiewicz Ur. 24 grudnia 1798 r. w Zaosiu koło Nowogródka Zm. 26 listopada 1855 r. w Konstantynopolu (dziś: Stambuł) Najważniejsze dzieła: Ballady i romanse (1822), Grażyna (1823), Sonety krymskie (1826), Konrad Wallenrod (1828), Dziady (cz.II i IV 1823, cz.III 1832), Księgi narodu polskiego i pielgrzymstwa polskiego (1833), Pan Tadeusz (1834); wiersze: Oda do młodości (1820), Do Matki Polki (1830), Śmierć pułkownika (1831), Reduta Ordona (1831) Polski poeta i publicysta okresu romantyzmu (czołowy z trójcy ?wieszczów?). Syn adwokata, Mikołaja (zm. 1812) herbu Poraj oraz Barbary z Majewskich. Ukończył studia na Wydziale Literatury Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego; stypendium odpracowywał potem jako nauczyciel w Kownie. Był współzałożycielem tajnego samokształceniowego Towarzystwa Filomatów (1817), za co został w 1823 r. aresztowany i skazany na osiedlenie w głębi Rosji. W latach 1824-1829 przebywał w Petersburgu, Moskwie i na Krymie; następnie na emigracji w Paryżu. Wykładał literaturę łacińską na Akademii w Lozannie (1839), a od 1840 r. literaturę słowiańską w College de France w Paryżu. W 1841 r. związał się z ruchem religijnym A. Towiańskiego. W okresie Wiosny Ludów był redaktorem naczelnym fr. dziennika ?Trybuna Ludów? i organizatorem ochotniczego Zastępu Polskiego, dla którego napisał demokratyczny Skład zasad. autor: Cezary Ryska   Kupując książkę wspierasz fundację Nowoczesna Polska, która propaguje ideę wolnej kultury. Wolne Lektury to biblioteka internetowa, rozwijana pod patronatem Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej. W jej zbiorach znajduje się kilka tysięcy utworów, w tym wiele lektur szkolnych zalecanych do użytku przez MEN, które trafiły już do domeny publicznej. Wszystkie dzieła są odpowiednio opracowane - opatrzone przypisami oraz motywami.


The Temple of Fire. Or, The Mysterious Island

Fenton Ash

The Temple of Fire, or The Mysterious Island (1905), the authors seventh novel out of an eventual 14. It is an absorbing lost-world adventure, characterized by vividly imaginative. Francis Henry Atkins British speculative fiction writer, working mainly under two pseudonyms (Frank Aubrey and Fenton Ash) in sequence, was extremely successful and influential. He played an important role in the History of Science-Fiction.


The Tempting of Tavernake

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Tempting of Tavernake is written by Edward Phillips Oppenheim. He composed some one hundred and fifty novels, mainly of the suspense and international intrigue nature, but including romances, comedies, and parables of everyday life. The hero of this novel, however, is very unusual for several reasons. Tavernake is unemotional, unable to sympathize or even understand the most common social situations. He is diligent, precise, obsessive in his pursuit of wealth, but oblivious to the feelings of the people around him. They simply dont matter. He meets Beatrice Burnay an American in London without any money. Odd, uncomfortable, almost autistic, he rescues from hunger and possible suicide, and in return she educates him on the possibilities of human emotion.


The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

Anne Brontë

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Gilbert Markham is deeply intrigued by Helen Graham, a beautiful and secretive young widow who has moved into nearby Wildfell Hall with her young son. He is quick to offer Helen his friendship, but when her reclusive behavior becomes the subject of local gossip and speculation, Gilbert begins to wonder whether his trust in her has been misplaced. It is only when she allows Gilbert to read her diary that the truth is revealed and the shocking details of her past.


The Tenants of Malory

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

The Tenants of Malory is a sensational novel about two warring families, Verney and Fanshaw, and their mixed relationship. Arthur, the nephew of Lord Verney, cannot choose between his feelings for Margaret Fanshaw and in his favor. Through this novel, the author asks the question How many moral principles are people willing to sacrifice for a brief sense of superiority? It took a few seconds to give Tom the opportunity to explain the scene, the actor and his own resting place, his costume and the tenor of the strange womans tongue.


The Tenderfoot

Max Brand

Red Anthony had the lazy look of a tenderfoot and the lighting draw of a devil. Raised in a circus, he grew up knife throwing and horse stunt riding. He follows a Frances Jones, who has stolen his heart, out to Dodge City. On his first day searching for her he makes enemies with some criminals. Theyre soon ganging up to find him and "shoot him dead". By the time Red rode out of Dodge City, he was one of the fastest gunmen around. And on his trail was a band of the toughest, most vicious outlaws ever collected in the West. Will The Tenderfoot escape the clutches of the evil criminals? Will he ever find Frances Jones? Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre.


The TensorFlow Workshop. A hands-on guide to building deep learning models from scratch using real-world datasets

Matthew Moocarme, Anthony So, Anthony Maddalone

Getting to grips with tensors, deep learning, and neural networks can be intimidating and confusing for anyone, no matter their experience level. The breadth of information out there, often written at a very high level and aimed at advanced practitioners, can make getting started even more challenging.If this sounds familiar to you, The TensorFlow Workshop is here to help. Combining clear explanations, realistic examples, and plenty of hands-on practice, it’ll quickly get you up and running.You’ll start off with the basics – learning how to load data into TensorFlow, perform tensor operations, and utilize common optimizers and activation functions. As you progress, you’ll experiment with different TensorFlow development tools, including TensorBoard, TensorFlow Hub, and Google Colab, before moving on to solve regression and classification problems with sequential models.Building on this solid foundation, you’ll learn how to tune models and work with different types of neural network, getting hands-on with real-world deep learning applications such as text encoding, temperature forecasting, image augmentation, and audio processing.By the end of this deep learning book, you’ll have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to tackle your own ambitious deep learning projects with TensorFlow.


The Terrible Hobby of Sir Joseph Londe

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Sir Joseph is a brilliant surgeon from Australia who went mad after operating on vast numbers of soldiers during World War 1. His terrible hobby is cutting peoples heads open to steal bits of their brains. His wife is a former nurse who went mad alongside him. They are pursued across England and the continent by Mr. Daniel Rocke, codebreaker of the Foreign service: Miss Ann Lancaster, daughter of one of Londes victims, and Sir Francis Worton, known as Q20, head of the secret service. Londe adopts many disguises, and plots brilliant escapes. This short story collection also containing: The Scarlet Patch, The Terror of Elton Lodge, The House on Salisbury Plain, The Shaftesbury Avenue Murder and others.


The Terrible People

Edgar Wallace

Clay Shelton is an outstanding forger and has been capable of cheating on an entire country. One day is finally arrested, convicted of the assassination for killing a policeman and sentenced to death. His execution is performed and the case is closed. Or this is what everyone thinks, until the judge who sentenced Shelton, his prosecutor and executioner are brutally murdered by the Terrible People, an mysterious secret organization. The next name on their list is the one of Arnold Betcher Long, the private eye who had caught the infamous forger. However, Long is all but an easy target... This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1926. The Terrible People is a classic mystery novel by this pioneer of the detective genre.


The Terrible Twins

Edgar Jepson

The twins are living in relatively straightened circumstances, as their father has died, and get up to all kinds of mischief, while being governed by their own set of values. The children, however, have little dread of poverty, for when ever they desire a luxury, such as a bicycle, or a fur stole for their mothers Christmas present, they devise some means to raise the necessary funds, and they stop at nothing from inducing a rich great-aunt to endow a home for cats to poaching for pheasants, and no matter what they do they always come out victorious, even when it comes to making or marring marriages. The Terrible Twins is written in a bright and amusing style and the author has indeed drawn upon a vivid imagination to think of all the scrapes and escapades in which the terrible twins are involved.


The Terror

Edgar Wallace

A dangerous gang of criminals is imprisoned after a daring robbery, although the ringleader who masterminded the crime disappears with the loot. Finally released after ten years behind bars, they are out for vengeance on the man who betrayed them, and the trail leads to a lonely house haunted by organ music and the specter of a hooded figure who prowls its dark corridors. But the police are on their tail also wanting to find out who was behind the robbery. Another breathtaking novel by the master of mystery Edgar Wallace. Novelist, playwright and journalist, Edgar Wallace, is best known for his popular detective and suspense stories which, in his lifetime, earned him the title, King of the Modern Thriller.


The Terror and Other Stories

Edgar Wallace

The master mystery-story teller presents a collection of short stories that include The Terror and many more. A group of criminals carry out a daring robbery of an armored van. Two of the criminals are betrayed by the mastermind of the operation. After ten years in prison they come out and search for the man behind the crimes who betrayed them. This genuine mystery story takes the reader from one exciting adventure to another with all the adroitness and ingenuity of Mr. Wallaces previous successful books. One is left gasping with suspense as the many clues are unraveled only to be followed by others still more stubborn. Edgar Wallace provides a thrill of another sort!


The Thesmophoriazusae


This bold statement by Euripides is an absurd premise on which the whole game depends. Women are outraged by the image of the female as crazy, murderous and sexually depraved, and they use the Thesmophoria festival as an opportunity to discuss a suitable choice of revenge, Fearing their abilities, Euripides seeks out his tragic friend Agathon in the hope of convincing him to spy on him and become his protector at the festival a role that, of course, would require him to disguise himself as a woman.


The Thief in the Night

Edgar Wallace

Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a publishing phenomenon in his day, his name being synonymous with the word thriller, a genre some would credit him with inventing. His popularity at the time was comparable to that of Charles Dickens one of Wallaces publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. The Thief in the Night is an enjoyable easy going, fast moving mystery novella, set in England during the 1928s. Diamond plaques are being stolen from wealthy girls and poison pen letters are being delivered Inspector Jack Danton is puzzled... Wonderful entertainment and highly entertaining. If you havent discovered the joys of Wallaces thrillers there is a good place to start. Highly recommended.


The Thing on the Doorstep

H.P. Lovecraft

The Thing on the Doorstep is a short story written by H.P. Lovecraft, part of the Cthulhu Mythos universe of horror fiction. Daniel Upton, the storys narrator, begins by telling that he has killed his best friend, Edward Derby, and that he hopes his account will prove that he is not a murderer. He begins by describing Derbys life and career. Daniel Uptons relationship with his friend Edward Derby is abruptly changed after Edward becomes romantically involved with Asenath Waite. Asenaths father Ephraim dabbled in forbidden sorcery, and it looked like Asenath was following in her dads footsteps, performing mysterious occult experiments that caused Derby to become more and more unhinged... As Edwards behavior becomes more erratic and events unexplainable, Daniel investigates. There are two more prominent themes in The Thing on the Doorstep: mind-switching and gender.


The Thing That Walked in the Rain

Otis Adelbert Kline

Those readers who had been charmed by Otis Adelbert Klines swashbuckling sci-fi adventures would not have long to wait before they were treated to that novels follow-up thrill ride. The Thing That Walked in the Rain provides another interplanetary adventure. Considered by many to be the only true equal of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Otis Adelbert Kline was a master of the sword and planet genre. From his position on the original editorial staff of Weird Tales and as the literary agent for Conan creator Robert E. Howard, Kline helped shape the face of science fiction as we know it. Kline represented Howard from the Spring of 1933 until Howards death in June 1936, and continued to act as literary agent for Howards estate thereafter. This one is doing all of those things you expect and want a classic pulp sci-fi to do, not the least of which being to put a smile on your face.