
Beginning Serverless Architectures with Microsoft Azure. Design scalable applications and microservices that effortlessly adapt to the requirements of your customers

Daniel Bass

Many businesses are rapidly adopting a microservices-first approach to development, driven by the availability of new commercial services like Azure Functions and AWS Lambda. In this book, we’ll show you how to quickly get up and running with your own serverless development on Microsoft Azure. We start by working through a single function, and work towards integration with other Azure services like App Insights and Cosmos DB to handle common user requirements like analytics and highly performant distributed storage. We finish up by providing you with the context you need to get started on a larger project of your own choosing, leaving you equipped with everything you need to migrate to a cloud-first serverless solution.


Beginning Server-Side Application Development with Angular. Discover how to rapidly prototype SEO-friendly web applications with Angular Universal

Bram Borggreve

Equip yourself with the skills required to create modern, progressive web applications that load quickly and efficiently. This fast-paced guide to server-side Angular leads you through an example application that uses Angular Universal to render application pages on the server, rather than the client.You'll learn how to serve your users views that load instantly, while reaping all the SEO benefits of improved page indexing. With differences of just 200 milliseconds in performance having a measurable impact on your users, it's more important than ever to get server-side right.


Beginning Swift. Master the fundamentals of programming in Swift 4

Rob Kerr, Kare Morstol

Take your first foray into programming for Apple devices with Swift.Swift is fundamentally different from Objective-C, as it is a protocol-oriented language. While you can still write normal object-oriented code in Swift, it requires a new way of thinking to take advantage of its powerful features and a solid understanding of the basics to become productive.


Behawioralne finanse przedsiębiorstw. Podstawowe podejścia i koncepcje

Jerzy Gajdka

Jedna z największych zmian, jaka zaszła w ramach rozwoju nauki o finansach na przełomie XX i XXI wieku, polega na wzroście zainteresowania finansami behawioralnymi. Ten obszar badawczy, wiążący ze sobą wiedzę przede wszystkim z zakresu finansów i psychologii, zyskał na znaczeniu w całym świecie, stanowiąc wyzwanie dla dominującej dotychczas neoklasycznej teorii finansów. W pracy dokonano przeglądu uwarunkowań, które wpływają na zarządzanie finansami przedsiębiorstw w podstawowych grupach decyzji podejmowanych w spółce, począwszy od decyzji o budżetowaniu inwestycji, poprzez finansowanie i politykę dywidendy aż do zarządzania kapitałem obrotowym.


Behind a Mask. Or, A Womans Power

Louisa May Alcott

Originally published in 1866 under the pseudonym A. M. Barnard. Louisa May Alcotts novel of romance and sexual intrigue is one of her lesser-known gems. Behind a Mask, or A Woman Power is a controversial novella; its tone and characterizations strike a markedly different chord from her best-known works, such as Little Women and Little Men. The plot of the novella is focused upon Jean Muir, who works as a governess for one of the rich families of Coventry to their sixteen-year-old daughter. She employs intrigues and manipulation to gain success in the society, starting from the family she works for. But is the beguiling Miss Muir all that she seems to be? Alcott beautifully delivers a sick and twisted tale of a woman and her arts. She put a completely new spin on Victorian literature, which could only be accomplished in American.


Behind Closed Doors

Anna Katharine Green

The last part of the book includes a chase that ends with a terrible snowstorm. The problem with this is that the twist discovered at the end is what the reader will suspect long before Mr. Grice does. She explains in detail the heart and souls of all her characters even Detective Grace.


Behind That Curtain

Earl Derr Biggers

Biggers third book in the Charlie Chan series involves the detective in a case that spans decades and continents, culminating in the city of San Francisco. This time Charlie pulls aside the curtain that conceals a mystery far in the past. The plot links a present day murder with another murder some year previously, combined with a series of disappearances of young women. Charlie Chan is still trying to leave San Francisco after a vacation that turned into a job of detection. Once again hes kept from leaving by a case: the murder of Sir Frederick Bruce, ex-head of the Criminal Investigation Unit at Scotland Yard. Despite his retirement, Sir Frederick cant resist pursuing certain unsolved cases to their end. His end comes before his success, and its Charlie Chans fate to carry on. How Charlie gets involved is a part of the deliciously complex plot that the reader can look forward to.


Behind the Throne

William Le Queux

Of course the transaction is a purely private one. There is, I suppose, no chance of the truth leaking out? If so, it might be very awkward, you know. None whatever. Your Excellency may rely upon me to deal with these people cautiously. Besides, they have their own reputation to consideras well as ours. And how much do you say they offer? asked His Excellency in Italian, so that the English servants, if they were listening, should not understand. If you accept their conditions as they stand, they pay one hundred thousand francsfour thousand pounds sterlinginto your account at the Pall Mall branch of the Credit Lyonnais on Monday next, replied the other in the same language.