
A Little Princess Level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library

Hodgson Burnett, Frances

A level 1 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Retold for Learners of English by Jennifer Bassett Sara Crewe is a very rich little girl. She first comes to English when she is seven, and her father takes her to Miss Minchin's school in London. Then he goes back to his work in India. Sara is very sad at first, but she soon makes friends at school. But on her eleventh birthday, something terrible happens, and now Sara has no family, no home, and not a penny in the world . . .


A Little Princess z podręcznym słownikiem angielsko-polskim A2

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Mała księżniczka to historia młodej Sary Crewe, która zostaje pozostawiona pod opieką szkoły z internatem Miss Minchin w Londynie, podczas gdy jej ojciec wyrusza walczyć na wojnie. Sara jest miłą i pomysłową dziewczyną, która wkrótce zaprzyjaźnia się ze wszystkimi dziewczętami w swojej klasie. Kiedy jednak umiera ojciec Sary, zostaje ona bez grosza przy duszy i zostaje zmuszona do pracy jako służąca w szkole. Sara jest okrutnie traktowana przez pannę Minchin, dyrektorkę szkoły, ale stara się zachować pozytywne nastawienie. Z niewielką pomocą przyjaciół i swojej wyobraźni, dziewczyna jest zdeterminowana, by znaleźć szczęście i swoje miejsce w świecie.


A Lodge in the Wilderness

John Buchan

John Buchan (1875-1940) was a Scottish novelist and historian and also served as Canadas Governor General. His 100 works include nearly thirty novels, seven collections of short stories and biographies. But, the most famous of his books were the adventure and spy thrillers, most notably The Thirty-Nine Steps, and it is for these that he is now best remembered. A Lodge in the Wilderness (1906) is a quasi-novel about an imaginary conference arranged by a multi-millionaire, Francis Carey, at a lodge, Musuru, located on the East Kenyan Plateau some 9000 feet above sea level, to discuss Empire. The conference is made up of nine men and nine women, taken from the upper and professional classes.


A London Life and Other Tales

Henry James

In this story, Henry James continues his favorite theme Old World vs New World. An American woman with a turbulent past, agitated, spontaneous, somewhat vulgar, but beautiful and not devoid of mind, sets out to join the European high society. For this, she tries to marry a young English Baronet on herself, a very stiff and cold man, but spellbound by that which he cannot understand. But this situation absolutely can not allow the mother of the baronet, a real English lady.


A Lost Lady

Willa Cather

This novel is dedicated to the generation of builders of the first railway in the West. This subtle powerful novel and very touching. Beautifully written in sharp, stingy language that enhances the meaning of the simplest gesture and the slightest statement.


A Lost Lady of Old Years

John Buchan

John Buchan was a Scottish author and Unionist politician who served as Governor General of Canada. He wrote a series of books that follow the adventures of Richard Hannay, an expatriate Scot who was first introduced in the classic novel The Thirty-Nine Steps. Set in Scotland in 1745, during the Jacobite Rebellion, this dark story of loyalty and betrayal on the road to Culloden Moor recounts the adventures of Francis Birkenshaw. The Jacobite cause means nothing to him until a chance meeting with the beautiful Margaret Murray presents an opportunity for profit and adventure. The fateful encounter marks the beginning of Franciss involvement with John Murray of Broughton, an infamous traitor and turncoat. Once described as a tale of adventure and betrayal on the long bloody road to Culloden Moor, A Lost Lady of Old Years is set in Scotland during the Rebellion of 45. Young Edinburgh-born Francis Birkenshaw cares nothing for the Jacobite cause until an encounter with the beautiful wife of Bonnie Prince Charlies secretary, Mrs Margaret Murray, leads to a dangerous involvement with her husband, John Murray of Broughton, an infamous turncoat. A dark and compelling portrayal of the Jacobite Rebellion.


A Lost Leader

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The state of the working class in the early 20th century caused significant changes in the left-wing political parties. The Liberal Party, which enjoyed the support of the working class, was threatened by the Party of Labor and trade unions that were in the forefront of the socialist and communist movement. In this novel, we are talking about a great deal of sympathy for the poorest workers who lost their jobs due to automation, recession and mass layoffs. The use of taxes on foreign trade to protect the British industry is a major political issue in this history.


A Lucky Dog

Max Brand

Seattle-born author who worked as a cowhand in California, attended Berkeley, joined then deserted the Canadian Army, and finally settled down to writing full-time. Max Brand was incredibly prolific and wrote numerous books under his birth name (Frederick Faust) and a variety of pseudonyms. He does it again in the eminently enjoyable novel A Lucky Dog. Hagger is a man on the run, a thief and would-be killer. Hes no good on a horse, and feels miserable and out of place in the snowbound high country. But, then, Hagger comes upon a white bull terrier, abandoned in a mountain cabin, and his whole life begins to change...


A Mad Marriage. A Novel

May Agnes Fleming

Mr. Gordon Carill marries Miss Rosamond Lovell, and then discovers that she is not the daughter of Colonel Lovell, but a girl with a low birth rate and a bad reputation, who was a concert singer. She is unusually beautiful, she is only eighteen years old, and the dark experiences of her past life, to put it mildly, had to hurry. In horror, she leaves her husband, who then pursues her.


A Maker of History

E. Phillips Oppenheim

In this romantic story tells about how in 1905 a young British tourist accidentally witnesses a strange meeting in Germany. Then, in Paris, he tells about it not in the company where it could be shared. His sister, who had to meet with him finds his brothers baggage at the hotel, but he himself disappeared. The French police are pretending to be looking for him persistently, but then the sister himself disappears. A childhood friend who is in love with her is asking her friend to help in the search. He agrees to look for this pair, finds hints, but gets a warning to stop the search.


A Man Could Stand Up

Ford Madox Hueffer

1926. A Novel. The third in a series that includes Some Do Not and No More Parades. It chronicles the life of Christopher Tietjens, the last Tory, a brilliant government statistician from a wealthy landowning family who is serving in the British Army during World War I. The novel opens on Armistice Day and follows the fortunes of Tietjens and Valentine Wannop, until their paths finally cross again in post-war London.


A Matter of Millions

Anna Katharine Green

The main plot of the story is a dying man and his will. Having no relatives, the man wants to give his money to someone worthy and resembling a woman whom he loved and lost too early. Most of the book is devoted to various actions of the characters, reactions and plans for this money millions in the title. The book also has a love story.


A Mayfair Magician

George Griffiths

George Griffiths is popular with science and science fiction novels. The desire of every person is to have the power to read minds. George Griffiths decided to make it into reality. A Mayfair Magician is a science fiction novel about a device that allows you to read minds.


A Midsummer Nights Dream

William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Nights Dream is a comedy where all the characters find themselves in a situation that completely changes their lives. In the play several plot lines that are closely intertwined with each other and affect each other. The main conflict of the play is a quarrel between the king of the elves of Oberon and his wife, Queen Titania. Because of this quarrel, all the madness of the summer night is happening. After all, Oberon decided to punish the spouse and play a little joke on her: he asks little Pac during sleep to rub Titanias eyes with a love potion so that the queen fell in love upon waking at the first comer.


A Midsummer Night's Dream - With Audio Level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library

Shakespeare, William

A level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. This version includes an audio book: listen to the story as you read. Written for Learners of English by William Shakespeare. There are broken hearts and kisses and then weddings, so this is a story about love. There are actors who are funny because they cannot act, so it is also a story that makes people laugh. And there are fairies, spirits of the night, so it is a story about mischief and magic too. What happens when love and laughter come together with magic in an Athenian forest? A Midsummer Night's Dream was written in about 1596 and is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays. It has been retold for Bookworms, not as a play, but as a story.


A Midsummer Night's Dream Level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library

Shakespeare, William

A level 3 Oxford Bookworms Library graded reader. Written for Learners of English by William Shakespeare. There are broken hearts and kisses and then weddings, so this is a story about love. There are actors who are funny because they cannot act, so it is also a story that makes people laugh. And there are fairies, spirits of the night, so it is a story about mischief and magic too. What happens when love and laughter come together with magic in an Athenian forest? A Midsummer Night's Dream was written in about 1596 and is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays. It has been retold for Bookworms, not as a play, but as a story.


A Millionaire of Yesterday

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The novel tells about the struggle of a young man for wealth in colonial Africa and about his search for happiness in this country. Although he is trying to do everything right and honest, he is prevented by many opponents who bring only a great calamity. But despite all the difficulties, the story ends with a happy end.


A Modern Cinderella. Or, The Little Old Show and Other Stories

Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott created some fascinating short stories here. A Modern Cinderella: or The Little Old Shoe And Other Stories contains four short stories by Louisa May Alcott, the author of Little Women: A Modern Cinderella, Debbys Debut, The Brothers, and Nellys Hospital. Like her more famous novels, Alcott tells stories of young women interacting with people and events from the late 1800s. Louisa May Alcott bestows a truly amusing and thoroughly modern retelling of The Brothers Grimms Cinderella. Little Women is certainly Louisa May Alcotts best known book, but dont miss her refreshing version of this classic fairy tale, A Modern Cinderella. Alcott pokes fun throughout, describing a cool blonde as having many cares those happy little housewives never know. What modern gal doesnt appreciate that those old, worn out shoes are dependable and will take you far forget impractical glass slipper or stilettos! A great addition to the Alcott library of stories.


A Modern Utopia

Herbert George Wells

H.G Wells wrote many tales of adventure and exploration, which were fascinating to early twentieth century readers as transportation to faraway lands was so difficult back then. Wells Modern Utopia was first published in 1905. It set the scene for many modern, scientific utopias and dystopias. The story is set on a planet very like earth. The Utopian Planet differs from earth in that the inhabitants have created a perfect society. Two men, the narrator and his colleague (a botanist), visit this parallel planet and argue over its merits and defects. Utopia is a world in which the problems of humanity have been solved. People live healthy, happy lives in cities where all human needs are met. The novel is best known for its idea that the Samurai, a group of nobility, could effectively rule a world. This would redress the sociological issue of progress and political stability


A Monk of Cruta

E. Phillips Oppenheim

A very interesting and early novel is extremely popular in the 1920s and 1940s by the famous author E. Phillips Oppenheim. It differs from its later works, here are considered more gloomy themes and a tragic plot. This story tells of a wealthy Englishman who fell in love with the daughter of an Italian nobleman who lives on the island of Krutha in the Mediterranean Sea. The very dark influence of the Catholic Church in this period will not prevent the victory of love and happiness.


A Mother in India

Sara Jeannette Duncan

The regiment, as usual, lacked officers, and John had to hold daytime parades three times a week. This story is about a poor guy who tried to do everything to get out of poverty. This story keeps everyone to the end.


A Mummers Throne

Fred M. White

Fritz, a wandering man. He came to the west with the generally accepted goal of finding a wife. This adventure in search of a wife, it promises to be interesting. It would not be the story of Fred M. White, if he had not added mysticism here.


A nawet mężczyzna

Małgorzata Maj

Gizela Feredyńska to niebieskooka blondynka z głosem zapłakanej pogodynki i duszą jak burzowe niebo. Ma osobistego kota, kolekcję królików i słabość do brązowych oczu. Pracuje w laboratorium, ale jej życie dalekie jest od wszelkiej sterylności i porządku. Tuż po czterdziestce, po rozwodzie, od dawna nie szuka szczęścia u boku mężczyzny. Jak to jednak z mężczyznami bywa, pojawiają się w najmniej spodziewanym momencie, niczym króliki z kapelusza. I do tego w wersjach bardzo zaskakujących. Tak jak Wojciech - bardzo przystojny, bezczelny, czarujący okulista. Młody lekarz zrobi wszystko, aby zdobyć Gizelę, mimo Drugiej...   A nawet mężczyzna to pełna tajemnic, niebanalnych smaków i smaczków historia, gdzie zło jest tak złe, że aż śmieszne, miłość tak oczywista, że aż nudna, i przypadłość tak nieoczekiwana, że aż spełniona. Książkę mogą, ale na własną odpowiedzialność, przeczytać również mężczyźni, jednakże wówczas nic już nie będzie dla nich takie samo.  


A niech to czykolada

Paweł Beręsewicz

Pęka niebo i przez szczelinę wsuwa się Dłoń. Mieszkańcy Zylirii patrzą oniemiali, jak rośnie w oczach i zbliża się do miasta. Czy po to by zmieść je z powierzchni ziemi jak okruch ze stołu, czy żeby przynieść cenny dar? Jedno jest pewne: olbrzymia Ręka zostawi po sobie ślad. Zamiesza w życiu małego Olego i jego zyliryjskich sąsiadów. Wplącze ich losy w mroczną, tajemniczą, kosmiczną historię, której prawdziwego znaczenia nigdy nie pojmą. A my? My mamy łatwiej. Leży przed nami A niech to czykolada!. A w niej klucz do Wielkiej Zagadki.