
Cukiernia pod Pierożkiem z Wiśniami

Clare Compton


Piotr Bojarski

Cyber Warfare - Truth, Tactics, and Strategies. Strategic concepts and truths to help you and your organization survive on the battleground of cyber warfare

Dr. Chase Cunningham

Cybersecurity and Privacy Law Handbook. A beginner's guide to dealing with privacy and security while keeping hackers at bay

Walter Rocchi

Cybersecurity Career Master Plan. Proven techniques and effective tips to help you advance in your cybersecurity career

Dr. Gerald Auger, Jaclyn "Jax" Scott, Jonathan Helmus, Kim Nguyen, ...

Cybersecurity Leadership Demystified. A comprehensive guide to becoming a world-class modern cybersecurity leader and global CISO

Dr. Erdal Ozkaya

Cyfrowa demencja. W jaki sposób pozbawiamy rozumu siebie i swoje dzieci

Manfred Spitzer

Cygański tost

Janusz Moździerz