
Creative Greenfoot. Build engaging interactive applications, games, and simulations using Java and Greenfoot

Michael Haungs

Creative Motion Mastery with Adobe After Effects. Learn the ins and outs of motion graphics, post-production, rotoscoping, and VFX

Vishu Aggarwal

Creative Projects for Rust Programmers. Build exciting projects on domains such as web apps, WebAssembly, games, and parsing

Carlo Milanesi

Creative writing publicystycznych tekstów dziennikarskich

Piotr Lewandowski

Creative writing tekstów dziennikarskich

Piotr Lewandowski

Creativity and Innovation in Business and Education

Jolanta Bieńkowska

Creators of Intelligence. Industry secrets from AI leaders that you can easily apply to advance your data science career

Dr. Alex Antic, John K. Thompson

Creatures That Once Were Men and Other Stories

Maxim Gorky

Credo czyli daję serce

ks. Janusz Chyła

CREDO. Rozważania o Symbolu Apostolskim

ks. Andrzej Michalik

Creep, Shadow!

A. Merritt

Crime and Custom in Savage Society

Bronisław Malinowski

Crime and Custom in Savage Society

Bronisław Malinowski

Crime and Punishment

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Crime and Punishment

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Crimen laesae iustitiae. Odpowiedzialność karna sędziów i prokuratorów za zbrodnie sądowe według prawa norymberskiego, niemieckiego, austriackiego i polskiego

Witold Kulesza

Crimen. Opowieść sensacyjna z XVII wieku

Józef Hen

Cristiano Ronaldo. Sportowi giganci

Mateusz Miga

Critica varia

Marian Kisiel

Critical Essays

George Orwell

Critical Infrastructure Security. Cybersecurity lessons learned from real-world breaches

Soledad Antelada Toledano

Crooks in the Sunshine

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Cross Currents

Ladbroke Black

Cross-platform Desktop Application Development: Electron, Node, NW.js, and React. Build desktop applications with web technologies

Dmitry Sheiko